Meal Replacement Drinks for breakfast? Metabolism

I know they say you should have breakfast to kick start your metabolism, and I was wondering if anyone knows if meal replacement drinks would do this?

I start work at 4:00 in the morning and just cant bring myself to eat food that early

I also like them because they are 215 calories and taste amazing, they stop me having an urge to buy chocolate bars and other rubbish I shouldn't be eating!

They are also packed with vitamins what can't be a bad thing!



  • _Zardoz_
    _Zardoz_ Posts: 3,987 Member
    Foods don't ' kick start' your metabolism eat what works for you
  • Alatariel75
    Alatariel75 Posts: 18,046 Member
    You don't need breakfast if you don't want to eat it, the kickstarting thing is a myth :) Eat what works, when it works.
  • Oops that is why I thought people say that breakfast is the most important meal of the day! Oh well, 215 calories isn't bad for breakfast so I'll keep having them, much nicer than shreddies!!!

    They really do stop me from eating crap, my favourite are from tescos and they are chocolate and cherry flavour!

    Thanks for the info.
  • stackhead
    stackhead Posts: 121 Member
    Oops that is why I thought people say that breakfast is the most important meal of the day! Oh well, 215 calories isn't bad for breakfast so I'll keep having them, much nicer than shreddies!!!

    Errrm, I think you'll find that shreddies are not only the breakfast cereal foodstuffs of the gods BUT are also knitted by nana's - who are really disappointed in you for abandoning them.
  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    That breakfast myth based on my understanding is based on studies done on school aged children, who when given a nutrious breakfast seem to retain more information than children who don't eat breakfast.

    As for adults eat when you want, I eat breakfast everyday but that's because if I don't I am a raving witch (unless I am drinking coffee which seems to kill my appetite)

    The meal replacements in my mind are fine...if you like them...I choose a smoothie in the morning (frozen fruit, almond milk and protien shakes and powder) if I am going to work, if not it's eggs toast bacon/ham etc.
  • I have about 50 meal replacement drinks in my fridge (they are on offer) so will carry on with them, I never have a cheat day purely because having one of the drinks for breakfast is like a treat to me!

    I stopped drinking coffee since I can have a latte flavoured one, and stopped eating chocolate as I also have that flavour as well!

    I'm glad nobody said anything too negative about them as apart from MFP and fitbit, I really think the meal replacement drinks have been a massive help in losing weight.

    Off topic, but the only thing I do miss is alcohol, maybe they should make a cider flavoured one as well lol