Hi everyone :) i'm new here and that's my story

Hello there , how is everyone today ? :)

well i don't know where i should start !
my name is Israa , i'm 24 years girl from Egypt
for all my life i'm struggling with my weight and mostly with myself cause i never loved myself or felt confidence especially when people say how lovely and beautiful i'm , i felt more pathetic .
august last year i was diagnosed with a very bad Cellulitis on my both legs , my doctor get me into hospital for about month .
it didn't stop right there , when they run tests on me they decided to get me into surgery remove my gallbladder , in surgery room again they decided to stapled my stomach.
to cut the story short i'm now a VBG person who couldn't eat anything or either lose weight , i just lost 77 lb in the beginning but for more than 7 month i didn't lose any .

now i'm suffering Gastroesophageal reflux and get sharp pain on my left shoulder .

few days ago i decided to change everything in my life and get to do some workout with healthy eating to lose more weight , i want to become healthier and in shape , I WANT TO LOVE MY SELF .


  • MelissaPhippsFeagins
    MelissaPhippsFeagins Posts: 8,063 Member
    I want you to love yourself, too. Nothing will work until you do. Sending a friend request.
    And I have a nosy question, did they do the stomach stapling in the same surgery as the gallbladder or do the gallbladder and then the stapling later. I've never heard of doing both at the same time.
  • Gemini0
    Gemini0 Posts: 8 Member
    I want you to love yourself, too. Nothing will work until you do. Sending a friend request.
    And I have a nosy question, did they do the stomach stapling in the same surgery as the gallbladder or do the gallbladder and then the stapling later. I've never heard of doing both at the same time.

    Hey :)

    i'm trying , let's say i'm on the right way to love my self .

    yes they did in the same surgery
  • MelissaPhippsFeagins
    MelissaPhippsFeagins Posts: 8,063 Member
    That's interesting. We wouldn't have done it that way in the states. There is an extensive period of nutritional training and counseling to prepare people for the new way you have to eat after weight loss surgery before it's done. I am glad it helped you lose 77 lbs though. You've come to the right place for encouragement on the remainder of your weight loss journey.
  • Gemini0
    Gemini0 Posts: 8 Member
    That's interesting. We wouldn't have done it that way in the states. There is an extensive period of nutritional training and counseling to prepare people for the new way you have to eat after weight loss surgery before it's done. I am glad it helped you lose 77 lbs though. You've come to the right place for encouragement on the remainder of your weight loss journey.

    I wish i was living in another country , my life would be something else and maybe better .
    i know they didn't even give me the chance to try on my own way and help , but what it done is done .
    i felt i need to talk about cause i never did since the surgery .

    thank you , the encouragement it's all i'm looking for :) xx