Ripped in 30 by JM

I've been working out on my gazelle for about a month. I've lost 7 pounds and gained a good amount of muscle - a start anyway. I'm feeling better all the time. Now, my question is - How many of you have tried Jillian Michaels' Ripped in 30 program? Did you like it? Did you get the results you wanted? Did you follow the food plan as well as the exercise videos? Do you recommend it? At what fitness level would you recommend it?

I think that's all :)



  • CamillaHerold
    CamillaHerold Posts: 60 Member
    Is this the same as 30 Day Shred? I bought it back in January, reviewed it, and never touched it again. I was totally intimidated and did not want to do something that would make me so sore and tired I dreaded doing it. When I did finally start exercising in April, I walked. That's it. Later when I was much stronger, I added some slow jogging. I might now be fit enough to try the Shred, but I am not motivated to, because walking/jogging is working for me, slowly but steadily. 31 lbs in about 6 mo. NOT trying to talk you out of it, but would caution starting with something so intense that you can't sustain it. It just depends on the level of fitness you have now. And I do not believe in crash programs in any case.
  • mwal74
    mwal74 Posts: 112 Member
    And I do not believe in crash programs in any case.

    I absolutely agree! That's why I'm looking for more information about this before I even attempt it. I feel like I could use the challenge, and I'm motivated enough to stick it out through the whole 30 days. But I hurt my foot (yay for not stretching enough.. blah) and have to take it easy on it for a while. I've babied it to death this week and can tell it's healing well, so I'm not looking to strain it again. I was thinking about possibly starting the Ripped in 30 in November just as a challenge to myself.

    31 lbs in 6 mo is awesome!
  • anna_louise90
    anna_louise90 Posts: 86 Member
    Its not a crash program, but I would ask what your current fitness ability is? A few people have found it tough on the knees. It's harder than the 30 day shred, so I would recommend actually doing that workout before RI30.
  • alikonda
    alikonda Posts: 2,358 Member
    I haven't done the full program, but I've done a few of the Ripped in 30 workouts in order to vary my HIIT routine (you can quickly find levels 1 & 2 for free online as promotional material). Personally, I was not too impressed with Ripped in 30, as opposed to some of her other workouts. She encourages you to move very quickly for all exercises, which, without good form, can be extraordinarily detrimental to your well-being. At the same time, she doesn't provide the best advice for posture, so anyone without a strong fitness background is even MORE prone to injury.

    I tried the 30 Day Shred (a few times) but never stuck with it because I got bored with the lack of variety. However, a lot of people on this forum seem to have completed (and loved!) the workout, so if you can stick with it, more power to you.

    I've recently been focusing on running, but mixing in strength and HIIT videos from, which is a fabulous resource for (free!) full length workouts at all skill levels (Workouts range from 5-88 minutes and provide lots of variety for people like me who like to change things up.)
  • RedRita32
    RedRita32 Posts: 321 Member
    I'm doing Ripped in 30 right now...I'm on week 3. And I've done 30 day shred..comparing the two I like 30 day shred more...both programs can be for any fitness level..each one has modified versions of the exercises..i did the shred when I was at 195 pounds and lost 8 pounds and 10 1/2 inches...I haven't done my measurements yet for ripped in 30..I burn around 200 calories, it's about 30 minutes, and it got me out of a stall I was having for 3 weeks...lots of people do these programs over again because they are effective and get results!..I'll probably visit both of these programs again in the future :)
  • mwal74
    mwal74 Posts: 112 Member
    Its not a crash program, but I would ask what your current fitness ability is?

    90 mins a day cardio on the Gazelle Supreme (put on hold until my foot fully heals)
    40-80 Pushups
    50-100 Crunches

    As I said though, I'm looking at probably November starting this (if I do).
  • dshalbert
    dshalbert Posts: 677 Member
    I just started week 2 for Ripped in 30. I did the 30 Day Shred as well but never could get past 20 days due to it being so hard on my knees. I think I wmay have been doing too many days in a row. This time I'm not doing more than 3 days in a row with a one day break. That is what works for me. I actually really like the program, I can see results already. I did not take any measurements but I've lost 2 lbs and my pants are looser. I do it first thing in the morning and my energy level is through the roof all day. I just drag myself out of bed about 35 minutes earlier and get started. I move pretty slow that time of morning so it takes me about 5-10 minutes to get to the TV and turn it on without walking into walls, I'm probably not even fully awake until the last set :laugh:
  • Hsahli27
    I am starting Ripped in 30 week 2 tomorrow and so far so good. I am following the recommended diet plan with a few modifications as well. I just came off of the 30 day shred and I am glad I did choose to do that first as it has helped with my strength greatly. The workouts and doing the DVD is not hard for me. However the diet plan is killing me! I am usually hungry 85% of the time and I find that the diet is definitely the hardest part for me. Does anyone else feel the same way? I would love to have some weight loss partners on this journey, we could definitely help keep each other motivated. I weighed in at 202.8 last Monday and my final goal is to get to 150lb! So I have a journey for sure!!
  • miamiink89
    miamiink89 Posts: 103 Member
    Ive just finished W1D2 of Ripped. So far I am enjoying it. I completed 30DS, then Insanity and now this so my fitness level is pretty good however this is still kicking my *kitten*.
    Anyone who wants to add me feel free to do so :)
  • dshalbert
    dshalbert Posts: 677 Member
    Ive just finished W1D2 of Ripped. So far I am enjoying it. I completed 30DS, then Insanity and now this so my fitness level is pretty good however this is still kicking my *kitten*.
    Anyone who wants to add me feel free to do so :)

    I'm glad that you are enjoying it! I just started week 4 and can see so much imrpovement in strength (even though I am doing mostly the modfied versions). I think I may do Ripped again and try to keep up with Brusheera!
  • Gzuschick
    Gzuschick Posts: 50 Member
    I just began this last night and yes she is intimidating BUT she shows you modified movements t get you started. JM also tells you to just keep moving no matter what even if you cannot do all of the moves just yet, she doesn't expect perfect, she expects you to give it all you've got.
    With that said, (and I may feel different in 3 days) I felt like the workout was fast because she switches you constantly from 1 to 2 to 3 minute increments of something different all throughout the video. That creates less monotony and kept me less bored. I did go on the internet to get the eating plan, however you have to join to purchase it.

    As for the knees, I think you just have to ensure your form is correct and start out easy with the modified instructor she has doing it for you to follow.
    I loved it.