Trying to Lose Not Only Weight But My Huge Sweet Tooth

elyse0210 Posts: 142 Member
edited September 2024 in Health and Weight Loss
Hello everyone. I like many of us here have a huge sweet tooth. After most meals I feel the need to eat something sweet. Most of the time it will be chocolate. I just won't eat a serving size or maybe have just a few bites, I go crazy. I don't know why I have this insane craving after every meal. All I know is that I want it to stop. I need more self control. Yesterday I ate almost 400 calories worth of Halloween candy that is sitting at my desk at work. I felt miserable afterwards and was asking myself "Why the hell did you need to eat all that candy?" I try to eat fruit, chew gum, drink water or consentrate on work to take my mind off of eating sweets, but most days I find myself popping some sort of candy into my mouth. What do you all do when you are trying to fight the urge to spluge? :) Any suggestions would be appreciated. It may seem easy for some but this is something I really want to get over. Thanks!


  • bsprowl
    bsprowl Posts: 14 Member
    Im interested in reading the responses for this topic...i am the same way, i feel as if i have to have something sweet after every meal especially dinner and then after dinner i typically go off the deep end...hence why i have gained over 20 pounds in the last year...habits are hard to break!!
  • I also like to have a little something sweet after dinner. I have taken to eating Nabisco 100 calorie packs or Special K 90 calorie bars (the chocolate pretzel one is soooo good!) Both seem to satisy my sweet tooth without packing on the calories.
  • TaraMaria
    TaraMaria Posts: 1,975
    This may not be the right answer or the answer you want to hear. But I was the SAME way! And if I let myself, I would prolly turn into the same person again. If it was in the house or around me I wanted it after was my favorite part of the day. After dinner, my mouth would go "Yup, its that time. I'm ready for that frozen reeses you have in the freezer waiting for you."

    Basically. I stopped. It was SO FREAKING HARD. I ate the last frozen kitkat. Hugged my last snickers. Waved goodbye to the last payday (occasional caramel craving...ya never In the beginning I replaced with something NOT pure sugar. Jello, Popcorn, a serving size of pretzels. Just to get my mind out of sugar mode. Then I moved it into a healthy range. Cauliflower, Broccoli, carrots. Now its nothing! I don't have anything after dinner and when I hit that stage, I dropped pounds like that!


    Not going to lie. HARD. SO HARD. I would wander into kitchen. Remember it was gone. Wander back to living room. Wander back to the kitchen. Wonder if I should go to the gas station. Seriously. Addicted. How bad is that? But fitting into the jeans I want is way better! And its not to say I don't get a craving every now and again. I just try to make it once in a while so my body doesn't get used to the idea of sugar every night or day! :o)
  • hopewms
    hopewms Posts: 22
    As much as possible create an environment where you won't be able to splurge. Get the candy away from your desk. I used to mindlessly eat while watching TV, working, driving, etc. I have to keep it out of sight so I don't do that. It's not the sweet stuff that's the problem, it's the quantity. I buy a bag of m&m's, count them out into small baggies and give them to my sister. She hides them and I have her give me one bag a day. Sounds stupid, but it works. I get my taste of something sweet without eating the whole bag.

    Remember, it's not about will power, it's about creating an environment where it's easy to succeed!
  • rmkorama
    rmkorama Posts: 232 Member
    First thing, is it possible to remove the candy from your desk at work? Is this a communal bowl that the whole office shares or your personal one? Because that sounds like it's just asking for trouble. Same for your house. Is it possible to reduce temptation by not keeping much nearby? In training any sort of habit, managing the environment is part of the battle.

    Second, again in the management department, when you eat candy, perhaps begin training yourself to eat it slowly. Open one small snack bar and make sure it's at least three bites that you chew slowly and carefully before swallowing. It'll take time and effort, but this is about enjoying the flavors and the sweetness more slowly so that your body can register it. Eventually, hopefully, you'll be able to be satisfied with less. This might also involve buying different kinds of candy.

    For example, I find I can't allow myself to eat a Hershey bar very often. For whatever reason, I eat them. Quickly. Ravenously. Hershey's kisses, on the other hand, I let melt in my mouth. Why? Couldn't tell you. Also, Hershey's kisses are great to portion out. Take five out of the bag, slowly unwrap one and eat it. Then slowly unwrap another.

    As noted, this will take time.
  • sherry_80
    sherry_80 Posts: 86 Member
    i keep reeces pieces and junior mints a box in the pantry and i have to have a couple of them. Since i have 3 kids who love candy, when they see i have candy they take it away.
    so that helps and i try to keep fun size, candy bars so i wont go overboard.
    I found helpful the other day, i put a poem i found on mfp, it was call don't quit and i put on the fridge, it stopped me from getting ice cream.
    I am adding it to the pantry so i can stay away from my kids snack and my husbands. they wont eat anything diet.

    I do the same thing, i do it in the morning after breakfast and after dinner.

    One of the 4oz boxes last me a week so i just a couple.
  • Ok, I had the same problem when I was working and you know i stopped filling the candy jar on my desk. But of course, that doesn't help with the craving, just the availability. So I would decide what I wanted to splurge on (candy, brownie or whatever) and I would either buy or cook that item and then I would seperate the whole thing into single serving and i would only take one to work so that I only had so much to eat. i actually saw results with only this change because I was constantly having one or two jellybeans or candy corn or dove chocolates but it adds up quickly. At home, I try to only have snacks that will satisfy my sweet tooth but isn't terrible on my diet, like blue bunny orange dream bars (the ones with the ice cream in the middle) they are only 100 calories a piece or the 60 calorie jello puddings, those are very satisfying especially with a little fat-free whipped topping on top. yum. Also wal-mart has a popcorn brand that is great for calories and tastes great too, it's called Pop Weaver and they have butter popcorn but also for the sweet tooth satisfaction, they have kettle corn too. I try to save all my splurge calories for at night cuz that is when i really feel munchie so I just continually remind myself that tonight i get to have some treats if i don't spoil my caloric day now. And then well after dinner i go to the kitchen and pick what i will have (maybe three items) then leave two on the counter. i eat the first treat and since i know i only have two more treats than i try to go as long as possible to eat the second, then i have to go into the kitchen and i don't even open the cabitnets because i already have the snacks on the counter, i get just one and basically repeat the process. It works for me, maybe it can help you too.
  • Have you tried any of the Jell-o sugar free puddings? I love the chocolate and I add a little whipped topping to it. They also have mousse and other flavors that are really good. Also the Skinny Cow ice creams are really good! The Special K 90 calorie chocolate Pretzel gives you the sweet and salty together. Or the Yoplait Light yogurt are awesome too. Fresh fruit with whiped topping, fruit smoothie with skim milk, plus there are alot of sugar free desserts you can make with splenda.

    As you can tell I am a huge sweet person also!!! There are some really great options that aren't alot of calories, plus it does get easier!
  • paniolo5
    paniolo5 Posts: 186 Member
    I love what I read in someone's signature block last week - you can't eat it if you don't buy it (not the exact quote but you get the idea). I know it's not always that simple (someone else might be providing candy in the office), but if it's not in the house, you can't eat it. After awhile, the cravings will subside. I get twinges for chocolate and when I do, I am finally satisfied with one 56 cal square of 85% dark chocolate (Lindt Excellence bar). And I used to eat a pound of M&Ms in a day. If I can do it, you can too! Good luck!
  • elyse0210
    elyse0210 Posts: 142 Member
    Thanks everyone for the responses. All are very insightful and helpful. When I shop for groceries I do not buy candy or junk food because I know at home I will eat it. I snack on 60 calories sugar free jellos, 100 calorie packs, granola bars etc. It's only when I'm at work does the temptation really set in. The candy bowl is for patients who come in so it can't removed it from my desk. It stares at me all day everyday. Also there is a candy drawer in my managers office that is always full so it's REALLY hard to walk by and NOT grab a small handful. I don't want to give up completely but I really need to cut down big time!
  • kdsmith
    kdsmith Posts: 250
    This may not be the right answer or the answer you want to hear. But I was the SAME way! And if I let myself, I would prolly turn into the same person again. If it was in the house or around me I wanted it after was my favorite part of the day. After dinner, my mouth would go "Yup, its that time. I'm ready for that frozen reeses you have in the freezer waiting for you."

    Basically. I stopped. It was SO FREAKING HARD. I ate the last frozen kitkat. Hugged my last snickers. Waved goodbye to the last payday (occasional caramel craving...ya never In the beginning I replaced with something NOT pure sugar. Jello, Popcorn, a serving size of pretzels. Just to get my mind out of sugar mode. Then I moved it into a healthy range. Cauliflower, Broccoli, carrots. Now its nothing! I don't have anything after dinner and when I hit that stage, I dropped pounds like that!


    Not going to lie. HARD. SO HARD. I would wander into kitchen. Remember it was gone. Wander back to living room. Wander back to the kitchen. Wonder if I should go to the gas station. Seriously. Addicted. How bad is that? But fitting into the jeans I want is way better! And its not to say I don't get a craving every now and again. I just try to make it once in a while so my body doesn't get used to the idea of sugar every night or day! :o)

    This is just perfect advice for me...thank you...I think I will just keep this screen up and read it every time I have the urge to go find something in my kitchen (no real junk food here but I could make do with a box of crackers or a jar of peanut butter!!!). After my children go to bed, my diet always suffers and that is the reason I haven't lost weight in 2 years but I'm going to get through it this time one evening at a time!!
  • maroon58
    maroon58 Posts: 289 Member
    i have the same problem. i am trying to get out of the mindset that i don't always need to have dessert. but when i want to i eat: tootsie roll pops (1 is 60 cal) or jello pudding (60 cal). i think the jello ones are sugar free and i try to eat it real slowly! also, i eat the skinny cow ice cream sandwiches (140 cal). i tried the truffle ones but they tasted like the popsicle stick it was on.
  • anetap2000
    anetap2000 Posts: 116 Member
    Hi.I used to have the same problem.I have read that when you done with dinner or lunch, it's good to make a tea or coffe, so to know that it's end of the dinner. You can trick that way your brain. I have tried that and it works! Second thing , after few days of not eating any sweets, you don't even think about it. Its an addiction to sugar.
    I 've been there, even when I tried to eat 1 square of chocolate, I always end up eating whole.
    Now I can control it.
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