Newbie Question

Hello all! I am 30 days in to this journey and last week joined a exercise class. Tonight will be my second class and I am curious as to how many hours before the class do you eat? Last week my first class was an unusual day for me and I had an early dinner w/ my grown daughter around 3 pm. My class is at 7:15 so I don't want to wait til after to eat but our family usually eats around 6 pm. Is that going to be enough time before the class so I don't get sick?


  • jacksonpt
    jacksonpt Posts: 10,413 Member
    It's all personal preference. You'll have a try a few things and see what makes you feel best during your workout.

    Seems like the most common practices are something small/light 30-45 minutes before a workout (a piece of fruit, toast with PB, a small protein shake, etc) or nothing at all prior to a workout.
  • delicious_cocktail
    delicious_cocktail Posts: 5,797 Member
    If you're eating a full sit down family meal at 6:00p, 7:15p may be a bit too soon. Perhaps consider eating half portions at dinner and the rest after your work-out?
  • frommetobetterme
    frommetobetterme Posts: 124 Member
    I think you'll have to experiment. I eat dinner at 6 and work out at around 9pm. If I have a heavy meal (i.e. pasta), I have a hard time working out, even with that big a gap. If I eat light, I'm ok. If I eat light, I can also eat closer to my workout.

    It really depends on you and your body. Try a few different things and see what works.
  • MinnieInMaine
    MinnieInMaine Posts: 6,400 Member
    Totally depends on how much you usually eat for dinner and how intense the class is. If I'm doing something more low intensity like going for a walk, having a semi full belly isn't going to hold me back but if I try to do something more intense like a run or a rigorous workout video, I'll probably end up losing my cookies, or at least feeling like I'm going to.

    As others said, you're going to have to experiment a bit. Maybe eat part of your dinner so that you're still eating with your family and save half of it for after class. Or just have something light with them and then have your dinner later.
  • sjones215
    sjones215 Posts: 18 Member
    I went w/ something light with them but made the mistake of taking a vitamin w/ the food and all thru my workout I could taste the darn vitamin, to the point of nausea. Won't make that mistake again! Thanks for the suggestions everyone! :)