Lumpy oatmeal they EVER go away?



  • Cellulite is a structural issue that can only be corrected by reversing the cause of atrophied muscle fibers directly beneath your “cellulite” trouble spots. The squishy dimples are a visible symptom of a problem below the surface. So, it’s impossible for the creams, lotions or gels to have any physiological impact on the cause of the issue. You have to do it with a specific and proper exercise routine.
  • Siansonea
    Siansonea Posts: 917 Member
    Cellulite is a structural issue that can only be corrected by reversing the cause of atrophied muscle fibers directly beneath your “cellulite” trouble spots. The squishy dimples are a visible symptom of a problem below the surface. So, it’s impossible for the creams, lotions or gels to have any physiological impact on the cause of the issue. You have to do it with a specific and proper exercise routine.

    Baloney. Cellulite is a condition limited to the superficial layers of the epidermis, dermis, and subcutaneous fat. There is no legitimate treatment for cellulite, and something tells me you're here to SELL SOMETHING, if your name is any indicator. If that is indeed the case, I hope no one falls for your schtick.
  • CarynMacD
    CarynMacD Posts: 230
    I know that when I was really fit a few years ago that mine looked so much better.

    BUT... this is crazy, but I have to get it off my chest :D Mine's gotten worse with my very recent awesome results with weight training! It'll get much better, I'm sure. But right now I'm at a point where my muscles are so tight and the skin pulls more strangely on them than it's used to. Weird, huh?!

    The fat pockets I have other places are odd, looser textures too so I'm sure it's just how fat must go away. But I wasn't expecting to look worse for a while! I'm like: New muscle line---Cellulite---New muscle dent---Fat pocket, lol.

    Just last night I was saying to Mr MacHottiePants (my husband) that even though I've lost 13 Lbs and been doing strength training, my body seems to be taking on a strange shape. I wonder if this is normal. I can only assume that some areas respond to the weight loss and strength training faster than others, thus the "odd" shape. I'm really hoping it all comes together in time.
  • RaggedyPond
    RaggedyPond Posts: 1,487 Member
    My legs are firming up more with strength training. My middle thigh measurement still has not changed but they look smaller.
  • AlongCame_Molly
    AlongCame_Molly Posts: 2,835 Member
    Reduction in body fat will reduce the appearance of cellulite.

    This. There is no other way. I have been blessed with a genetic propensity for developing cellulite at higher body fat percentages. But as soon as I started losing weight and my thighs got a little slimmer, the cellulite disappeared completely.
  • cafeaulait7
    cafeaulait7 Posts: 2,459 Member
    I know that when I was really fit a few years ago that mine looked so much better.

    BUT... this is crazy, but I have to get it off my chest :D Mine's gotten worse with my very recent awesome results with weight training! It'll get much better, I'm sure. But right now I'm at a point where my muscles are so tight and the skin pulls more strangely on them than it's used to. Weird, huh?!

    The fat pockets I have other places are odd, looser textures too so I'm sure it's just how fat must go away. But I wasn't expecting to look worse for a while! I'm like: New muscle line---Cellulite---New muscle dent---Fat pocket, lol.

    Just last night I was saying to Mr MacHottiePants (my husband) that even though I've lost 13 Lbs and been doing strength training, my body seems to be taking on a strange shape. I wonder if this is normal. I can only assume that some areas respond to the weight loss and strength training faster than others, thus the "odd" shape. I'm really hoping it all comes together in time.

    Mine did that last time, too, and it worked out by the end, lol. Every 4-5 lbs I would lose my 'saddlebags'. Then they'd be back after the next 5 lbs :D They were smaller, of course, but that's how they came off -- the parts around them at a different time than the fattest part. I look better with 5 lbs on sometimes, but that can also be 5 more lbs down, which is what I like.

    At the end of weight loss, though, I might have to gain 5 back to look better! It depends on where in the saddlebag cycle it lands ;)

    I never do lose all my cellulite, btw. But it gets to an amount that is much nicer when I'm strong and more slender. I hate it when people say just keep losing to get rid of it all because it's just fat. That was one reason I got an eating disorder for a couple of years when I was a teen. I didn't have much cellulite, but I hated being 'fat' at all if all it took was a diet to fix things (I was already an athlete, so I was exercising hours a day). I wasn't fat; I just had some cellulite.
  • This does sound odd, but it may be true. However, it is temporary. I have a friend who swears that the cellulite disappears when she has massages. She admitted it always came back when she stopped the massages. So a rolling pin may be temporarily moving the fat tissue around. If those women did it for their whole iives the fat never had a chance to move back into lumps.:laugh:
  • Hello,
    I have had cellulite on my thighs for as long as I can remember...even before I gained some weight. My question is does this ever go away???? It's really hard to feel comfortable in swim suit...and I already don't wear shorts. Any suggestions on how to get rid of?

    as your fat cells shrink (they will not go away completely), your cellulite will be less noticeable? maybe research this on google. there seems alternate views. personally, it started forming on me due to a bad period of time with diet/exercise (i was binging) but i realised, changed habits, and now i don't have it anymore.
  • CarynMacD
    CarynMacD Posts: 230
    Isn't cellulite an indication of our bodies storing toxins?
  • t8tersalad
    t8tersalad Posts: 85 Member
    I know for a fact you can get rid of it. At the gym my sister and I used to workout at...there was a tall blonde in her 40's.
    Her thighs, front and back, to the knee, was covered in cellulite. Other than that, there was no other cellulite on her that we could see, arms etc. She started using a trainer and was getting pretty toned up like she going to compete. It took about 5 years, but her cellulite was completely gone. We couldn't see any of it.
  • Matiara
    Matiara Posts: 377 Member
    I know that when I was really fit a few years ago that mine looked so much better.

    BUT... this is crazy, but I have to get it off my chest :D Mine's gotten worse with my very recent awesome results with weight training! It'll get much better, I'm sure. But right now I'm at a point where my muscles are so tight and the skin pulls more strangely on them than it's used to. Weird, huh?!

    The fat pockets I have other places are odd, looser textures too so I'm sure it's just how fat must go away. But I wasn't expecting to look worse for a while! I'm like: New muscle line---Cellulite---New muscle dent---Fat pocket, lol.

    I've experienced this as well. I never had cellulite, gained almost 30 pounds in 18 months and still didn't have cellulite. When I started working out again and my legs started getting their definition back, I developed these weird fat pockets on my thighs. I've noticed that at times they will look worse and then suddenly smooth out a little, which is followed by a drop in measurement on my thighs.

    With that being the case, I've just assumed it's the fat stores my body has chosen to use up first and that my legs will go back to normal once I'm back at my fighting weight. As the fat pockets on my legs diminish, they are starting to develop on my tummy. I consider it a good sign, even if it does look weird for now.
  • is it fine to work on legs the next day if you don't feel the soreness?
  • intheflowers
    intheflowers Posts: 24 Member
    Cellulite is a structural issue that can only be corrected by reversing the cause of atrophied muscle fibers directly beneath your “cellulite” trouble spots. The squishy dimples are a visible symptom of a problem below the surface. So, it’s impossible for the creams, lotions or gels to have any physiological impact on the cause of the issue. You have to do it with a specific and proper exercise routine.

    Baloney. Cellulite is a condition limited to the superficial layers of the epidermis, dermis, and subcutaneous fat. There is no legitimate treatment for cellulite, and something tells me you're here to SELL SOMETHING, if your name is any indicator. If that is indeed the case, I hope no one falls for your schtick.

    lol did you even read what you replied to?