Compound lifting with tendonitis (ankle)... need ideas

My lifting program has been derailed by a severe case of Posterior Tibial Tendonitis. Recently I got off crutches and I spoke to my physical therapist and this is the summary of my restrictions for lifting ....

Lifts I can't do:
Front squats, Back squats, Power cleans, "traditional" deadlift (knees bent)

Lifts I can do:
Bench, OHP, straight legged deadlift, barbell rows

When i asked her for suggestions of other lifts i could try she admitted she didn't know enough about lifting to suggest anything.
Any other suggestions for compound lifts that i might be able to do?


  • talaysia3
    talaysia3 Posts: 84 Member
    I had surgery for this about 2 years ago. One thing that I would suggest is building up your muscles by doing calf raises, walking on your heels, and walking on your toes, doing side steps, use a band and wrap around your foot and push your foot like your pushing a car pedal...these are some of the different exercises that helped strengthen my ankle so now I can do all the lifts that you have listed that you can't do. And if you can do these in a pool that works even better.
  • michael1976_ca
    michael1976_ca Posts: 3,488 Member
  • Cherimoose
    Cherimoose Posts: 5,208 Member
    With those limitations, i would drop the compound movement requirement temporarily while your tendon heals, and just focus on maintaining muscle mass. Leg extensions, leg curls & hip machines work for that, in addition to the straight-leg DLs. Ask your PT before doing calf extensions.
    As far as upper body, i would need to know what your goal is.

    What do you think caused it?

    Do you have flat arches?