Getting Re-Started! Ten by Christmas Challenge?

I've been a member here for a couple years. Over the summer, I've let my weight creep up due to lots of gooooood dining and good wines!

Time to get back to work! I'd like to see the summer weight "FALL" away (that certainly makes it sound easy, which I know it won't be!), and a couple extra pounds for good measure.

Anyone else out there up for a lose 10 by Christmas challenge? That is 8 (?) weeks away or so?

My plan: starting off with a modified South Beach theme, no white food, cut waaaay back on the nightly wine (which will result in more whine, but whatever), and increase the veggies. Also need to step up the excercise.

Did you know the current US recommendation is that we all get 60 minutes of exercise per day??? I'm making that part of my challenge but considering in my new job I'm SITTING all day long, it's gonna be tough. Anyone with thoughts on getting those minutes in?? I can get it done on the weekends, usually!!

I'll park even further from the store (ugh, even in the rain!), and start getting up early enough to walk the dog EVERY morning.

Ideas? Happy Sunday all!


  • bellanoelle
    bellanoelle Posts: 105 Member
    Count me in for the challenge....I have not been exercising faithfully. Today I will plan my weekly exercise into my calendar each's the only way I can see it happening. Also, water, water, water....have to up it by double if I am to be drinking half my weight. Good luck!
  • I have a desk job, so I know the struggle of trying to stay active during the week. I have just joined a 24 hour gym which will help, as I can head down there on weeknights when my son is in bed. Apart from that at work I try to get up as often as possible. We have a large staircase about 2 minutes walk from our work door, so I plan to spend at least one of my breaks climbing them (with walking there and back, that will make 10 minutes). I also pick up my son from day care after work and as long as it is not storming or raining too hard I walk him home, giving me about 40 minutes more exercise.
  • I'm in. I having been doing bad lately, but I definitely haven't been doing good. I have been eating a lot of sweets (so hard to resist when they are handing them out daily so close to Halloween) and been drinking 3-4 sodas per week (gasp!) I have been getting my exercise for the most part even though I haven't been pushing myself. I am recommitting so that by the first of the year I can be at the 100 lb lost mark. Good luck to all.
  • I'm in too!
  • MelissaPhippsFeagins
    MelissaPhippsFeagins Posts: 8,063 Member
    I'm in. 10 lbs by Christmas would get me to 11 pounds from my goal. :-)

    Ideas for additional exercise: walk on a 10 minute break. I walk down the stairs around my office building twice and ride the elevator back up. (I work on the 6th floor, my coworkers don't want to smell my sweat from walking up six flights of a glassed in stairwell. It's a sauna in there. I often walk up them in the morning before the sun reaches them.)

    I get in 25-28 minutes on my lunch break walking with a co-worker.

    I have a dog who gets a long walk most evenings after dinner

    If you live close enough and aren't buying a lot, walk to and from the grocery. I do this when I only need milk and bread. It's a couple mile round trip.
  • dunbar8133
    dunbar8133 Posts: 5 Member
    Sure! Sounds like a great idea, I just bought a new treadmill and I've been using it often. I just started my weight loss journey...again. I really plan on sticking to it until the end this time around. Small goals like this (baby steps) seem to work best for me, if I look at the long term goal it just gets daunting lol. I plan on being more aware of my calorie intake and upping my exercise. I've been getting at least 30 minutes a day in, I'll do my best to at least a full 60. Good luck everyone!
  • mrshudson813
    mrshudson813 Posts: 128 Member
    Sounds like a good challenge. I'm 100 lbs overweight so I think I should be able to lose a little more than 10 lbs by Christmas. The last time I watched my calorie intake and exercised, I lost 10 lbs in 2 weeks. Granted, this was mostly water weight but still. So, I think I will shoot for 15 lbs by Christmas (just in case my body wants to be stubborn and not let go of the weight).
  • lanafalls
    lanafalls Posts: 6 Member
    I'm in! I've been super awesome lately about hitting the gym at least 4 times a week. I need to get better about what I eat though. Having a goal will totally help. I need to be kept accountable. I'm what you might call a slacker.
  • NormaV14
    NormaV14 Posts: 349 Member
    I'm in. Need a challenge to get there. It's more than what I set my goal at, but not more than is reasonable.
  • count me in :-)
  • MicMar66
    MicMar66 Posts: 186 Member
    I'm in!!! 10 lbs. by Christmas...that's an awesome goal!! I will be walking the track again on Saturday morning if you're interested.
  • Count me in!! I need the motivation, been slacking on the exercise lately. I am a very busy mommie 6 kids 3 mine and 3 my hubbys. Between cross country and b ball and golf It has been hard finding time, and when I do have time I am exhausted. this might just be the ticket to get me back in the swing of things:)
  • alterone1982
    alterone1982 Posts: 18 Member
    Count me in!
  • agnes1377
    agnes1377 Posts: 671 Member
    Count me in too. I need some motivation!
  • lalakeim
    lalakeim Posts: 4 Member
    First time being part in an online group. This sounds like a great goal for me. I'm 5'4" and 156... I'm going to be 30 in less than a month and don't want to be as chubby on my BDay!
  • JennieT7161
    JennieT7161 Posts: 20 Member
    I'm in! I've been wishing I had a challenge to keep me on track!

    This is my first challenge on here...what do I need to know?

    I'm planning on tracking BLT (which I've been very horrible at). I need consistency.
  • ShaeB32
    ShaeB32 Posts: 12 Member
    I'm getting in on this one too. Maybe doing a challenge will hold me more accountable.

    Looking forward to the weight loss challenge.
  • fitKT2B
    fitKT2B Posts: 39 Member
    I'm in. Hoping this will get me back on track.
  • HRgoldenlife
    HRgoldenlife Posts: 53 Member
    I am in. Hoping to lose more but this will be a great start
  • prettykitty01
    prettykitty01 Posts: 26 Member
    I'm in! Fall is a good time for me to lose weight because the great weather motivates me to exercise outdoors!