Hydration/Water - ideas please :)



  • FitterStrongerHappier
    quit whinning put your big girl panties on and drink the water

    hmm.. really? Whining?? I had a legitimate question and asked for some suggestions - and received some valid replies. If you were trying to do something healthy, and it made you feel sick, and you STILL wanted to do it, so asked for help on suggestions - since WHEN does that qualify as WHINING.

    Get off your high horse.

    I have a job where I have to type and it's hard to do with extremely cold fingers - I only asked for suggestions on how to alleviate that. Whining? I think not.

  • FitterStrongerHappier
    Thanks to everyone with the helpful replies. The most beneficial ones I think were the hot water with lemon - hadn't thought of that one.

    I do drink it from the tap - just cold from the tap. I think part of my problem is losing weight generally can make you feel cold more easily too. I just wanted to find a way to alleviate that. And working, it's hard to get up and move around much.

    I will do some more research on if tea is (decaf that is) ok to help with hydration - I was actually reading a Blog By Dr. Eades who said that regular water is the best and coffee and teas aren't really hydrating. Though he didn't qualify if it was Decaf or not.

    Anyhow - Thank you so much again for your help! Many of you had some great ideas and I appreciate it! :)
  • vrandal
    vrandal Posts: 22 Member
    quit whinning put your big girl panties on and drink the water
    WOW! Just Mean!
  • Pearsquared
    Pearsquared Posts: 1,656 Member
    Wait for it to warm up? Also, I like to drink from a straw.