How to lose the last 15 pounds?

I've been on my weight loss journey for around 4 years. I started by watching portions and exercising and the weight came right off. I never reached my ultimate goal weight because I was living an active lifestyle and I was healthy so I didn't think much of it. Now, I am very motivated to lose those last 15-20 pounds. I am 5'7 and 156 pounds. I eat about 2000 calories a day, everything in moderation. I don't really know what to do to lose the weight. I'm already active. Should I tighten up my diet? Any tips would be appreciated. Thanks!


  • solobiker
    I don't have sny advice but would like to see others' comments. I am similar to you as I have been on a weight loss journy too over about 3.5 years . I am 5 ' 6 snd weigh 146. I am a very active person and eat 1200-1500 calories a day. Send me a friend request if you want the support. We can do this!
  • eskimite
    I wish I knew! I lost about 25 pounds and then have been kind of stuck where I am for the last year or so. I would like to lose ten pounds, but would be happy with half of that, to really get to where I feel most comfortable body-wise. I've started working out less, but focusing on more intensity and interval training (e.g. kettlebells, HIIT) and am doing my best to eat clean. But, the scale just does not change. I'm 5'9 and 156 pounds. I'm motivated but also feeling very frustrated, which makes it hard to eat clean all of the time. I tend to do really well Monday-Friday, then relax over the weekends as my schedule is less rigid. I know everyone says diet is the most important aspect of any weight loss plan...but, it's tough to be in the mindset of limiting myself because I'm really quite healthy and active. Arg!!

    With eating 2000 calories, do you count your calories? Do you focus on limiting sugar or a certain amount of protein??

    Send me a friend request, too! Maybe we can support each other to break through and reach our goal.
  • leen311
    leen311 Posts: 13 Member
    Yup I count calories but I'm not strict on carbs, sugar, or anything. I think that may be what I need to do but don't know how/where to start.
  • AmyRhubarb
    AmyRhubarb Posts: 6,890 Member
    When I got down to about the last 10-15lbs, I found this thread:

    Great info there, and I used that info and the tools he has linked to find my BMR and my TDEE. I started eating at a 15-20% cut from my TDEE, with macros set at 40/30/30 carbs/protein/fat, and did my best to hit all my goals. The fat came off, the weight went down (although there were some months where the scale didn't change much, but I still dropped a full size), and I hit goal weight. Actually by the time I hit that goal weight number, I wasn't really even worried about weight any more, just about lowering body fat percentage. :smile:

    Exercise is three days of weights (dumbbells at home & body weight exercises) with a little cardio (20 minute walk or kickboxing) three days a week, and a 3-5 mile run three days, and at least one day of rest.
  • eskimite
    I'll check it out! Thanks for sharing the info.