Scale stopped buding and now it's going up!

I've been doing MFP for the second time (gained some of my initial weight loss back) and I'm starting to get a little down. It's been one month and I've only lost about 2.5 pounds even though I am weighing/measuring everything, changed the foods I do eat, and have picked up running again. I know that you can gain weight while lifting but is it normal to gain weight while just doing cardio? I did have my TOM last week, which kind of threw a wrench into everything but the scale hasn't gone back down. I have PCOS and was hoping to lose weight on my own instead of using the insulin drug in conjuction with diet and exercise but I'm not sure it's doable. My measurements haven't really changed either (I checked). I *feel* thinner but sometimes I can imagine things if I want them bad enough.

So, MFP, what am I doing wrong? Is it my diet or is this a normal part of the process?

187 pounds (was at 185 two weeks ago) 6' tall, 25.7 BMI

** ETA: I know how to spell, and the title makes me look like an idiot. Sorry!


  • vorgas
    vorgas Posts: 741 Member
    You may want to try to lower your carbs and increase your protein. MFP notoriously sets protein levels too low. You may also want to track sodium (which causes you to retain fluid).

    That being said, normal body weight fluctuates by up to 3 pounds. So it's possible/probable that you've lost more than 2.5 pounds but it's just masked.
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    . It's been one month and I've only lost about 2.5 pounds

    Only? given your height and weight you dont have much to lose, so this is a good rate of loss...
  • Coopaloopsmom
    . It's been one month and I've only lost about 2.5 pounds

    Only? given your height and weight you dont have much to lose, so this is a good rate of loss...

    Really? I feel like 155-160 is an ideal weight for me. I have a lot of fat to lose. But that makes me feel better.
  • Mokey41
    Mokey41 Posts: 5,769 Member
    You may not need to lose weight as much as build some muscle. At your height you can't expect to weigh a lot less without building some muscle to not just look skeletal. Cardio is great but make sure that you're at least maintaining muscle mass. a half pound a week is good loss when you get down to the last pounds so you're doing fine.
  • Coopaloopsmom
    Hmm.. maybe you're right. I just need to back away from the scale and focus on the healthy-lifestyle factor. My scale is a giant brat.
  • Mokey41
    Mokey41 Posts: 5,769 Member
    My daughter is 6' and she used to be about 165 in high school when she played on 3 different basketball teams, a volleyball team and ran hurdles. She's 32 now, has a baby and wants to be that 165 lb athlete again but as much as we want to be back to our teen selves it just doesn't seem to work that way. She's about 180 now and looks good so I'm thinking you probably fit into the same category.
  • robinso5
    robinso5 Posts: 310 Member
    at what weight did you feel your best at? I think the charts and BMI is overrated. and since I dont think women over 25 should ever want to be high school thin anyway.I focus on health and how i feel. the scale is a general thing, not so much a have to be sure thing. So focus on clothing/feel/comfort! the scale will find a home!
  • sdrichardson713
    sdrichardson713 Posts: 16 Member
    I was having this EXACT same problem and went to the dr. Not only was the scale creeping up, but I had horrible acne, was waking up starving in the middle of the night, hungry even right after I would eat, and noticed that sores (mosquito bites, scratches, etc) just were not healing. I had already been diagnosed with PCOS but was not taking any medication for it. She did a fasting insulin level and it was extremely high! So I'm not diabetic, but I'm pushing type 2. I started the medication 2 weeks ago to bring my insulin levels down (not sure how much you know about blood sugar and insulin but when you're insulin resistant, your blood sugar numbers are normal. Your pancreas just pushes out extra insulin in an attempt to get the cells to recognize it to use it). Since starting metformin 2 weeks ago, I am down 6 lbs and feel so much better! I no longer wake up starving in the middle of the night and I'm not hungry all day long. You may want to consider this since PCOS is already an issue with you. Good luck!
  • Coopaloopsmom
    I can see how we would fall into a trap of wanting to be our teen selves. As a teen I was about 135 though! haha!! I have no dreams of ever becoming that tiny again. I like having some womanly curves these days.

    I think 155-160 is my IDEAL place but I feel good anywhere below 173.
  • Coopaloopsmom
    I was having this EXACT same problem and went to the dr. Not only was the scale creeping up, but I had horrible acne, was waking up starving in the middle of the night, hungry even right after I would eat, and noticed that sores (mosquito bites, scratches, etc) just were not healing. I had already been diagnosed with PCOS but was not taking any medication for it. She did a fasting insulin level and it was extremely high! So I'm not diabetic, but I'm pushing type 2. I started the medication 2 weeks ago to bring my insulin levels down (not sure how much you know about blood sugar and insulin but when you're insulin resistant, your blood sugar numbers are normal. Your pancreas just pushes out extra insulin in an attempt to get the cells to recognize it to use it). Since starting metformin 2 weeks ago, I am down 6 lbs and feel so much better! I no longer wake up starving in the middle of the night and I'm not hungry all day long. You may want to consider this since PCOS is already an issue with you. Good luck!

    Thanks for the info! I'm actually not hungry very much, but that is totally due to the 100+ oz of water I make myself drink per day. I still have some acne and hirtuism but for the first time in my adult life I have a regular cycle. Every 32 days on the dot. I used to be on the pill, metformin xr, and a few other things and am much happier not taking any medications. But I guess I should look into getting my insulin checked so things don't get out of hand.
  • susannamarie
    susannamarie Posts: 2,148 Member
    It actually looks like you've only been tracking consistently since the 7th of October -- before that there are quite a few missing days. That can really throw off your results. I'd also make sure that you don't have any mismeasurement errors and then keep going consistently for a few more weeks -- don't lose hope.

    Starting a new exercise program (weights or not) can cause water retention as well, but regular exercise really, really helped my PCOS. I cycle now regularly without the pill, which I never did before.