Back at it...100lbs heavier than when i quit 2 years ago...



  • sakuragreenlily
    sakuragreenlily Posts: 334 Member
    I'm on the slow-and-steady-wins-the-race plan. I lost 40 then gained back 20 when life I have lost half of what I have gained back. I am doing it by adding one habit at a time and the good news is that when I "fell" I didn't gain it all back and then some, because I had habits that never did go away. It was my more recent habits that went out the window. (Thank goodness, or I am sure I would have gained another hundred!)

    Glad you are back. Glad you are working it. Glad you are not trying to go whole hog so that you give up. Sorry to hear about the flu. Being healthier will help you recover more quickly. You have GOT this!

    Feel free to add me. I'm on daily. (be forewarned, I ask about water intake regularly!)

    So true!
  • lilawolf
    lilawolf Posts: 1,690 Member
    Don't deprive yourself. I lost all of my weight while drinking wine every day, having pizza nearly every week etc. I just realized that I had to pick. I couldn't have a big plate of pad thai, several slices of pizza, AND a bottle of wine without gaining weight. I could have 1 of those things a day, or two if I exercised (or saved up by having lighter days earlier in the week).

    Figure out when you tend to go over and make a plan. Can you cook ahead? Can you fit in a long exercise session, or maybe a bunch of short ones (6, 10 minute walks?)? Do you save up calories like I mentioned before? I would usually save up 4-500 calories (just 100 a day) for Friday when I would drink more and not exercise like I did on Saturdays.

    To help me cut back on wine, I would procrastinate. Instead of having a glass at 6, which meant another at 7, and another.... or telling myself "NO", I would tell myself that I could have a glass "soon" or "later" or "after this show is over" etc. Basically I would get to my glass close to bedtime and not be tempted for more. Maybe this will help with your beer. Same thing with pizza (sometimes). I'll have some after this bowl of soup/salad/glass of water etc. Fill up on other things. And when everyone else is finished you will be somewhat less tempted to grab "just one more slice".

    Soup is a really great tool. Cheap, filling, and low cal. I would take a can of soup, a little extra meat and veggies which I pre-cooked and packed in baggies in the freezer for lunch on days that I wanted a high cal dinner.

    Sugar free gum, herbal tea, black coffee, and hard candy are also great "procrastinators".

    The crockpot is a busy dieters best friend too. Delicious, and ready when you get home. No need to just grab take out because you are tired.

    Good luck! Feel free to add me if you want, but I am bulking now so my diary may not be all that motivating. I do work out 4-6 times a week though.
  • james6998
    james6998 Posts: 743 Member
    You came back, YOU CAME BACK STRONGER. You got it this time.
  • 311Phil
    311Phil Posts: 397
    You came back, YOU CAME BACK STRONGER. You got it this time.

    Thanks for the words of encouragement, maybe in a few years I can look as amazing as you do! YOU"RE RIPPED!
  • I know that feeling! I have only just started using MFP since I put every single pound of the 70 that i lost back on. Urrgghh. Its a struggle! Well done for coming back! Lets do this!!!!
  • want2behappy31
    want2behappy31 Posts: 178 Member
    Welcome back!
  • cyclingben
    cyclingben Posts: 346 Member
    Keep it up. I lost 150 gained back 45 and so far have lost 15 of it. Its a daily process and determination. Aroo!!
  • nancybuss
    nancybuss Posts: 1,461 Member
    Welcome Back!!!! We're here to make sure you don't quit again. Do not Quit On Your Son !!!!!!!!!

    Congrats on the new job too

    even with a cold you can do some light walking. Don't need a full workout- just start those habits.
  • BL_Mark
    BL_Mark Posts: 183 Member
    Welcome back and congrats on getting back on it. You've got this buddy.... never quit, never give up. I'm a firm believer in the small changes amount to big things. Since February, I've lost nearly 80lbs by adjusting my calories and moderate exercise. There's no excuse why you can't do this!! Feel free to add me, I log nearly every day and dig people who are on the same journey (100+ lbs to lose)!! Good luck, you've got this!!!

  • It happens, I gained close to 100 back from my lowest when I stopped going to the gym. I am on my way back down with about 180 left to go.
  • Welcome back! I can totally relate to the vacay! I just came back from a vacation at the beginning of this month and it's been rough getting back into the swing of things, this is only my second week of consistency with my diet is another story entirely, but I will definitely get there! The key is to not give up, ever! You the man!!!!!:drinker:
  • steve2kay
    steve2kay Posts: 194 Member
    I saw one of those motivational pictures somewhere of a guy doing a pressup - it says something along the lines of "I thought about quitting .... then I saw who was watching" and in the picture is a baby in a nappy (diaper) in the pressup position.

    It made me think that while I tell my son about trying and not giving up - I've never really shown him me doing it, me stumbling but getting back up.

    It's what life's about and is a good lesson for kids, you strive for something, you get knocked back, you get up and go again.

    Congratulations on coming back (and on having a baby while you were away)
  • Welcome back! Feel free to add me, I've been "trying to lose weight" for the past 2 years. But I know I haven't been really trying at all! We can do this!
  • Vanity1920
    Vanity1920 Posts: 11 Member
    I'm right there with you. Back in 2007, I Lost 100 lbs and got down to 165. The smallest I'd ever been. Fast forward to a stressful job, getting a Master's Degree, and in March 2013, My father died of cancer, I gained it all back plus 20 lbs. I just woke up a couple of weeks ago and asked myself "what the F--- are you doing to yourself?" I am an emotional eater. I understand that about myself now. So I'm working out 5 days a week and logging everything I eat.

    So I completely understand where you are coming from. Looks like we both just started, so, c'mon, lets be losers together!
  • Gingycat40
    Gingycat40 Posts: 18 Member
    WeLcomE BacK :

    It takes many lifestyle changes. Healthy food/drinks/consistent exercise program and daily consumption of water.

    I have been on this weight loss cycle for many years - the kicker is... to stay motiveate and make the Lifestyle changes that

    you can continue with. If we make the changes and lose the weight and just go back to our old "habits"... nothing good

    will become of it..just the unwanted pounds will creep back.

    Key things:

    Journaling - tracknig food - eating healthy.
    Exercise - consistently / weekly - weight training & cardio.
    Water - 2-3 litres a day - this is what dietician - has told me..

    Keep reminding yourself of your motivators...and keep at it .. YOU CAN DO IT !!!!:)
  • DeltaZero
    DeltaZero Posts: 1,197 Member
    I'm right there with you. Back in 2007, I Lost 100 lbs and got down to 165. The smallest I'd ever been. Fast forward to a stressful job, getting a Master's Degree, and in March 2013, My father died of cancer, I gained it all back plus 20 lbs. I just woke up a couple of weeks ago and asked myself "what the F--- are you doing to yourself?" I am an emotional eater. I understand that about myself now. So I'm working out 5 days a week and logging everything I eat.

    So I completely understand where you are coming from. Looks like we both just started, so, c'mon, lets be losers together!

    No one wants to be a loser..... Nevermind. I see what you are saying.
  • 311Phil
    311Phil Posts: 397
    I want to be a HUGE loser.