Quitting Smoking and Taking Control of My Diet

Hi everyone

I'm new here - just joined. I'm working my way to giving up smoking (Monday is my quit day). I did it a couple of years ago and managed to quit cold turkey (although I had been through an enforced quit due to a hospital stay). I felt great not smoking but suddenly everything tasted great - and as it wasn't a planned quit I wasn't prepared and managed to gain 35lbs in just under 9 months. Weight doesn't mean much to me so in real terms I went from a UK size 6-8 to a size 14, which is quite a big change.... With hindsight I was eating waaaay more than I used to, but at the time I was in denial about this!! I just thought that exercising like a demon allowed me to eat those extra cakes and muffins that I never used to go near. And I started eating breakfast (which I've never done in my life), as well as eating out more because I'm a bit lazy and suddenly had all this spare money!

Anyway, I'm back again, ready to quit and prepared for the battle with the weight! I did manage to lose all my weight gain and have been shying away from quitting the cigarettes ever since, because no matter how many time people tell me a bit of weight is better for me than smoking, I can't seem to make my self-esteem/ego believe that!

So, this time around I'm going for a complete overhaul. Food and smoking are only a problem when bad habits kick in so I'm switching it all up at the same time. I'm going to try sticking to the principles of James Duigan's Clean and Lean diet. I'll start with his 14 day kick start and then try to stick to it as much as possible after that.

I'd love to have some friends for support and mutual grumblings and encouragements - so please feel free to add me :)



  • Welcome to MFP Karen, i am new too.
    I was reading an article somewhere that taking sauna baths helps to quit smoking as it takes out nicotine from body and reduces the urge to smoke. Don't remember exactly where i read it but do some research on it and see if it helps .
  • Barbonica
    Barbonica Posts: 337 Member
    Congratulations for taking charge! I started working out jn April 2011, started eating nutritiously in June 2011 and quit smoking in July 2011. I lost over 50 pounds and am still not smoking. The complete overhaul was the way to go for me, it all came together to feel great,smell and taste everything, and be oh so proud! Feel free to add me, I am working on losing my last 20 to 30 pounds, but not in any big hurry.
  • thereallucylastix
    thereallucylastix Posts: 20 Member
    Thanks for that fat2fit2fine - I thought I'd read everything but I'd actually never heard of that. And I'm a big fan of Epsom Salt baths so I'll add that to my list of distractions for when I'm craving a cigarette. :)
  • thereallucylastix
    thereallucylastix Posts: 20 Member
    That's great Barbonica! Just the kind of inspiration I need. I know I can do it - I'm definitely determined, and although people advise against trying to do both, I personally just need to overhaul it all. A brand new me! :)
  • Cool, do lemme know if it works for you ^_^