Ideal weight for male at 5'10

Well im currently 177 pounds and was thinking anywhere in between 160-168 would be perfect, have a gut and have gave up drinking so hopefully that disappears soon. I definitely think I could get into that bracket by christmas but was just wondering is that a good weight?


  • heatedarrow
    Depends on a lot of factors, but if you just wanted to go by BMI, for a male that is 5'10.. A "healthy" weight is anything within the 145-170 range..

    With that said I don't know your %BF, or fitness goals. They have been talking recently of a "skinny fat" epidemic, which is quite interesting/controversial.
  • NRBreit
    NRBreit Posts: 319 Member
    Your frame size will have an impact on your ideal weight range. You can do an internet search on 'ideal weight frame size' and find a bunch of info on how you can calculate this.
  • thmgoodw
    Well im currently 177 pounds and was thinking anywhere in between 160-168 would be perfect, have a gut and have gave up drinking so hopefully that disappears soon. I definitely think I could get into that bracket by christmas but was just wondering is that a good weight?

    As others have mentioned, a lot of it depends on your bone structure, how much muscle you carry (or want to have), and how lean you want to get. I am also 5'10, and for me, about 175# and 10% bodyfat is my goal. For BMI purposes, the "normal" range is something like 129# to 174#, or something like that at our height, which kind of cracks me up, because any male at the bottom half of that range is going to look awfully scrawny, IMO.
  • jerryh100000
    Thanks everyone i have a big enough chest and arms so was thinking between 160 and 165, think anything under would be too skinny. currently at 175 so hopefully can lose another 10 in 5-6 weeks
  • Domineer
    Domineer Posts: 239 Member
    Well I am 5'10 and i weigh 256 currently. According to the ideal weight and frame size calculator, I am 79lbs overweight. However I carry weight well because it evenly distributes over my entire body. My physician says that I would be healthy at 220lbs. That would take me down to a BMI of 29. I know that is not the idea range of 25 but since I haven't been that weight since middle school/ high school, I would be able to move around like a person 195-205. I have large broad shoulders. Besides, women don't want a thin frail man, unless she is into acrobats and runners.
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