smitty328 Posts: 164 Member
edited September 22 in Health and Weight Loss
I am slightly disappointed!!! I started my 1200 cal and workout a week ago and I have lost a pound...as in 1lb! I haven't ever worked out everyday like I have been in the past week. I need some advice....should I stop working out and stick to my 1200 cals and hope that works or keep working out and try to eat my work out cals too???? I thought if anything my body would go into some shock and I would lose more. I have my settings set to 2lbs a week and I have been really good!!! What am I doing wrong here. My scale is stuck on the same dang number every morning! I see these people losing pounds every week...what's the tricks???? If you have any suggestions I am open to hear them all!!! Thanks Pals!


  • jmmtaylor
    jmmtaylor Posts: 225
    Keep doing what your doing and listen to your body. If you are starving at the end of the day, it wouldn't hurt to eat a few of the exercise cals. Your body needs time to adjust to what your doing. You will see the results soon!
  • erickirb
    erickirb Posts: 12,294 Member
    Workout and eat your exercise calories. 1200 net is the min you should get the; net mean after taking into account exercise. If have only been eating 1200 and burned 300 through exercise it is as if you only ate 900 cals (1200-300), your body needs more fuel than that. Try eating 75% or so of your exercise calories for a couple of weeks and see if that works.
  • Im right there with you!! WTH I have been stuck at 150lbs for weeks~I eat 1200 and work out 6 times a week~I am kinda of with it because i can see my body transforming~I still am 15 pounds lighter then I was =)
    JDMPWR Posts: 1,863 Member
    Can we see your food log?
  • eillamarie
    eillamarie Posts: 862 Member
    You may not be challenging your muscles enough...or you may be loosing weight and gaining muscle mass from working out (this will make you look smaller even tho you weigh the same). What exactly do you do when you work out? You should always always exercise while working out, this helps not only tone your muscles so you look even smaller and leaner, but it's also the only thing that's going to tone your skin (unless you are blessed with elastic skin, which I'm not).
  • khk2010
    khk2010 Posts: 451 Member
    I have weeks where I lose nothing. Then a week where I'll lose 2.5. I think it will balance out for you.
    Hang in there. Keep on your program. Losing 1 is better than gaining 1…
  • digitalyssa
    digitalyssa Posts: 112 Member
    If you're working out (and you haven't for a while) you may be gaining muscle. It may take weeks, maybe a month to see that pay off, but soon as your body is supporting more muscle mass, your metabolism will increase and the weight will come off. You will see, just trust the process. :)
  • This happens to me too. Just keep at it. Make sure you are eating enough. Too little food will not let you lose weight. You go into starvation mode where your body keeps all the food..... You can do it!
  • Jessica_Lo
    Jessica_Lo Posts: 199 Member

    Post your meals. What are you eating in your 1200 calories? I had to do that when I was stuck. I needed to change the quality of food that I was consuming not just focus on the calories. You might want to reduce your fat, sugar, and sodium intake as much as possible. Do not stop working out and take your measurements, don't just look at your weight on the scale. Your body might be shifting with out you even noticing it because you're focused on the scale. Be patient and keep going!

    Also, lots of water!! Try to get in a gallon a day and fiber.

    Good Luck!
  • erickirb
    erickirb Posts: 12,294 Member
    FYI: it is not muscle, muscle takes weeks to build and is difficult for a woman to do without any supplements, not to mention it is next to impossible to build muscle mass on a caloric deficit. May have lost more than 1 pound of fat and the muscles are retaining water to help repair the muscles after starting a new fitness program.
  • i agree with the comments already posted, there is two things that you shopuld consider. you can workout and eat good all day long, but if you aren't drinking enough water, it can slow your metabolism and prevent you from seeing results. . tricking your body is a good idea, try to do different workouts day to day , i hope this and the other post help :)
  • i almost forgot be sure to eat six small meals a day, to keep your body fueled throughout, this will also help your metabolism as well.
  • The exact thing happen to me. I talked to a trainer that said our bodies go into survival mode and we need to fool them. He said strength training is the best way to jump start your weight loss. You will continue to burn calories up to 8 hours after working out. I added strength training into my workout and dropped 5lbs quickly.
  • tbernard
    tbernard Posts: 54 Member
    Just a thought or two...

    You really shouldn't be basing the whole journey on the first week. Depending upon your workout your body may be responding to the "shock" by trying to build some muscle which is good but a little heavier than the fat it replaces... Or the shock of being told it has to do more, by being given 1200 calories compared to a higher number all at once may be shocking your body into starvation... Or the makeup of those 1200 calories may not be good. To be blunt, when people decide they are going to eat only 1200 calories they need to eat incredibly clean in order to get the nutrients they need. If not, you might be suffering some nutrient shortages.. This could even be at a bad time in your monthly cycle.. Or you may have consumed too much salt..

    All in all, one week is just not enough to tell what's going on...

    I will say that if someone decides they are going to do this with 1200 calories or less, they need to decide up front to eat incredibly clean. You just don't have enough calories to waste on foods that your body doesn't need. Lean cuts of beef, pork or fish. Sweet potatoes, Watermelon, Apples, Tomatoes, Cucumbers, Green Beans, Mushrooms, etc. Milk, Yogurts, Oatmeal and healthy cereals. You need to make sure that your nutrient trackers are getting where they need to be. And use a multivitamin.

    Once I do my next official weigh in I will be nearing a 50 lb loss...surpassing my goal... and about to finish my weight loss. One of the biggest tips I would give people is to eat more of the contents of a salad...not within a salad. So many people look at Tomatoes for example and only eat them if they are in a hamburger, on a pizza, or in a salad. Noone eats cucumbers unless they are in a salad. So these items often sit in fridges rotting away until someone decides to put the work into making them part of something bigger. But a Tomato is terrific on its own. Cut one up into wedges.. It makes a nice side dish...and its all of 22-25 calories... It even has potassium.. And sure it won't fill you for the rest of the night... and you'll get hungry... But its 25 calories... Have another.... or an orange....

    I graze all day long... I don't think I spend 20 minutes at home without walking to the fridge for a snack...I'm still eating roughly 1500-1900 calories in a day..

    I have to post some pictures.... Fat guy in a suit... and guy whose upper abs are just beginning to show..
  • smitty328
    smitty328 Posts: 164 Member
    Thanks Pals! I posted my meals. It sounds like I need to keep doing what I am doing and be sure I eat atleast 1200 cals no matter what! I will keep up the elliptical and arm weights (5-6 times a week) and I will hope for a "2lb pay off" next week!!! :) Thanks all :smile:
  • smitty328
    smitty328 Posts: 164 Member
    Thanks Pals! I posted my meals. It sounds like I need to keep doing what I am doing and be sure I eat atleast 1200 cals no matter what! I will keep up the elliptical and arm weights (5-6 times a week) and I will hope for a "2lb pay off" next week!!! :) Thanks all :smile:
  • Bamacraft
    Bamacraft Posts: 175 Member
    Explain "I will keep up the elliptical and arm weights (5-6 times a week)" I hope the elliptical is 5-6 x per week not arms. cardio 5-6 x per week is ok if you eat the excercise cals..I'd limit arms to once or twice per week with a day or two between for muscle recovery. dont limit yourself to just arms, add chest, back shoulders (i assume you have no limiting injuries). consider taking a break on the elliptical for a leg day. That along with ab "core" work will help get extra endurance too. Extra endurance (not counting 1st 15 - 20 minutes) = more you can get out of a cardio day.
  • smitty328
    smitty328 Posts: 164 Member
    Ohhhhhh...Yes I was doing all of them each day( 5 to 6x a week).....the elliptical and then my arms with 5lbs weight and the bands..trying to keep those arms perk'd up! I also have a jullian Michaels DVD....wow muscles I didn't even know existed...she is a trip! :) But I have been slacking off on her and sticking to my elliptical. I don't know how to track my cal burn doing the dvd tho. I don't go to a gym...I just use my stuff at home.:smile:
  • Bamacraft
    Bamacraft Posts: 175 Member
    There are several ways to track and get "close" but share your pain with actuals. Its very hard since there are more variables that contribute which are not accurately tracked with some devices. I use my Nike Ipod+ and a Timex Ironman watch with HR strap. Not nec for cals but for distance and time in specific HR zones. The elliptical you should get close, for the dvd you could probably get close with a "circuit training guideline chart" or something.
  • erickirb
    erickirb Posts: 12,294 Member
    Ohhhhhh...Yes I was doing all of them each day( 5 to 6x a week).....the elliptical and then my arms with 5lbs weight and the bands..trying to keep those arms perk'd up! I also have a jullian Michaels DVD....wow muscles I didn't even know existed...she is a trip! :) But I have been slacking off on her and sticking to my elliptical. I don't know how to track my cal burn doing the dvd tho. I don't go to a gym...I just use my stuff at home.:smile:

    Like one of the responders said don't work your arms every day. you should take a minimum of 48 hours between working the same muscle group. If you do arms on Monday you should not do them again until Wednesday at the earliest preferably on Thursday. Muscles build and strengthen during the recovery period not during the workout itself. If you do not allow enough time for the muscles to recover they will weaken and you will not get the results you are looking for.
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