I need help :(

My name is Alicia. I'm 18 and not happy with my weight... I know many would say that I'm young so exercise should be easy, but its nor for me. I started using this last year and just fell through the cracks but I'm thinking is because I was all alone here. I think maybe if this time around I make friends on the way I will stick to it...while watching other achieve their goals which will be motivating to me. I want to lose 40 lbs. That's my goal. I would love to have atleast supporting me wneed I attempt to reach my goal. Perhas I can get advice on how to go about this. I really just need guidance. Please help.


  • links_slayer
    links_slayer Posts: 1,151 Member
    if your only goal is to lose weight it's as simple as:

    eat fewer calories than you expend during the day.
  • AnabolicKyle
    AnabolicKyle Posts: 489 Member
    use the search bar

    if you have a specific question than ask away

    eat less cals than you use
    eat a minimum of 90g of protein
    lift weights
    eat foods that fill you up
    less processed
    do cardio if you need to burn extra cals

    ohh and track your food
  • cassylee
    cassylee Posts: 107 Member
    My advice is to look at the groups and topics. If you find a person who is helpful and is similiar to you in age or have similiar interests, then send them a friends message. Most people are open to having lots of friends, most of us will encourage you. Some people will unfortunately give you stupid advice or are rude but dont let those people turn you off. There is less than 5 % of those people.

    Dont worry about your age or fitness, I have seen lots of young people on the forums and in groups with varying degress of fitness. All you have to do is look and if you see someone you like to be friends with, just ask them. You can add me as a friend, if you want someone to start you off.
  • samrockrocks
    samrockrocks Posts: 251 Member
    Drink less soda/pop, juice, coffee, etc and more water! I have one mountain dew a day and otherwise drink water or hot tea. You'd be surprised how many calories you can drink!

    MODERATION. I cannot and will not stop eating chocolate. I LOVE it. I just don't eat thousands of calories in one sitting.

    Be honest with yourself. It's really hard at first! Whether you actually log all the food you ate or not, you still ate it! Track it all and see the results. When I first started out, I measured everything. I even scooped butter with a measuring spoon before putting it on my toast a few times. People generally under estimate and that's not going to help you.

    I'm adding you.
  • Hi Alicia,
    Don't be discouraged -- not everyone actually likes to exercise; maybe you can find a friend to walk with a few times a week, which is really a great idea whether or not you want to lose weight. When you do it together with a friend (even at the gym on the treadmill), time flies and you're having fun :)
    The biggest problem for me was how I viewed food: I LOVE to eat, and found that I was doing it out of enjoyment, habit, stress, because I was bored, or even just needing a drink and mistaking it for hunger. But whatever the reason, I was simply eating too often and too much food! Exercise didn't even come into play here, as I'm fairly active and have always enjoyed exercise... but still always struggling to drop those 15 pounds I had picked up as I got older (I'm 48).
    I would like to recommend a couple books that helped me immensely in my search not only for a healthy comfortable weight, but for better health in general. The information in them can help you reach your goal, and stay their for life, because they don't give you a quick-fix diet, but rather a very doable way to live. Check out www.theedendiet.com (The Eden Diet) and www.the5-2dietbook.com (The 5:2 Diet Book). I've reached my goal, and I feel great! You can too!
    Best of luck, girl!
  • Licia121
    Licia121 Posts: 3 Member
    I'm sorry for all the mistakes I made typing, I did it on my phone last night in tears. I really do appreciate the responses and request. Thank you so much.