If you could live anywhere



  • ILoveTheBrowns
    ILoveTheBrowns Posts: 661 Member
    La Jolla, Ca or Boston

    anywhere with maria
  • RN514
    RN514 Posts: 1,107 Member
    Right where I am. :)

    I wouldn't change it for anything! It's a small town in Alabama. I'm out in the county where I can easily get to the river on the weekends, but still close enough to a larger city if I feel like having a night out. I love the peacefulness of the hometown vibe.
  • Broderick50
    Broderick50 Posts: 842 Member
    Half of my family lives there :)

    I've planned a trip there 3 times and each time I've had to cancel it. I'm gonna make it there sooner or later.
  • I live in San Diego, CA and like being close to the beach but I wish we actually had a fall season, it's been in the 70s some days lately and I see almost zero leaf color change. Sigh, grass is always greener on the otherside lol
  • Mia_RagazzaTosta
    Mia_RagazzaTosta Posts: 4,885 Member
    La Jolla, Ca or Boston

    anywhere with maria

  • escloflowneCHANGED
    escloflowneCHANGED Posts: 3,038 Member
    Whistler, British Columbia
  • CristyinMiami
    CristyinMiami Posts: 61 Member
    Italy or Spain

    Somewhere in New England if in the States.
  • sunnyside1213
    sunnyside1213 Posts: 1,205 Member
    London. *sigh* I love it there. Or a nice beach anywhere.
  • randomtai
    randomtai Posts: 9,003 Member
    I live in NYC and I hate it....so cold and blah during the winter and fall....so humid and blah during the summer. I would love to live in the U.S. Virgin Islands or Hawaii... yeah that would be cool. :smokin:
  • sugarkissprincess
    sugarkissprincess Posts: 2,595 Member
    I would like anywhere but here in AZ. Maybe California or Australia :)
  • gobonas99
    gobonas99 Posts: 1,049 Member
    Not caring about work or anything like that.. The Bahamas, Virgin Islands, Hawaii or the Keys.. so sick of winter.

    Winter makes me sooo sad :brokenheart: :sad:

    I LOVE winter! snowmobiling, cross-country skiing, snowmobiling... :happy: We're pretty happy where we live...but both my hubby and I are in total agreement that **someday** we will own property up in Old Forge in the Adirondacks. :heart: We just rent for the winter season (and go up every weekend) now.
  • I love where I live. I can go to the beach, or the lake. We have a ton of things to do here. It's beautiful and the weather is nice. Summer can get kinda hot, but that's what the water is for. Winters are not that bad and its only for a few months. We don't have a ton of snow and if it does snow it doesn't stick. South Carolina the Charleston tri-county area is great. It's where I was born and raised and most of the family lives in or around it so I would stay right where I am. I live in the city, but If I want to see the country its only a few minutes drive for me. So right here is just perfect.
  • JessyLovesJCS
    JessyLovesJCS Posts: 169 Member
    Somewhere in the country....on a lake....in the woods
  • HealthyWarrior
    HealthyWarrior Posts: 394 Member
    Where would it be? Do you like where you currently reside? I live in new england and am dying to get outtttt!

    I also live in New England. I'm in Rhode Island in a city called Woonsocket. Its a dump!!! I cannot wait to get out of here. My ideal place would be somewhere like Tennessee but I'd be happy to even stay in New England as long as its out of Woonsocket.
  • KeViN_v2pt0
    KeViN_v2pt0 Posts: 375 Member
    Havent really been to any other planets to decide
  • donthesitate
    donthesitate Posts: 255 Member
    Where would it be? Do you like where you currently reside? I live in new england and am dying to get outtttt!

    I also live in New England. I'm in Rhode Island in a city called Woonsocket. Its a dump!!! I cannot wait to get out of here. My ideal place would be somewhere like Tennessee but I'd be happy to even stay in New England as long as its out of Woonsocket.

    I live in ri too but more south, stull sucks, yes woonsocket is a dump lol
  • etoiles_argentees
    etoiles_argentees Posts: 2,827 Member
    Me too , in the woods with water nearby. I'm in Florida and and i hate it. No change of seasons and no mountains.
  • gabbygirl78
    gabbygirl78 Posts: 936 Member
    Right where I am. :)

    I wouldn't change it for anything! It's a small town in Alabama. I'm out in the county where I can easily get to the river on the weekends, but still close enough to a larger city if I feel like having a night out. I love the peacefulness of the hometown vibe.

    me too! Small town Alabama girl here... miserable in the big city of Birmingham now :(
  • CookNLift
    CookNLift Posts: 3,660 Member
    I live in Jersey. I would love to live in Georgia (If it were U.S.) or in the UK