Why does it always happen? And how do I stop it?

I was really good at sticking to my calories for about a week and a half and according to the Biggest Loser game I lost 4lbs (not showing on tracker as my first weigh in on there had me at 5lbs heavier than my original scales did). Then I had a sleepless night caused by major back pain that came out of nowhere and kinda fell off the wagon. Not just a little bit though. It was more like I pole vaulted off the wagon and then glided until I was about as far away as it was possible to get. Crisps, cake, chocolate, chips, you name it and I ate it. For 4 days! It seems to be a pattern with me, I start eating properly then get ill or hurt and it all goes out the window. Does anyone have any advice on how to stick to eating properly when feeling like death warmed up? I can get back on track easily enough but the days I'm ill are usually enough to put any weight I've lost back on :sad:


  • sheilabennett
    That sounds exactly like me. The only thing I can do, is once I recognize what is happening I give myself that day. I can't just turn the binge off, so i tell myself that I can be in a funk for the rest of the day, but that tomorrow its over and I am starting again. I find that my binges don't last as long anymore. just a day or two now, where before it would have been a week or more. I also make sure that I prepare all my healthy food for the next day. That way there are no excuses. AND I throw out whatever is left over of the junk food (if there is any!)

  • rachel5576
    rachel5576 Posts: 429 Member
    I've noticed the same pattern in myself. I eat super healthy for about a week week and a half then go crazy for 2-4 days. I have noticed if i dont drink enough water that is a trigger or lack of sleep.
    Good luck and try not to beat yourself up that bad. just hop back on when you can.
  • lovinyoutwo
    lovinyoutwo Posts: 37 Member
    Don't worry I do the same thing, but my thing is , I get bored and then I stop. This time is different, I keep telling myself u can do this and I try to picture my self at a healthy weight and in cute clothing. Good luck, U can do this!!!!
  • gmattach
    My advice is first of all to stop beating yourself up about "pole vaulting off of the wagon" (very funny way to put it, by the way), it just makes you miserable and you eat more. You are human and will have slip ups, let it go. Start again to eat healthier. Second of all, don't keep any or a minimal amount of bad food in your house. Make a point to get healthy, but tasty snacks to keep at home. The good news is tomorrow is a new day. I bet if you asked MFP members to tell you about their favorite healthy snacks they would come out of the woodwork to do so! We love to share! Okay, do take it easy on yourself and start again. I have been known to throw out bad food that I "just wanted a taste of", but then couldn't stop "tasting". I hope you have a great day! I requested you as a friend. :) Gina
  • Sezmo83
    Sezmo83 Posts: 331 Member
    Thanks everyone, back on the wagon today and hopefully for many more days to come. Illness is definitely my trigger as I can completely ignore the chocolate fudge cake, ice cream and other yummy but unhealthy stuff my husband has in when I'm feeling alright, as soon as I'm feeling slightly under the weather though I just go for them and stuff my face :grumble: I don't usually beat myself up for falling off the wagon but the last 4 days have been horrible. I actually felt ill from all the rubbish I've been eating but it didn't stop me eating it

    I made myself a horrible motivational desktop background for my computer. Maybe seeing a pic of myself every day will help me stay on track :laugh:
  • superwmn
    superwmn Posts: 936
    You know what to do, so I won't bore you with 'just eat less and move more...even when you're injured'.

    From reading your post is seems to me that food is more than just energy and nourishment to you. If you're eating when you're not hungry, there's something else going on. If you're eating for any reason other than satiation, there's something else going on. If you're eating past fullness, there's something else going on.

    If you're reaching for food when you're not hungry, as yourself 'what are you hungry for?'. Are you hungry to not be bored? Hungry for comfort? Hungry for the escape/high that food can bring?

    Eating when you're hungry and giving yourself what you REALLY need (comfort, entertainment, escape is a different topic that we can discuss via messaging if you like) when you're not hungry makes the journey so much easier :)

  • rclarke05
    I'm the same way......when it comes to any stressful events in my life. Its like..in my mind...I give myself permission to indulge.... which is why I'm overweight. I just need to stop giving myself permission.