missing the pre-baby body.

i had my daughter at the age of 16. everyone fooled me into thinking i would have my pre-baby body back after a few weeks postpartum.. hahaha-_-
i'm now 18 and i still have 32 lbs to lose.
i need some motivation from other moms who know the struggle.
add me?


  • Hi Daisysmommy,

    I know it. I definitely know the struggle! I've had four kiddos, the first when I was 17. I'm 27 now and I'm done having kids but I've got about 20 more lbs to lose. I tend to lose weight very very slowly. I've lost weight between my babies each time, though not all of it the last couple of times so I've got this last 20lbs sticking around. My baby is 15 months :)

    If you have any questions about losing or how much to eat or exercise, I've tried everything and have found what works for me. It's simple and no gimmicks or starvation. Just eating with a slight deficit and lifting weights with some HIIT and other cardio a few days a week :)

    Nice to meet you!!
  • I'm living the same thing :)
    and I have stretch marks boo LOL
    I hope I going to lose what I suppose to lose

    be positive!!! We can do it
  • I totally agree with Rachel. I have found that watching my calorie intake and working out with weights and intervals for cardio is the best way. You need to eat enough to get through your workouts and reducing calories too much is crazy. And we all want to have those few splurges when we are out with the kids at fairs or play dates. I am now jst trying to nail down a schedule where \i can get exercise on my own and with Baylin.

    Any ideas for workouts and exercise with your babies would be appreciated.
  • __freckles__
    __freckles__ Posts: 1,238 Member
    You can do it - you just need to be determined. In my mind, there was NO WAY I wasn't going to fit into my pre-baby clothes again, and after 5 months I'm back to the weight and size I was before. I was determind with my first baby and now with my second I was able to lose the weight slowly and healthy again. YOU are the only person that is going to get you where you want to be. So just do it!
  • WISteph608
    WISteph608 Posts: 8 Member
    Hi -

    It's the same with second, too! You can do this - feel free to add me if you need support.

  • smarionette
    smarionette Posts: 260 Member
    You were 16...your body wasn't even done growing yet. At 18 your body likely isn't at what will be it's final shape. Also, you had a baby, really that changes a person's body. You won't ever get your pre-baby body back, but you might want to start thinking about what will be the realistic body for you.
  • BlueBombers
    BlueBombers Posts: 4,064 Member
    I know my body will never look the exact same way I did before I had my two kids, but I am okay with that.

    I think of my stretch marks as a badge of honour.
  • Jennloella
    Jennloella Posts: 2,286 Member
    Everyone is different! What works for one won't work for the other, you've got to find a program you can stick to and a diet you can adopt permanently! some women get stretch marks, some don't. You may not ever look exactly like you did at 16, but would you really want to? Work hard and you will get your best "now" body. I've got three kids and after each one I feel stronger and look better. Probably because as I get older I have to work harder! You can do it!
  • You can add me if you want. I have 4 kids, the youngest just turned 5months.. Everyone is different, some never get the same body back, some do. I look exactly the same as when I was 18 before any of my kids. Its possible to get your exact body back, but not for everyone.
  • __freckles__
    __freckles__ Posts: 1,238 Member
    You won't ever get your pre-baby body back, but you might want to start thinking about what will be the realistic body for you.

    Speak for yourself. I got my pre-baby body back and with lifting weights it looks even better! Don't give up OP!
  • smarionette
    smarionette Posts: 260 Member
    You won't ever get your pre-baby body back, but you might want to start thinking about what will be the realistic body for you.

    Speak for yourself. I got my pre-baby body back and with lifting weights it looks even better! Don't give up OP!

    Did you miss the part where she was only 16? Bodies are still growing at that age.
  • __freckles__
    __freckles__ Posts: 1,238 Member
    You won't ever get your pre-baby body back, but you might want to start thinking about what will be the realistic body for you.

    Speak for yourself. I got my pre-baby body back and with lifting weights it looks even better! Don't give up OP!

    Did you miss the part where she was only 16? Bodies are still growing at that age.

    Didn't miss it. Doesn't matter. You can get your body back. Nuff said.
  • ichibanmom
    ichibanmom Posts: 10 Member
    You can definitely get your pre-baby-body-back, and it can be stronger than ever should you choose to change your eating habits and workout.

    I gained 65 pounds with both of my boys, I dropped the weight, gained muscle and am finally happy with the body that I have worked so hard for. Give yourself time and be patient...it does come off.
  • I put my youngest in a pushchair and walked everywhere. I made sure I walked at least 30 mins at high speed power walking and then 30+ mins casual walking chatting to my daughter or son. I was 32 and although I would agree some peoples bodies haven't stopped growing at 16, some don't change much. Your hips may have widened but not by fat but because you had a baby. Everyone is different but irrelevant of your past body you can have one you like now! I also did lots of dancing with my children and slowly it came off. The last 15lb have been the hardest and other factors like going back to uni didn't help. I have found pilates DVD done everyday has help tone my stomach muscles. GOOD LUCK you will look good and feel good soon. Just remember to start with you feel nothing is happening and then all of a sudden its oooh my trousers are loose! :smile:
  • anovembersoul_
    anovembersoul_ Posts: 7 Member
    i didn't realize this was the place where i'd get chastised in a way for having a child at age 16 by close minded individuals. 50+ years ago it was normal for young women to marry and start a family as young as 14-17. i don"t want any pity but support in bettering my own life. i want my daughter can reflect my actions when she is old enough to take charge of certain decisions in her own life. i knew one of the consequences of being a mom so young would be a different body than the one i had before. i don't expect to look the same exact way. i just want to be satisfied with my body the way i was happy with it then.
    thank you to all of those who left the encouraging comments!!