I'm never going to get there!need tips:)

I've been doing the my fitness pal app on in off for months it seems like I do great the first few days then fall into eating the wrong things or over eating . What made you say ok I'm going to do this in stick to it I'm so tired of trying and failing time after time. I use to be small and battle in loss the weight when I was younger and it seems like when I started having kids and more stress I have no time to take care of me I need some encouragement to get with it and stay with it!!!


  • Sobeone
    Sobeone Posts: 72
    What did it for me was probably age. I'm 48, I had tons of excuses like I'm disabled, I don't need to impress anyone, deaths in family so I'm to depressed and excuse after excuse. Finally I said, I want to live. Nothing to do with wanting to be skinny. As you get older you start to realize how precious life is. and I knew I better get healthy quick. There's no quit in me either. I put 100% in to it so there is no thinking of quit, this is me a healthy person. I don't look at it as a diet this is a life style change and I love it.