Lose the belly

Hello Everybody, my name is Brendan and I just started my weight loss, fat *kitten* loss program. Im tired of feeling low self and just want to look good and feel good, over-all. Any tips would be great. Thanks.


    JDMPWR Posts: 1,863 Member
    Cardio, cardio, cardio, diet, diet, diet.

    No such thing as spot fat loss. it all has to do with how your body stores fat and how low your BF% is.

    Lastly remember with fat, first on first off, last on last off
  • meagalayne
    meagalayne Posts: 3,382 Member
    jtuner's right - cardio + diet is your best bet. add in some circuit training or strength training 3 times a week to build lean muscle and help burn fat. try to get some form of exercise every day, even if it's just walking at night and even if you're tired as hell and don't think you can do it - you can, and you'll feel 100% better once you finish.

    best of luck! these forums are great for keeping you motivated so if you ever feel like you are falling off track, get on here and join a group or post a new topic. MFP is a wonderful resource, you just have to make use of it!
  • smuehlbauer
    smuehlbauer Posts: 1,041 Member
    Congrats on the clean life! Not an easy thing to do. You should be really proud of your self!
    If you don't already - learn how to cook. One of the easiest ways to control what you put into your mouth.
    That, and do buy ****. You buy the crap food, you'll eat the crap food.
    You have to make a choice to eat bad - keep around healthy food an you'll have no choice but to eat healthy!.
    Good luck on your journey.
  • lordofultima
    Proper nutrition + cardio + strength training. You're pretty much guaranteed to get in great shape if you combine these three things, just keep a strong willpower, and take one step towards better health at a time. I like to say, remove the inessential from your diet, and you cut the excess fat off your body.
  • kelseyt17
    kelseyt17 Posts: 110 Member
    Some quick dieting tips.
    Make your only drink water. I know its hard for a lot of people, but its the best thing to do.
    Trade condiments for spices. ( And I don't mean a ton of salt.)
    If you have to have mayonnaise, use light ranch instead. (like in cooking) For example: egg salad or tuna. It might seem nasty but honestly it tastes better.
    If you have a big sweet tooth I recommend trying to cut out all sugary foods (except fruits of course) But if your like me and just can't. Find something low calorie. I like Kellogg's special K Strawberry bars ( only 90 calories) And Jello's dark chocolate Mousse (only 60 calories) its really good.

    Anyway hope i helped and good luck!
  • dognana
    dognana Posts: 10
    It is so true; if you don't buy it you won't eat it. I try not to have anything I'm not supposed to eat in the house.
  • sjaudio
    sjaudio Posts: 52
    First off, welcome to the site. As already mentioned here, watch what you eat and get moving. If you have gym access, try the elliptical machines. You can crank up the intensity to get a high calorie burn without killing your joints (really saves your knees). As Steph mentioned, learn to cook (if you don't already do so.). You'll be amazed at how much food you can eat (and still lose weight) when it's healthy food. A huge plate of roasted vegetables (which is filling and will keep you moving) has less calories than a donut!

    One of the hardest things that most of us here have faced, is reevaluating our relationship with food. For years I looked to food for comfort (from depression, relationship problems, etc....). Ultimately, that view is one of the things that has continually gotten in the way of me being happy (with myself and my surroundings). Part of what comes with fixing what is on the outside is addressing what is on the inside. Just be honest with your self and I'm sure that you'll do great. This is a pretty awesome site full of incredibly supportive people (we're all in the same boat).

    Oh, and a practical tip: be accurate with your portion sizes. One of the biggest problems people run into when they first start a program such as this is that they underestimate how much they are actually eating. Invariably this leads to the "why am I not losing any weight?" cry after a couple of weeks. While I am far from an expert in all things health, I am cruising along in my fat loss (and muscle gain). Feel free to add me on as a friend if you need the extra support.

  • Fatoshie
    Fatoshie Posts: 47 Member
    Exercise in the mornings if you can. I wish I could! do a lot of sit ups and eat less in the evenings :)
    Good luck
  • bainos
    bainos Posts: 99
    Wow, I would like to thank you all for all the positive feedback. It seriously means alot. I constantly feel as if everyother day I am saying out loud to the people around me, "O.K. tomorrow I'll start my diet forsure". The response I always get is, "You look fine" or "Why bother dieting, You are tall and wear the weight well". I feel like everybody just doesnt get it. Finally I have stumbled onto a site where people do get it. Its just what I needed. Feel free to add me to your friends list. Thank you all for taking the time to make me feel welcome.
  • WhiteRaven
    WhiteRaven Posts: 138 Member
    Congrats on taking the first steps... sometimes they can be the hardest.

    One of the best pieces of advice i was give was that it is not a diet... it is a lifestyle change... one can go on and off a diet.. but a lifestyle change means more than just food. It is how you look at everything in a different light, and do most things differently. it changes your life :)

    So thats my two cents worth...

    PS. Anyone can add me if they like. I lurk more than I post! everyone is an inspiration!

  • bainos
    bainos Posts: 99
    Last night I went to a hockey game and had a really good time. It was fun to get outta the house. During the game somebody I knew there bought me a beer and a million things sped through my mind. The first thing was, one beer wont hurt. Big mistake! Although I only drank three, it had a negative effect on my mind. I recently completed rehab. I am living a completely sober lifestyle, no alcohol, no drugs, no smoking. I let myself down. So, at three in the morning when I find myself stuffing my face in the pantry, I thought about my calorie intake and as I wrote down what I ate, I thought that it was OK because I let myself down already, earlier with the beer. I logged in and entered everything I ate and I am -1250 calories. Bunk!! I also have a cat, Cheechy, that tops the scale at 28 pounds. Hes huge. I have him on a diet also and I let him pig out all morning. He is now purring beside me. Misery loves company, I guess. This site is keeping me motivated though. Its an amazing tool. So, to my cat, Cheechy I say, ''Sorry buddy, but, its back on the diet we go''. Im going to be OK. At the end of the day, it is US, who look in the mirror at ourselves and feel crappy and doubtful. This website is changing the way I feel about myself. When at the end of the day when it says I am under my calorie goal, I smile and feel good about myself and I know it makes You all feel good too, when you read that you are under your calorie intake aswell. Stay positive, stay strong!!!!!
  • lfondots
    lfondots Posts: 216 Member
    Ok, so you fell off the wagon. You will find that if you get back on it, you will be fine and next time you will think of how crapy you felt. My biggest downfall is when I have my kids over. I have to watch because their bad food becomes mine. One thing I have tried is planning what I'm going to eat the day before and sticking to it. Even if I have a party or going out, I try to stay close to what I have on my list. Veggies are great and not a lot of calories. If you have deserts, take a very small portion. And yes, track everything. Good luck and we all have been in the same boat.
  • bainos
    bainos Posts: 99
    Cardio Cardio Cardio!!!! When I started jogging my back hurt and I would lose my breathe and lungs would burn. Now, after three months it seems I can run forever. I love it and anybody that feels they just cant do it.......You can. Never give up on yourself. The body is an amazing machine. Use it!!!!
  • UpToAnyCool
    UpToAnyCool Posts: 1,673
    Good job - keep going! That's the important part...
  • lkm111
    lkm111 Posts: 629 Member
    Wow, I would like to thank you all for all the positive feedback. It seriously means alot. I constantly feel as if everyother day I am saying out loud to the people around me, "O.K. tomorrow I'll start my diet forsure". The response I always get is, "You look fine" or "Why bother dieting, You are tall and wear the weight well". I feel like everybody just doesnt get it. Finally I have stumbled onto a site where people do get it. Its just what I needed. Feel free to add me to your friends list. Thank you all for taking the time to make me feel welcome.

    I used to fall into that trap of othere people's comments. I have found out the hard way that they do not always have your best interests in mind.

    From your comments it really sounds like you want to be fit and healthy rather than just "lose weight". It took me a long time to realize that if I try to be fit and healthy, the weight will follow.

    You have found a great site and being here is the kickstart you need!
  • bainos
    bainos Posts: 99
    A secret no more! Healthful, antioxidant-rich Red Tea, made from the rooibos plant exclusively found in the Cedarberg Mountains of South Africa, was first encountered by European botanists and brought to the "Old World" more than 300 years ago.

    Now Tetley, Canada's tea leader, is set to re-introduce Africa's best kept secret with the launch of its exclusive new range of 100 per cent pure, antioxidant-rich and naturally caffeine-free Tetley Red Tea. Three exceptionally delicious flavours are set to hit Canadian store shelves starting October 2008 and include: Tetley Red Tea Pure Rooibos, Tetley Red Tea Vanilla and Tetley Red Tea Red Berry.

    Expertly blended by Tetley, new Tetley Red Tea captures the essence of Africa at an affordable price. A unique and deliciously aromatic blend of the highest quality rooibos, new Tetley Red Tea is steeped in Tetley's 171-year tea-making tradition. An indulgent experience, its rich aroma and deep red colour come to life with an earthy flavour, featuring faint mineral tones and natural subtle sweetness; along with the unquestionable understanding that every cup delivers soothing, healthful refreshment.

    Red, the new Green
    "Red is the new Green and will become Canada's fastest-growing tea category over the next few years," predicts Katy Tubb, Tetley Group's Director of Worldwide Tea Buying and Blending, who is based in London, England. "It's caffeine and calorie-free, anti-oxidant rich and has an amazing flavour that tastes quite unlike any other tea and can be enjoyed clear or with milk," she says.

    "It presents the warmth of Africa with every earthy sip and provides more than hydrating refreshment. Recent studies suggest that Red Tea's blend of antioxidants and minerals can promote healthy skin and help relieve allergies," says Ms. Tubb.

    Red Tea: Out of Africa
    The Red Tea bush has fine, needle-like leaves and is part of the legume family (aspalathus linearis). Its leaves are harvested, cleaned, dried and allowed to oxidize which creates their signature red colour. "Our Tetley buying team tests the product at source in South Africa to ensure the highest quality and flavour," says Ms. Tubb.

    "Once the Red Tea has arrived in England, my team of experts rigorously test it again before it's packed in Tetley's signature re-sealable canisters and flip top cartons for distribution around the world. This ensures our consumers get only the finest and most flavourful blend of Tetley Red Tea," adds Ms. Tubb.

    Many centuries ago, the Red Tea bush was well-known to the indigenous South African people who used the leaves as an herbal remedy for a wide range of ailments. In South Africa it is believed to ease digestion, help promote sleep and sooth colicky infants because of its calming and antispasmodic properties.

    However, as the native population declined, the herbal lore of red tea was forgotten until stumbled upon by botanists traveling through the region in the 18th century. Since then, red tea, has gained in popularity and its many health attributes have begun to surface.

    Brewing the perfect cuppa Red
    "Red Tea is brewed in much the same ways as other teas, but the main difference is that Tetley Red should steep longer – anywhere from five to 10 minutes for optimum flavour. A great tip is to let your boiling water cool for about 10 seconds before making Red Tea; it allows the sweetness to come through better. One of the reasons it's gaining such popularity is because Red Tea is rich in antioxidants. Red Tea contains no caffeine, so it can be enjoyed at any time of day clear or with milk, much the same way we drink black tea," she says.
  • jackal75
    I too got tired of the belly.

    The previous poster is right that you can't target just one part of the body.... however....

    The belly is the hardest to lose. A trainer at my local gym gave me a tip. He told me that cardio is the key, but not like most people think. Most folks get on a machine, and do a predetermined time or distance at the same pace throughout. It works at first, but tapers off after a bit. His advice was to do intervals.

    Start with a five minute warm-up on the machine of choice. Then go as fast as you can for one minute. Drop back to a moderate pace, allowing the heart rate to come down a bit (3-5 minutes.) Then go hard again. This one doesn't have to be as hard as the first interval, but the point is to make that heart rate jump up again. Then drop back to the moderate pace again.

    Starting out, you may only do this once through. I have been doing it for months, so I am up to 60 minutes on the elliptical doing about 4-6 intervals as described above.

    I am now down a pants size, 40 pounds, and the first time under 200 lbs in over a decade.
  • bainos
    bainos Posts: 99
    Join me and others that have pledged to lose 50 lbs by June 1st. Reply on the 50 lbs by June post and join us. We are taking back control of our weight and our lives