Whats the point of exercise?



  • lottewiegeraad
    lottewiegeraad Posts: 64 Member
    Hi all

    MFP recommends eating back your exercise calories. If losing weight is about calories in and out, and you eat back what you burn - then in what way does exercise contribute to weight loss?

    it's like some people don't even want to survive the zombie apocalypse.

    LOL XD
  • Dudes, and dudess'

    Thanks for your replies. Many of you seem presuppose that I wanted to know what the health benefits of exercise is, and assumed I needed convincing that exercise is a good thing. I actually exercise a lot, who wouldn't with the coming Zombi apocalypse? (I also enjoy it).

    My question was more theoretical, about how exercise contributes to weight loss, as exercise seems to be the second component (diet being the first) that most everyone says is essential for weight loss. Your replies suggest that it does not, at least in the mfp regime, contribute to weight loss at all. Which is interesting. thanks.

    okay then exercise created a larger deficit which is how you lose weight (a deficit). There is also an after burn where your body continues to burn calories post workout; therefore, creating a deficit.
  • Also with my last post, you gathering that on mfp diet comes first... I don log my food or count calories.. I am using exercise as my only form of weight loss... so that's very inaccurate.. I eat anything and everything all day everyday from morning to bedtime. I eat chocolate, cake, rice, pizza, anything.. It's lifting heavy that is transforming my body.
  • Kotuliak
    Kotuliak Posts: 259 Member
    Your replies suggest that it does not, at least in the mfp regime, contribute to weight loss at all. Which is interesting. thanks.
    You are most welcome, and yes - you are 100% correct. If your goal is to look like an undernourished skunk, then, by all means, stay in the basement, eat rice cakes, and count calories.
  • Kotuliak
    Kotuliak Posts: 259 Member
    Many of you seem presuppose that I wanted to know what the health benefits of exercise is, and assumed I needed convincing that exercise is a good thing. I actually exercise a lot...
    Oh, do you?

    Why would you, if you have to ask the question?

    Also, I don't think anyone assumed you need convincing - we simply made a very reasonable assumption that you're uninformed and ignorant, and we tried to help.

    So there!
  • ceebeez1975
    ceebeez1975 Posts: 48 Member
    A 150 pound woman who exercises looks thiner and fitter than one who is the same weight who does no exercise cos she is flabby, they can look at least 20 pounds heavier
  • Capt_Apollo
    Capt_Apollo Posts: 9,026 Member
    Dudes, and dudess'

    Thanks for your replies. Many of you seem presuppose that I wanted to know what the health benefits of exercise is, and assumed I needed convincing that exercise is a good thing. I actually exercise a lot, who wouldn't with the coming Zombi apocalypse? (I also enjoy it).

    My question was more theoretical, about how exercise contributes to weight loss, as exercise seems to be the second component (diet being the first) that most everyone says is essential for weight loss. Your replies suggest that it does not, at least in the mfp regime, contribute to weight loss at all. Which is interesting. thanks.

    i like how you ask a very vague question and then act all smug when we "presupposed" something.
  • Dudes, and dudess'

    Thanks for your replies. Many of you seem presuppose that I wanted to know what the health benefits of exercise is, and assumed I needed convincing that exercise is a good thing. I actually exercise a lot, who wouldn't with the coming Zombi apocalypse? (I also enjoy it).

    My question was more theoretical, about how exercise contributes to weight loss, as exercise seems to be the second component (diet being the first) that most everyone says is essential for weight loss. Your replies suggest that it does not, at least in the mfp regime, contribute to weight loss at all. Which is interesting. thanks.

    i like how you ask a very vague question and then act all smug when we "presupposed" something.

    As it appears here, as well in other message boards he asks a question but desires skewed answers that only reflect his current opinion. His smug wording is creating semantic noise which is inhibiting communication with the masses. It appears more condescending than intelligent. I am unsure with the other message board if he is a troll or that narrow minded, but a proper debate in not possible as he already has all of the "correct" answers. Often I find the more intelligent one tries to appear, the less intelligent they appear because their lack of social skills is very apparent. It demonstrates their lack of assessing how they appear to others. Unless being smug and condescending is the goal here? (Notice I worded my reply in parallel wording) LOL

    It just translates into = I agree :laugh:
  • 3laine75
    3laine75 Posts: 3,069 Member
    this is my 'fitness' pal - not my weightloss pal. exercise is good for your health so if you want to do it, do it and if not, don't - it won't affect your weightloss.
  • nettip
    nettip Posts: 113 Member
    bump to read later. :tongue:
  • Collier78
    Collier78 Posts: 811 Member
    Hi all

    MFP recommends eating back your exercise calories. If losing weight is about calories in and out, and you eat back what you burn - then in what way does exercise contribute to weight loss?

    it's like some people don't even want to survive the zombie apocalypse.

    They are the ones that make it easier for those of us that do....bait!
  • JoelleAnn78
    JoelleAnn78 Posts: 1,492 Member
    Your replies suggest that it does not, at least in the mfp regime, contribute to weight loss at all. Which is interesting. thanks.
    You are most welcome, and yes - you are 100% correct. If your goal is to look like an undernourished skunk, then, by all means, stay in the basement, eat rice cakes, and count calories.

    Holy cow. I laughed out loud in my office. Awesome.
  • i want to begin exercising because i believe it will make me feel better and stronger. weight resistance exercise is especially important for bone strength in women, I've been told. but, yes, as far as pure weight loss...it is more about the diet side. But being a calorie counter isn't bad--often it can mean you are choosing foods that are lean, with plenty of vegetables to get more bang for your buck (so to speak).
  • this is my 'fitness' pal - not my weightloss pal. exercise is good for your health so if you want to do it, do it and if not, don't - it won't affect your weightloss.

    What?!? Exercise does not affect weight loss?

    If I never changed my diet because they way I eat is fine, and I started exercising I would not lose weight? That's weird because scientifically you would. If you did not eat more or less for the sake of this experiment, and you exercised, the exercise would create a deficit which is the scientific reason for weight loss. Also 1 lb of fat burns 5 cals per day and 1 lb of muscle burns 60 cals, so after a few months you are also slowly changing your daily caloric needs. So yes exercise creates an immediate deficit from cals burnt during exercise, a slow deficit from the afterburn (when your body uses calories to repair your muscles), and in the long term as well by changing your calorie needs.

    Watch "How to Look Like That Guy" and during the first 18 weeks he transforms with no calorie counting, which is what I have been doing.
  • thekyleo
    thekyleo Posts: 632 Member
    I never understood the BMR, TDEE, RMR what not. I just eat the calories MFP tells me
  • I never understood the BMR, TDEE, RMR what not. I just eat the calories MFP tells me

    You should use google to try and gain an understanding of something before you experiment with your health.. Also knowing the science of our bodies will help make this journey easier. Here is a link to get you started:


    You should never eat below bmr as that's what you need in a coma, and you can take your TDEE and do a 20% deficit for weight loss if your goal is to lose weight. But never eat below your bmr.

    Edited to add note: I did not check the site, I just used google to grab a calculator for you, so I don't know if any info on that site is good, but if you need any good links about how our bodies work msg me, I have tons book marked :)
  • MinnieInMaine
    MinnieInMaine Posts: 6,400 Member
    Dudes, and dudess'

    Thanks for your replies. Many of you seem presuppose that I wanted to know what the health benefits of exercise is, and assumed I needed convincing that exercise is a good thing. I actually exercise a lot, who wouldn't with the coming Zombi apocalypse? (I also enjoy it).

    My question was more theoretical, about how exercise contributes to weight loss, as exercise seems to be the second component (diet being the first) that most everyone says is essential for weight loss. Your replies suggest that it does not, at least in the mfp regime, contribute to weight loss at all. Which is interesting. thanks.

    i like how you ask a very vague question and then act all smug when we "presupposed" something.

    Yeah, nice snark... Maybe be more specific next time OP?

    Exercise CAN contribute to weight loss but that's just not how MFP is set up. Say you used to eat 2500 calories per day (and let's assume that's your TDEE so you maintained at that level) and didn't exercise. Then you decided to start exercising, burning about 500 calories per day, 5 days per week, creating a weekly calorie deficit of 2500 calories, meaning you'd start losing at around the rate of 0.7 pounds per week, given everything equal.

    BUT the way MFP is set up is to create a calorie deficit based on how many pounds per week you said you'd like to lose, in addition to your personal stats. That way if you decide not to exercise, you can still lose weight. But if you do exercise, in order to avoid a huge unhealthy calorie deficit, you then should eat those earned calories (or at least most of them as the burn estimates are notoriously overestimated).

    Or you can figure out your BMR/TDEE, percentage deficit and do a custom set up of your calories, macros, etc. That's the great thing about MFP - you have a choice of guided or custom settings.
  • somerisagirlsname
    somerisagirlsname Posts: 467 Member
    Exercise for fitness. Calorie count for weight loss.
  • RhonndaJ
    RhonndaJ Posts: 1,615 Member
    What's the point of exercise?

    This is a question I often ask myself, though not in the same way as the OP.
  • thekyleo
    thekyleo Posts: 632 Member
    I never understood the BMR, TDEE, RMR what not. I just eat the calories MFP tells me

    You should use google to try and gain an understanding of something before you experiment with your health.. Also knowing the science of our bodies will help make this journey easier. Here is a link to get you started:


    You should never eat below bmr as that's what you need in a coma, and you can take your TDEE and do a 20% deficit for weight loss if your goal is to lose weight. But never eat below your bmr.

    Edited to add note: I did not check the site, I just used google to grab a calculator for you, so I don't know if any info on that site is good, but if you need any good links about how our bodies work msg me, I have tons book marked :)

    ok i'll give it a try and see what I come up with. i'll message you if I need anymore info