Hello Everyone!

Mallory131 Posts: 1
edited September 22 in Introduce Yourself
Hi everybody,

My name is Mallory. I am 20 years old and weigh 175 pounds. I have two children, which started my whole weight gaining issue. Ha. But I love my children. =) I found out yesterday that I have the onset on type 2 Diabetes, and need to lose some weight and start exercising. I know this is going to be hard, but it will motivate me even more to stick with the diet and lose the extra pounds. I want to weigh about 145. I would even be happy with 150. But hopefully, this website will help me keep track of my meals and snacks. Oh yeah, I also have hypoglycemia, so therefore, I have to pretty much eat constantly throughout the day to make sure my blood sugar doesn't drop. This will make it even harder. But, I gotta do it! Good luck to all you others who are struggling with my issue and problems of your own. It will take time, but as long as we stick with it, it will work!


  • mama0f4
    mama0f4 Posts: 15
    you CAN do it :) good luck!:drinker:
  • Hey and welcome. You're right, getting healthy is not easy but neither is living with and managing diabetes. You are on the right track by joining this site. As long as you make right choices, you can't help but succeed. Good luck. :smile:
  • Hey Mal!! We can lose this "baby fat" together! I'm proud of u for taking the initiative to be a healthier mom! I need to lose at least 75 lbs! Whew! let's do this!!
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