Any Green Smoothie Recipes

TyFit08 Posts: 799 Member
I want to incorporate green smoothies into my diet, but I'm not sure what to put in it. Today I made one with skim milk, , strawberries, a half banana, vanilla yogurt and frozen kale. I drunk it, but it wasn't good. I don't know if it was blender or the fact that the kale was frozen, it just didn't break down that well. So does anyone have any recipes and tips on making green smoothies?


  • fitspo145
    bump ^^. I'd like to know some good green smoothie recipes as well! For some reason my combinations don't taste that great either haha.
  • free_state
    free_state Posts: 9 Member
    1 cup water
    1/2 cup green grapes
    1 cup spinach
    1/2 cup kale
    1/2 cup fresh pineapple
    1 banana

    (I also add in green powder).
  • thefewsteps
    thefewsteps Posts: 201 Member
    i like kale with berries, so try blue berries or raspberries next time. spinach is much more versitile.

    spinach, peaches, strawberries, banana, flaxseed, ice, water or almond milk.
  • TyFit08
    TyFit08 Posts: 799 Member
    Thanks, keep them coming
  • iamfinenfoxxy
    iamfinenfoxxy Posts: 4 Member
    It's crazy how you posted this. I was having the same problems myself. The one I made yesterday was absolutely disgusting. I couldn't even drink it. Well last night I made one and it was the best one ever! I was so excited about it that I wrote the recipe down that way I won't forget. I can drink this one every day all day!
    1 cup of coconut water
    1 cup of spring water
    1 cup of kale
    1 cup of spinach
    1/2 cup brocolli
    1 celery stalk
    1 cup sweet green grapes
    1 golden delish apple
    1 1/2 frozen ripe banana
    1 small piece of ginger( really small)
    and a little squirt of lemon juice
    Blend well and enjoy!!!
    sometimes I sprinkle a little cayenne pepper on top. I love hot stuff. I hope you like!
  • btoone720
    btoone720 Posts: 1 Member
    This is what I have every morning:

    1/2 green apple
    1 banana
    handful of fresh spinach
    handful of frozen strawberries
    1/2 cup of water
    And I squeeze a little lemon in too
  • TyFit08
    TyFit08 Posts: 799 Member
    I'm going to have to get a new blender. My husband and I each have our own personal sized blenders. They are about 18oz, so all this stuff certainly can't fit
  • Mcmilligen
    Mcmilligen Posts: 332 Member
    I tried making a green banana chai smoothie this morning. I usually LOVE making a banana chai as a dessert smoothie, but I was craving something similar today.

    1 large very ripe banana (bonus points if it's frozen)
    3 large de-stemmed kale leaves (or any other green leafy you desire, just keep in mind kale is more bitter, so I sweetened it accordingly)
    1/4 of a big juicy cucumber
    1/2 cup-1 cup of almond or soy milk
    2 tsp pumpkin pie spice (or way more if you're me)
    Dash of extra cinnamon
    1 tsp vanilla extract (or the real thing if you have it!)
    5 drops caramel stevia, or two medjool dates

    First add all the ingredients (excluding the water), starting with the softer ones like the cucumber.
    Blend on slow, and add water bit by bit until the mixture is able to blend itself together.
    Once it is smooth, add more water until desired thickness is reached.

    Top with cinnamon and broken up pecans for an extra bit of somethin' somethin'.
  • ShawnaPE
    The one I had this morning is as follows:

    1.5 cups of spinach
    1 banana
    1 cup of vanilla almond milk
    2 tbsp Agave Nectar

    Yummy and very filling!
  • jrmommy23
    jrmommy23 Posts: 28 Member
    bump for ideas
  • Libi_KK
    Libi_KK Posts: 572 Member
    bumping for recipes.