New to the site!

Hey, guys! I'm Alli, and I'm new to the site, but I've been working on weight-loss for around 6 months now. I started exercising and monitoring calories in April, and since then my weight has dropped from 196 pounds (at 5'5") to 145, and I have lost 10 inches off my waist.

I joined the site because I needed a calorie tracker for my weight training class, and I just love fitness so I figured it would be nice to join the forums and get involved in a community. Maybe I can help motivate some people, or get some motivation when I get frustrated. I am probably going to make a health and fitness blog sometime soon as well, that way I can share some of my tips & helpful recipes to make weight loss more fun for people who follow it.

Anyways, hope to talk to some of you guys soon!
