New mom looking to lose baby fat

:smile: I'm a new mom that needs to lose the baby weight. I gained 50 pounds during my pregnancy and need to get this baby fat off of me. If there are any moms out there that can give me advice I'd greatly appreciate it! So excited to be a part of this community!


  • stella77
    stella77 Posts: 282
    I gained around 60 pounds during my pregnancy! :(

    I am still struggling to lose the remaining 22 pounds. The rest of the 60 pounds kind of came off on its own in 8 months and I only started doing something about this a month ago (my baby is 9 months old now, how old is yours?)

    I am not sure I have any great advice because I am doing this really really slowly, I didn't want to set a huge ambitious goal for myself just anything doable. I am horrible at being put under pressure!

    So I am on 1220 kcal a day (it really helps logging my food on here, I try to do it every day) and I log walking with my baby as exercise. I can only do it early mornings or weekends though because I work full time. I also do sit ups, 7 sit ups and 3 repettitons a day. (21 sit ups total) I don't really want to do more than that at the moment as I don't want to be put off (I have never done any exercise in my life) But since the sit ups are getting easier, I may up that a bit.

    But I am happy to report that I have lost almost 2.5 kg ( 5.5 pounds) since I started logging my calories intake - which was less than a month ago.

    Also, psychologicaly it helped me to take all my pre-pregnanct clothes out of my warderobe and store my favorite items in the storage room and stock up on some nice things I can wear with this weight. It helps not to have to look at those jeans I can't even pull over my knees any longer!

    And I weigh myself only once like every 2-3 weeks - I find weighing myself too often depressing as you end up flunctuating back and forth...

    My goal is to weigh 67kgs (147 pounds) in 9 months, at this pace I think I can do that. I am still in the phase where I chose sleep over exercise :) and I think it is important to do it too.

    Good luck.

    If you want to add me - we can look at our progress together. How much weight do you have left to lose? Are you breastfeeding? I found that with breastfeeding your weight just sticks. so much for losing 500kcal a day by breastfeeding :(!
  • FoxyD
    FoxyD Posts: 9 Member
    I also gained 60 lbs during my's been a year and half now. I lost the first 30 easily but I have another 30 that's been hanging on. I finally got my butt in gear and now I'm well on my way to losing the rest! Exercising 2-3 times a week, eating healthy, and watching my calories (also at about 1200 kcal/day). Already lost 7 lbs in 20 days and feeling pretty good!

    Most important thing is to stick with it! Just keep focused and know what motivates you!
  • debgonzalez
    I am a new mom the 2nd time around! I gained 38lbs., I have lost 18lbs. and still have 20lbs. to lose to get back to prepregnancy weight but I would love to lose 25-30lbs!!! Just got the all clear to exercise from the Doctor yesterday! Can't wait to get the weight off!!
  • monica2383
    monica2383 Posts: 15 Member
    I'm a newbie to this website as well!!! I am also a first time mom trying to kick all of this weight!! I gained 80lbs while pregnant..... got pregnant at christmas time and ate and ate and ate-- I also used to work out 4-5 times a week and once I got pregnant I was too tired so I quit doing that as well!!! I lost 30 within 8 days because I got pre-eclampsia and had to be in the hospital for a few days after I had my daughter so I had 4 rounds of lasix to help with some of the fluid... Unfortunatly, the rest of the weight is still here.... I've lost another 10 but I've still got about 40lbs to go!! I'm getting married June 10, 2011 so I want to look good on my wedding day and I need to get my butt in gear and be a good example for my daughter when she is able to eat real food!!! I'm hoping this site can help me out... I already love the posting of my food and excersize and the whole calorie counting!!! I've done WW in the past and had great success but can't afford to go to meetings right now!!

    Good Luck to you!!! :-) Not sure I really gave any advice, but just letting you know your not alone on your journey!! :-)