Gonna try spinning tomorrow, I'm really nervous!

I'm worried it's gonna be way too hard for me. :( What was it like when you first did it? How big were you?


  • zorbaru
    zorbaru Posts: 1,077 Member
    i was probably 3 or 4. i spun till i got dizzy and fell over.

    i dont recommend it.
  • fivethreeone
    fivethreeone Posts: 8,196 Member
    I've never done it, but I know you can adjust the bikes to have more or less resistance. Don't worry about keeping up with people, just do your own workout.
  • lisbitlisbit
    i tried it for the first time two months ago and now i love it!

    i wasnt big but i was very unfit and unfortunately for my first session there was only two of us in the class so the instructor was really focused on making us work super hard and i felt like i might throw up or pass out towards the end... now i go every week, sometimes twice a week, you will notice a huge difference in your fitness and endurance after only a few sessions - it's addictive!

    we have ladies of all shapes and sizes that do it and love it... work as hard as you can but take it at your own pace until you build up your fitness levels... good luck! :)
  • Achrya
    Achrya Posts: 16,913 Member
    I hope you're ready for some serious butt pain. Ain't nothing lime getting off that bike 60 minutes later, having all the blood rush to the proper places, and feeling that burn.
  • DawnieB1977
    DawnieB1977 Posts: 4,248 Member
    I started spinning last Sept when my gym introduced it and I was doing it once or twice a week. I didn't find it too hard, but the saddle was uncomfortable at first. I guess I must've weighed maybe 175ish when I started, maybe less.

    They cancelled a couple of classes, and changed a time round, meaning I couldn't do it as often, but I still try and go once a week if possible. They do a Saturday morning class, but the instructor is a bit crap, but that's the one I usually do now.

    I'm 14 weeks pregnant and I can do it, so I'm sure you'll be fine. I find it better for me now than aerobics as I can't do sit ups and things anymore, and it's not high impact.
  • mamacoates
    mamacoates Posts: 430 Member
    I did my first spin class Thanksgiving morning last year ... Recovering from an auto accident about 5 months prior so couldn't do much "impact" exercise ... Also close to my highest weight ever, and less than two months back in the gym. I did it!! It was hard, but I was so proud of myself and I felt great the rest of the day!! It kept me inspired to make great choices all day long and the freedom to enjoy dinner once we all sat down together.

    The key is to arrive a few minutes early so you can find a spot in the room where you feel comfortable and you have time to adjust your bike - seat height, etc. Another important thing to remember is to take your water bottle (I take a liter size bottle and finish it off by the end of class) and a towel to mop up the sweat during your "ride". Oh yea, and get ready to wiggle around on the seat a bit so you can find your "seat bones" otherwise you will definitely be sore on the back side for a couple of days. But after a few classes, your back side will toughen up with the rest of you! :happy:

    Lastly, go at YOUR own pace. The dial on the bike allows you to tighten and loosen the gears as needed. Do what you can handle (and maybe a smidge more). You want to be sure you have a successful experience that will bring you back again ... and again ... and again. Go in with the attitude that you are there to test the waters and get an idea of what you are capable of (you may surprise yourself) and then you can adjust the next time with more information. Most importantly, HAVE FUN and be sure to let us know how it went after you are done.

    Spin class is great because you can work hard but at your own pace. No one to keep up with except your self, no choreography to learn, no bouncy, bouncy moves to bother your knees, etc. Just good clean cardio that works the largest muscles in your body ... your legs!! Keep with it and you will start to see the difference in your clothes before you know it. Good luck tomorrow, I know you'll do just fine!!
  • heybales
    heybales Posts: 18,842 Member
    Considering you set your own tension, and decide if you'll really stand up or not - it can't be too hard for you.

    But do use easy tension, you do want to spin, not just push down.

    Also, when heavy you'll have to increase the tension a whole lot more to bear your weight, and make it like climbing stairs, which is supposed to be slower.

    Then when instructed to recover - do so. Recovery is the only way you can do the next hard part likely coming up.

    It was a great invention that allowed duplicating outdoor riding, which baffled scientists for a while as to why outdoor cyclist would lose weight faster and get in better shape than folks riding the ergo cycles.

    It was the hills, constant mini intervals was basically happening. Hard up, easy down, decent level. repeat.
    So spinning copied that after the first few studies found the point.
    Some have gone beyond, claiming some things are being done on the bike that just aren't happening.
    Like this is big fat burning mode - when everyone is out of breath, ya.
    And this is our muscle building mode - again the amount built is very small if any, and considering how many are usually in a diet in there, likely none being built.

    But it is a great carb burner the way it's usually done at high intensity the whole time.
  • kimosabe1
    kimosabe1 Posts: 2,467 Member
    Oh it is so fun! u will sweat your *kitten* off! It works better if u are coordinated:drinker: .....
  • CarynMacD
    CarynMacD Posts: 230
    i was probably 3 or 4. i spun till i got dizzy and fell over.

    i dont recommend it.

    I absolutely needed that! :laugh: Now I'm ready to start my day!
  • Bellasoxie
    Bellasoxie Posts: 7 Member
    Go for it! It's great and all shapes and sizes can do it. I love it enough that I bought cycle shoes.

    Get to class a bit earlier and get some advice on your bike set up from the class instructor. Like the other MFP's advised go at your own pace. Enjoy the music and the ride.

    Also on the bright side you aren't going to crash.

    The only downside bike seats are not comfortable when you start riding, I do not lie. Stick with it I promise it gets better!
  • PrincessMissDee
    PrincessMissDee Posts: 183 Member
    Just do it. When I started last year I kept up with the pace but kept the resistance really low to start with. Each class I tried to do a tiny bit more, just pushing myself. Very quickly I grew to love it and didn't even notice how quickly my body was changing and how much more resistance I could handle.

    A lot of people in Spin classes are very fit and trim but that's just testament to how good it is. You'll get there soon.