Hello all!!

I have decided it is time for me to get into better shape. My wife has been an avid member of the my fitness community over the past year and her transformation is a major inspiration.

I have been working in stressful jobs after leaving college over 7 years ago. Each year I put on a few more pounds until I went from my slender 225 to almost 300 pounds. Last month I hit over 290 on the scale and had a slew of medical issues pop up. Heartburn, sore back, knees, and ankles, and strong tightness/pain in my neck after physical activity just to name a few. I turn 30 this December and I know if I don't get in better shape, it will be tough to make it past 50 comfortably.

So... here I am, I will be browsing groups over them next month trying to find a little home on this corner of the web so I could stay positive and motivated while learning from all of you ways to cope with the slow transition back to my former, healthy self.

Thanks for reading and I will see you around. :happy:
