Daily Calorie Intake HELP!

Okay, so I need help figuring out how many calories I need to intake, daily, in order to lose 1-2 lbs a week.

I'm at 1720 right now because MFP figured it out for me. I just got off of doing Beachbody's 2-day fast this past weekend. I haven't been feeling hungry during the day so I end up having 500 calories left over after dinner and working out. I've gone up to over 2000 calories before & I ended up gaining weight instead of losing. As far as exercise, I am doing Beachbody's Focus T25 (5x week for 25 mins). I burn roughly 500-600 calories each day. I weighed 221 Monday, 224 today, I'm 5'7", and 27 y/o. Thanks in advance for any help!!!


  • vertor81
    You didn`t provide enough information about yourself to give you any answer.

    Write something about your current weight, BF life style and so on.

    One thing I can say for sure if you want to loose you have to supply the target amount of calories regulary without having such 500 cal days because then your body is going to store everything it can
  • geminijo04
    I think I provided enough. My current weight, as stated, is 224. I work out 5 days a week for 25 mins to Focus T25, high intensity, non-stop workout. I burn about 500-600 calories with each workout. My goal weight right now is 180. What else do you need??
  • Mokey41
    Mokey41 Posts: 5,769 Member
    What did you do to lose the first 39 lbs? I'd keep doing it although it sounds like you may be slipping over the to Beachbody side and they'll be more than happy to take your money and provide advice.
  • Lizzy622
    Lizzy622 Posts: 3,705 Member
    1720 sounds like you are set to only lose one pound a week?? If you exercise another 500 calories a day that will give you a 1000 calorie deficit if you don't eat your calories back which gives you about a 2 pound lose a week. I would advise against eating below the 1720 total calories and burning 500 calories too often ( more than once a week). You are working out to increase strength and retain muscle, you don't want to eat too little and burn muscle.
  • geminijo04
    1720 sounds like you are set to only lose one pound a week?? If you exercise another 500 calories a day that will give you a 1000 calorie deficit if you don't eat your calories back which gives you about a 2 pound lose a week. I would advise against eating below the 1720 total calories and burning 500 calories too often ( more than once a week). You are working out to increase strength and retain muscle, you don't want to eat too little and burn muscle.

    But I thought with a deficit, it shouldn't be below 1200 ?? I logged in to the IIFYM calculator and they said I should eat 2612 calories when exercising 5/times week. That seems like too much. I burn 500-600 daily. So it sounds like I should eat more ??
  • vertor81
    OK so the calories seem to be OK. Of course you should eat back exercise calories.
    I would suggest trying to get a timely eating habit so eating 4-5 equal meals.
    There are two questions I would point my attention to:
    1.what HR you have during those workout (isn`t it going to high - max should be about 85% oMHR if I`m correct)
    2. if you are going out of breath during these exercises (actually this is somehow correlated to the above point).

    In addition to your workout I would suggest a brisk peace walk for 1 hour or northic walking.
    Not forgeting the right macros and about 2l of water during the day
  • Lizzy622
    Lizzy622 Posts: 3,705 Member
    1720 sounds like you are set to only lose one pound a week?? If you exercise another 500 calories a day that will give you a 1000 calorie deficit if you don't eat your calories back which gives you about a 2 pound lose a week. I would advise against eating below the 1720 total calories and burning 500 calories too often ( more than once a week). You are working out to increase strength and retain muscle, you don't want to eat too little and burn muscle.

    But I thought with a deficit, it shouldn't be below 1200 ?? I logged in to the IIFYM calculator and they said I should eat 2612 calories when exercising 5/times week. That seems like too much. I burn 500-600 daily. So it sounds like I should eat more ??

    I was assuming your normal daily activities calories to be 2,220 with a 500 deficit for 1720 so if you exercise another 500 you would be at 1,220 which is still above the minimum 1200.
  • sjaykay13
    Play with your meal sizes and timing to jump start your metabolism, eating 5 even clean meals a day is doing the trick for me. I also don't eat any of my exercise calories, which means I focus my intake on lean protein, complex carbs and pile on the veggies. I stick to a strict 1500 calorie per day diet with less than 45g of fat.

    If you've lost 39lbs, this may be a plateau and time to change everything up, including exercise routines and diet habits!
  • Greenrun99
    Greenrun99 Posts: 2,065 Member
    I believe T25 workout program suggests you eat 1600 everyday.. so eat 1600.
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    500-600 calories seem a lot for a 25 minutes workout.

    But I'd just use TDEE-20% with the moderately active setting if you walk a lot, a bit less if you don't, and not eat your exercise calories back.