Pointers on incorporating diet into life at home?

rebeccacantrell03 Posts: 11 Member
edited November 2023 in Getting Started
This weekend I didn't login, which I am now paying for with some significant weight gain. I do very well all day long at work. When I get home in the evenings and weekends, it is so much harder. My kids and husband are not on a diet, so I can't always stay away from my trigger foods. When I do get to go out to eat with my family, I don't make the best choices. I need some pointers on staying motivated to log in and track calories on weekends, and not just weekdays. If I don't get better at this, I feel like the whole week is a waste! This weekend in particular, I gained back what it took me a week and a half to lose. I can't keep doing that. Does anyone have similar struggles and maybe some tips on how you stay on track?


  • SideSteel
    SideSteel Posts: 11,068 Member
    Isn't the motivation inherent in the fact that you're spinning your wheels by undoing all of your progress over the weekend?

    I'm not trying to state the obvious here, but at some point if you were to fail enough times and come to the realization that your weekend behaviors are preventing you from reaching your goals, then wouldn't you change those behaviors if your goal is important enough to you?

    How often are you going out to eat?

    What is preventing you from logging in on the weekends? It takes about 5 to 10 minutes to log your food. Why are you making the choice to neglect this?
  • mlegosz
    mlegosz Posts: 74 Member
    Some things I do to help me through weekends:
    1) Always log, even if you go way overboard.
    2) Minimize junk food in the house. At least always have healthy alternatives for yourself even if everyone else isn't buying in to health eating, i.e. when the grab a cookie, you grab an apple.
    3) When you go out to eat, take 5 minutes to check the website of the place you're going to - most chains have nutrition information. Choose what you'll eat before you go. If the place you're going to doesn't have this info, use the knowledge you've gained to make a good choice. Salad not fries, wraps not burgers, light beer instead of full, diet soda/pop instead of the full sugar.
    4) Have a light lunch if you know you'll go over at dinner. My current favorite is a salad with a hard boiled egg & a small tin of tuna
    5) Get in a good workout on the day you're eating out.
    6) Drink plenty of water with your means to help that full feeling come sooner.
    7) Portion control. You can have fries, just don't eat all of them. Take a handful and put the rest on somebody else's plate.

    Good luck finding something that works for you.

  • HRgoldenlife
    HRgoldenlife Posts: 53 Member
    It is tough isn't it? I face the same with hubby and kids. Let me tell you what helps me, I do most of the food shopping and when hubby does it, he knows what NOT to bring into the house. Hubby and kids are not dieting, but I am raising them to eat well. So, we just do not buy cookies, sugar cereal, etc. We do once in a while buy ice cream or something for a treat, but these foods are not in the house regularly, and therefore not available for those cravings. We do not drink soda, always eat brown rice or whole wheat bread, and do not fry food, so that is never in the house, etc. Cuts a lot of calories. When I do have a craving, I reach for a 100calorie pack of something or another.

    I appreciate sidesteels tough love, but I am here to tell you I can relate. It took me a long time to get it together, but with practice and commitment it gets easier. When we go out to dinner it is so tough, and I can tell the days I will have will power and some days I say forget it...and cannot control the desire to have dessert or something my family is having. Those days I chalk up to a cheat day etc. I found myself caving too often lately, so now I am trying to get back in the game and stop doing that.

    Can you change your shopping habits for food you keep on hand and not allow certain things in the house? How about getting the whole family to eat better....not diet, but better food choices. Also, set some goals when you go out....like, this weekend maybe commit to cutting out one trigger. Is it soda for you, fried food, desserts? So let's say first you allow yourself 1 soda, but no refills and no dessert. Then keep at it and then cut the soda out altogether. Or you can just say these are the things I WILL NOT EAT, and just don't. Tough I know. But I have that list. Took time but I never eat those things now. Get hubby on board for some encouragement and tough love when he sees you going for certain things. Good luck! You can do it.
  • ...but at some point if you were to fail enough times and come to the realization that your weekend behaviors are preventing you from reaching your goals, then wouldn't you change those behaviors if your goal is important enough to you?

    This. 100%. Unfortunately there's no quick fix here other than waking up and smelling the coffee. You just have to realize it's not worth sabatoging a weeks worth of work for the weekend.

    You say you go out to eat. I'm assuming that's just for one meal. What about your other meals? You can still have a healthy breakfast and lunch and then maybe splurge a bit more at dinner.

    I'm constantly seeing chips and sour candy in my house which are my trigger foods. If I feel like I need to have some, I do. But I don't sit down with the full bag, I portion it out and enjoy it for a few days in a row if I have to in order to satisfy the craving.

    You're going to have to do this forever, so isn't it worth it to figure out a way to make it work permanently?
  • Can you really remember how "delicious" that super sauced up bacon double cheeseburger was the next day? Two days later? Generally, I use that as a rule of thumb when ordering out, and it helps me choose the better option. Granted, I'm not saying cheeseburgers are the devil, and should at all cost be avoided... anything in moderation and all that jazz. It's just one of the things that has helped me in the past when making dining choices. Plus, food that used to taste amazing to me, now tastes too sweet... or too greasy...

    Also, if your family doesn't want to eat "healthy"... fix a separate option for yourself, or just moderate. Even though it's a huge bonus to get them to eat healthier, especially when talking about kids, you're doing this for yourself and realizing that will go a long way.

    *And not everything works the same for everyone. Find the motivations and tips that work for you. The above has just been from my experience.
  • You're going to have to do this forever, so isn't it worth it to figure out a way to make it work permanently?

    Fact. That's the key to successful "dieting" in my opinion. Learning yourself how to eat properly for when you hit your goals... making a lifestyle change versus going on a diet.
  • rebeccacantrell03
    rebeccacantrell03 Posts: 11 Member
    SideSteel, weekends are hectic and I guess I haven't gotten into the habit of logging in yet since its just my second week. I do realize that its crazy to ignore my obligations during the weekends, and it is something that I don't want to happen again which is why I have asked for pointers from others who might share these struggles. I stated that I don't go out to eat often, I guess thats why I feel like a little splurge is ok since I work so hard during the week. I realize now that I am wrong, and hopefully it wont happen again.
  • rebeccacantrell03
    rebeccacantrell03 Posts: 11 Member
    Thanks, Mark. That's the kind of stuff that I find helpful.
  • SideSteel
    SideSteel Posts: 11,068 Member
    SideSteel, weekends are hectic and I guess I haven't gotten into the habit of logging in yet since its just my second week. I do realize that its crazy to ignore my obligations during the weekends, and it is something that I don't want to happen again which is why I have asked for pointers from others who might share these struggles. I stated that I don't go out to eat often, I guess thats why I feel like a little splurge is ok since I work so hard during the week. I realize now that I am wrong, and hopefully it wont happen again.

    I'm not suggesting that eating out is wrong, but I am curious how often it happens. It IS fine to treat yourself. But if the frequency or magnitude of those "treats" prevents you from making progress then something has to change.
  • Four_Leaf_Clover
    Four_Leaf_Clover Posts: 332 Member
    I struggle with this, too. This weekend was not pretty for me, but usuall I can make it work.
    Here are some things that have helped me:

    Plan out your meals (I plan for the entire month, including weekends) - and I cook usually 6 nights per week. This has not only saved me a lot of calories, but a lot of money!

    Make sure you have lots of delicious healthy choices in your house.

    My DH has his own little stash of treats tucked away - out of sight, out of mind.

    My kids get some treats, but generally I pick things that I don't like as much, but they do. Then I am not tempted.

    Make sure to get in a nice longer workout on the weekends - it will give you more room calorically if you want to go out to eat, etc.

    Don't waste your calories on things that you do not really want or enjoy. For example, we will occasionally take our kids to a donut shop that they love. I had one a few weeks ago and it really was not worth it to me. I know now - I'll just stick with coffee next time.

    You can do this!

    Edited to add - do you use the MFP app? That is the key for me with logging. I always have my phone, so I can always log! If I am going out, I will even prelog to see what my options are and what they will add up to.
  • epazia
    epazia Posts: 126 Member
    You said the family was not on a diet. Such a dirty little word! I explained to my family that I needed some help to get healthy and the eating out all the time and the bags of candy they thought they were being nice in giving me were really bad for me. Now they are on board, my hubby is actually eating alot of the same food I am and my kids, who granted are adults, are more understanding and helpful, I think your younger kids could be helpful to.
  • beachlover317
    beachlover317 Posts: 2,848 Member
    Someone once told me, " when you are READY to lose weight, you will".

    I never believed this, but as others have stated here, when you are ready to put in the work and dedication it will take - you will do it. When it is YOUR priority, it will finally work - and work on weekends too. Good luck.
  • rebeccacantrell03
    rebeccacantrell03 Posts: 11 Member
    SideSteel, weekends are hectic and I guess I haven't gotten into the habit of logging in yet since its just my second week. I do realize that its crazy to ignore my obligations during the weekends, and it is something that I don't want to happen again which is why I have asked for pointers from others who might share these struggles. I stated that I don't go out to eat often, I guess thats why I feel like a little splurge is ok since I work so hard during the week. I realize now that I am wrong, and hopefully it wont happen again.

    I'm not suggesting that eating out is wrong, but I am curious how often it happens. It IS fine to treat yourself. But if the frequency or magnitude of those "treats" prevents you from making progress then something has to change.
  • GardenGirlie
    GardenGirlie Posts: 241 Member
    MFP is what I do every morning, 7 days a week. I make my cup of coffee and log on while drinking it. This is my routine during the week before getting ready to go to the office as well as how I start each weekend day. It gives m e time to set the day up for success. Reading my friends updates, looking at my current stats and spending a bit of time on the message boards puts me in the frame of mind I need to be in to do this. I get a ton of support here but one thing I don't get is motivation. That has to come from inside of us. Then it is all about what we do with it. Where we spend our time. What we do to succeed. How we reach for help from others as well as giving help to others, etc.

    I usually log my lunch and dinner in the morning and have a pretty good idea of what the day is going to hold. There might be a few variations from time to time and once in awhile I scrap dinner for something entirely different, but most days it is fairly spot on. If I head into the day knowing where my numbers are gong to fall it winds up being a very good day and totally lends not only to my mental well being but makes me stronger in getting in my water and such too. It is all about having a plan for me.

    You might want to try learning to teach yourself, and your family, that the first 10 or 15 minutes of the day out of bed are your time. It's worth a shot. :-)
  • rebeccacantrell03
    rebeccacantrell03 Posts: 11 Member
    SideSteel, fair enough. I agree completly. To be honest, this is the first time that I have been honest with a weekend setback. Usually I pretend it did not happen. Maybe if I am finally up front about it and don't hide from it, I can change it.
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    I eat out probably once a week on average and it has never stopped me losing or maintaining my weight...

    You just gave to learn that you DONT need 3 courses, you can make good choices when you're out, if you want to, and you can balance your weekly cals to stay in a deficit if you want to put the effort into working out and planning your food....
  • rebeccacantrell03
    rebeccacantrell03 Posts: 11 Member
    Thanks, everyone. Its nice to know that there are other people just like me and they have still had success. Next Monday I am going to login and post about my weekend success!
  • loserlee123
    loserlee123 Posts: 109 Member
    I hear ya! I just made a decision this time to plan better. I track before I eat and try to stick with what I logged (of course I don't always and just go in and adjust my diary). It is almost impossible to go out to dinner and find something that fits into the calorie budget even if it is a salad so I eat lightly my other two meals, get in some exercise and go on to the restaurants website and figure out the calories, track it and do not let myself order something else when I get there.

    Plan in a snack so that you don't feel deprived. Last night the family was ordering in sesame chicken (fried) and french fries. I made the decision not to have that so I had a sandwich and soup (which I thoroughly enjoyed) and it left me with extra calories to have some ice cream later too.

    And if you indulge and go over when you go out to eat so what, just don't do it all weekend!!

    Plan, plan, plan, you can do this!
  • ames105
    ames105 Posts: 288 Member
    I find that pre-logging food works for me, particularly when going out to eat. I look up the restaurants nutrition guide online. I make my choice and I log it. When I get to the restaurant, I don't even open the menu to be tempted by anything else. I also will divide my food in half and pack it up before I even start eating.

    It is a lot harder when you have a family but the point is to have healthy habits and those should be shared with the family too. I know kids enjoy their junk food but maybe you could turn it into a 'lets help mom' type of situation. They can learn healthy habits at the same time.

    Also, when eating at home in the evenings, fix your plate before you sit down, no going back for seconds. Keep busy doing activities instead of snacking in the evening.

    You do have to remain dedictaed every single day. You are dedicated to your family every single day, you have to give the same dedication to your health and yourself.
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    This weekend in particular, I gained back what it took me a week and a half to lose. I can't keep doing that. Does anyone have similar struggles and maybe some tips on how you stay on track?

    How much did you lose and then regain in a single weekend. A lot of it is probably just water weight. Drink more water than usual and drink/eat something high in potassium and that should resolve itself quickly.

    Logging is not required for weight loss, it's just a tool that may make it easier. Eating responsibly is required. I don't log on the weekends either and I always eat more on the weekends. I eat lighter throughout the week because I'm not inclined to change this habit. But, I'm also much more active on the weekends, since I have a desk job during the week.

    The key is finding an eating pattern that works for you.
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