Accuracy of calorie calculator at

As I moved closer to maintenance, I've tried to more accurately pinpoint the amount of calories I burn in my workouts. I purchased a $45 heart rate monitor that proved fairly useless, especially when my workout required anything in plank position or lying down (abs, etc.). I followed another post to the Shapesense website and started figuring my calorie burn on their calculators. The net burns for Plyo X and Kenpo X are fairly high (Plyo=507 and Kenpo=372), so I'm a little worried that my burns are still being overestimated. I am only calculating the burn for the active workout time (not warm-ups and cool downs).

Does anyone else use this website to determined calories burned? How accurate have you found them to be? I know an expensive HRM would probably be better, but I simply can't afford one, so I'm looking for the next best thing.

I have just started maintaining, and don't want to start gaining weight because I'm eating back exercise calories that I really haven't burned. Thanks for your insight!


  • sklebar
    sklebar Posts: 117 Member
    I use the calories burned on here. Though sometimes it depends on the activity. I would suggest underestimating on the level of activity you do (i.e. leisurely walking rather than moderate) and then also take into account the warm up or the cool down if you do a class. I do a 45-minute spin class and I put down 40 minutes because the last five we're just stretching. I do a 60 minute yoga class and I take into consideration whether we do the rest at the end and don't count that. I've been maintaining solidly for 6 months now and that has worked for me.
  • nytrifisoul
    nytrifisoul Posts: 500 Member
    I use a Suunto t3c. Its probably the most accurate calorie burn calculating HRM aside from medical equipment. That said, I compared it to SS calculator, and if you convert your gross calorie burn to net, its pretty close to my Suunto.
  • PippiNe
    PippiNe Posts: 283 Member
    Thank you!!! This is what I was hoping to hear. I do convert my burns from gross to net. I'm thankful Nytrifisoul for you taking the time to compare for me. :o)
  • spoiledpuppies
    spoiledpuppies Posts: 675 Member
    I use Shapesense as well -- just because it's what I found. I figure that at least if it decreases my HRM number, it's better. (I really like using net calories. It just makes more sense to me.)