Hello I'm Dave from Ireland - currently injured.

First post. Hello from Ireland everyone :)

5'10" male. Started at 118.5kg; currently 114.0kg after 8 weeks. (260lbs to 251lbs)

First can I say this site has been such a help and has really educated me as to how much I was eating and how little I was exercising. I changed that over the 6 weeks. First diet then, when the weight loss plateaued, I added exercise.

I use RunKeeper on my phone and the Jawbone UP to track everything. The fact that they sync with MFP is just great. Everything in one spot. I was very happy :)

Problem: RunKeeper had me doing a 10 week introduction to running ending in a 5km race that should have happened around 6th December. Everything was ok for the first four runs then on fifth something went ping! in my calf. V.sore... Currently I am stuck in bed with an ice pack and plenty of ibuprofen unable to walk. Not good. Doc says no leg related exercise for 3weeks...

Looking for help to keep motivated and not regress to pie eating until I can get back on my feet ;)




  • sheppitsgal
    Hi Dave

    Ouch! That sounds painful.

    I am no expert on managing not to eat all the pies, so can't really help, except to say this - have a ready supply of 'healthy' snacks, fruit, chopped up salad stuff, low sugar popcorn, that sort of thing.

    I found, when I was ill, that it was just the act of eating, rather than what I was eating, that comforted me, so don't make my mistake - stay away from Ben & Jerry's!

    Hope you feel better soon.
  • JDMarlowe
    JDMarlowe Posts: 327 Member
    First off, hope you heal well and quickly!! Second, CONGRATS on your progress so far!! And thirdly, just stay focused on your goals and continue eating healthy so you dont undo your hard work you have already done. I wouldnt worry to much about the exercise part since there is nothing you can do about that part. But you can control the food intake part. So just put all your focus there until you are cleared to exercise again! Keep up the good work man! And hope you are back to health soon!!
  • kathybro75
    kathybro75 Posts: 51 Member
    Hi Dave

    I am from Ireland too and have been on this sited since February 2012. I have almost reached my target weight and would be only delighted to be one of the ones to help you get to yours. I'm on here every day and always encourage (never criticise). Please feel free to add me. Good luck with your weight loss.

    KANGOOJUMPS Posts: 6,473 Member
    HI DAVE!
  • KinoM
    KinoM Posts: 359 Member
    Hey Dave, I'm a Dub whose been through the wringer with injury & weight gain, but I've come out the other side in one (smaller) piece now. Add us if you'd like, I'd be happy to help in any way I can.
  • kellster111
    kellster111 Posts: 113 Member
    Hi Dave,
    Have you looked at chair exercises? There are lots you can do while not standing, if you google it you will find lots. Might just give you something to do when the urge to eat pies is too strong.:laugh: