Starting over

I lost about 40 pounds about a year ago. Then something terrible happened that shook my world, and I can honestly say that I am still not over it. I havent worked out a day since and now I am the heaviest I have ever been. I really dont know how I am going to get back on track. I have the normal obstacles such as time, money and resources working against me, but now I am lacking desire and motivation. Every time I think of excersice my stomach gets sick and I start to cry. I go back to that moment when I was working out and got the worst news of my life that put me on a path I never imagined I would have to walk and am still walking. I am haunted by the pain and disappointment that tells me all my hard work is pointless. I really dont know ho wto turn things around in my head. What is worse, I am completely alone. No one understands me. Is there anyone out there that can help me?


  • Panama_frank
    Panama_frank Posts: 19 Member
    I'm starting over as well! Add me and we can both get fit together =)
  • I lost 100 pounds in 8 months in 2009 and I have keep most of it off all these years. This last three months I have put on twenty pounds...I refuse to let this happen to me again. I have stopped drinking sodas again which was one of the things that I has slipped back into doing and was given some nice home gym equipment so I am back on my way and starting over again....I can use all the help I can get...
  • cppeace
    cppeace Posts: 764 Member
    I am so sorry for your pain and tragedy always is hard to overcome. Exercise, though healthy, isn't mandatory for weight loss. If you are truly ready to restart then do so. Don't put too much pressure on yourself.
    Welcome back. Feel free to friend me.
  • It helps to forgive yourself for gaining it back and move forward looking at each day the little successes. My son has been very ill and I am off track for the last 3 months, gaining back weight. I am ready to start again too. hang in there.
  • Whiskeygirl3132
    Whiskeygirl3132 Posts: 7 Member
    When one door closes another one opens. Take this opportunity as a starting point in all aspects of your life. You have to want to do this! Think positive and positive things will come your way!! Good luck! There is a lot of support here
  • ej_glen
    ej_glen Posts: 34 Member
    Life throws all kinds of hurdles at us that we can never expect. And I've been in a similar situation where I'd lost over 90lbs and was on top of the world - then life happened and so did weight gain.

    It really does sound like you're not over this life event yet, and instead of pushing on with your weight loss and exercise, it might be best to go and try to deal with that first. If it's bad enough to provoke such an emotional response when you try ti exercise, it could be worth speaking to a professional about how you can move on.

    Your weight loss journey will be longer than you first imagined, but that's just the way it happens sometimes. One day, you will reach your goals if that's what you truly want.

    Take care of yourself, and the weight loss will follow. I really hope it all works out for you :)
  • tmoreau
    tmoreau Posts: 5 Member
    I'm not going to pretend I know the circumstances of what happened in your life a year ago, but I can certainly sympathize with events happening in life that we can't control that derail any and all progress made toward a healthy weight and lifestyle. I too have had a very rough year and have gained back almost half of what I've lost. I struggle each day to get back on track and some days it just doesn't seem worth the effort. I know it is worth the effort and I know I can do it... but... like you, there's no motivation or desire. If you want to add me as a friend, please feel free to do so. Maybe we can support and motivate each other to get back on track. Take care!
  • Thank you for the advice and I think you may be right. I need to speak to a professional about this.
  • I'm the same!! Mfp working well for me I've lost 8kg in the first month!!
  • Thank you so much. I think I will. I look forward to good things happening.
  • I concur that you will want to seek some professional input. I've had a series of tragic events over the last 5 years and it has taken me years of therapy, meds and finally a new, low stress job to get my head in a good place to work on this weight. Good luck, it does get better.
  • tinamariecleg
    tinamariecleg Posts: 99 Member
    I feel like I am always starting over! Add me if you like for friend support :) You can do it

  • It really does sound like you're not over this life event yet, and instead of pushing on with your weight loss and exercise, it might be best to go and try to deal with that first. If it's bad enough to provoke such an emotional response when you try ti exercise, it could be worth speaking to a professional about how you can move on.

    Take care of yourself, and the weight loss will follow. I really hope it all works out for you :)

    Good advice above. I am sorry for your situation but you are not along in the world it just feels that way today. I know the feeling. I am bipolar and stay on the depressed side. I am also a recovering alcoholic. There are days when getting up and out the door and doing life seem like an impossible task. I have a wonderful wife who understands. My family trys but they just don't get ity. Medication and therapy have helped greatly and I have found groups that fit whatever you are going through are great. You won't feel so alone.

    I have managed to put on 100 lbs over probably 10 years and spent the last 10 with various lose 50 gain 60 in between. Now i'm 52 and realize I am going to die young at this weight. Not really sure what is different this time but it feels different and obtainable. I like this site. I don't post much but read a lot for support.

    I started back exercising (Stationary bike) last month and quite frankly it sucks. It is really hard to get on that damn thing and get started, but I have made it a priority in my life to get better.

    What I do is to put me first as a priority and just hop on that bike every day after work and just do it. Just taking it a day/hour/minute at a time and damn those minutes go by slow sometimes.

    Good luck in your journey and remember you are not alone.

    You can do it
  • jaecobb86
    jaecobb86 Posts: 25 Member
    I am so sorry to hear that. I went through a similar situation in life. I had lost almost 100 pounds when I was in college, and by the time I graduated I only gained about 10 back. Once I was in the "real world" I gained about 20 more. I entered into an abusive marriage and my weigh skyrocketed to the heaviest I have ever been in my life. It wasn't until I almost lost my life during a surgery that I realized that I needed to do something about my weight. Now, I have lost a total of 55 pounds, most of that being with MFP. I would love to walk with you on this journey. Add me! Its not always easy, but I am finding that support really helps!

    Good luck with everything! God will definitely walk with you on this journey. As my mom tells me daily, He doesn't bring you to it not to bring you through it! :happy:
  • Candy42adore
    Candy42adore Posts: 40 Member
    I too am starting over. I had lost 80lbs a yr in a half ago & now put half of it back on :(
    It all started when my 6 yr old was diagnosed w/Juvenile Diabetes& admitted to the icu for almost a week if that weren't bad enough 6 months later my daughter became ill & was hospitalized for a week w/rsv. To top it all off my mother passed away. So here I am working my way back to feeling great! Life happens & I guess the most important thing to keep in mind is your perception of it all. Best of luck. I will be cheering you on!!!
  • mandeenicoleb
    mandeenicoleb Posts: 479 Member
    I am so sorry to hear that something horrible happened. Don't beat yourself up. Today can be day one. Take baby steps and don't overwhelm yourself. You can do it! and we are all here with you!
  • lizmarkham
    lizmarkham Posts: 4 Member
    Count Me In!!! After losing 65 lbs and 118 in 5 years ago. I'm getting back to it after a serious sports injury and gaining some weight back. You're not alone!
  • Thanks Candy.:smile: