Couch to 5 k run!!

Hey I really want to start this but as they say the first step is always the hardest so I need support hopefully I can find it on this sight :)


  • BonnieandClyde29
    BonnieandClyde29 Posts: 1,026 Member
    I am starting it, but I only run once or twice a week, and do P90X, and one day a week I do the elliptical and Stairmaster!!! so you can add me if you want. I have the app downloaded and go running on Monday's and Tuesday's usually
  • michaelar_ae
    michaelar_ae Posts: 24 Member
    I'm on w3d3! I love it so far. What you need to do is just get out and do it. I'm notorious for the "oh I will start on Monday because it's a new week" thing. Well let me tell you, "Monday" never came for me. Atleast, not until I said screw it, and started c25k on a Thursday. It is tough, but it is a manageable tough. I like to go in the mornings (not always possible with my 14 month old), but I love that it is cooler, especially in the summer time and the weather being so hot during the day.

    Seriously, just get up and do it. Gotta force yourself the first few times, but after a couple weeks it will be second nature :)

    Good luck!
  • Apicius
    Apicius Posts: 61 Member
    I heard the expression 'A year from now you will wish you had started today.'

    You know what? A year ago I started C25K, and I will be doing a 6km fun run next week.
  • puggleperson
    puggleperson Posts: 740 Member
    I heard the expression 'A year from now you will wish you had started today.'

    You know what? A year ago I started C25K, and I will be doing a 6km fun run next week.

    Woo hoo! Good for you! I love that quote
  • steviebe75
    steviebe75 Posts: 7 Member
    Hi Guys,

    Good luck to you all with your running. 9 months ago 1 was 241lbs smoking 40 cigs a day most days and didn't do no excersize and then i found MFP. I now weigh 203 but have been as low as 197lbs. I started my first run on May 8th of this year doing 2.2 miles of run/walk (mostly walk) lol and gradually built up. I am running my first ever Half marathon 13.1 miles on Sunday 15th Sep in the Great North Run which is one of the biggest half marathons in the UK.

    My message to you is go for it as if I can do it then anyone can and the only thing stopping you is your mindset. Do small to begin with and just gradually try to beat your time by a second or 2 when you are out. If you have a bad day.... so what we all have them just keep on plodding on.

    There is a great site for mapping your runs also called walkjogrun which I use and this helps get accurate runs planned.

    Good luck to you all

    Steve (Newcastle Upon Tyne UK)
  • GunslingerGirl
    GunslingerGirl Posts: 251 Member
    I just started the second week of it. It feels great! If you need any motivation or just a friend feel free to add me. Anyone for that fact. I'm always looking for new friends :)
  • Thanks guys I can't wait to start now!!!
  • bonjour24
    bonjour24 Posts: 1,119 Member
    Beware! C25k is like a gateway drug. I did it 2 years ago. It really helped me to change my life completely. I had to spend 2 weeks working up to being able to run for 1 minute, before i could even start the program! I could feel the fat on the back of my cankles jiggle!
    Within 18 months I completed my first full marathon. Obviously there was a gradual build up to it!
    Now I play with my kids more. I fit into normal shop clothes. I have more energy to do stuff. My marriage is better. Ive made a lot of friends who live a healthy life. I've helped my friends and family live a more healthy life. I run. I lift. I live.

    Being an inspiration to others is pretty amazing. And when you inspire others, you can't give up.

    So, by doing this who will you be inspiring?
  • HELLO ALL!!! Cant wait to join the club, am so excited!!!!!!
  • PatrickO2
    PatrickO2 Posts: 12 Member
    Another couch to 5k here. I haven't run ANYWHERE in years. My son has convinced me to do the Norwich 5K Parkrun tomorrow. Although for me it will be mostly a 5K walk. Any other 5Ker's feel free to add , especially if you are just starting. :)
  • smaka578
    smaka578 Posts: 3 Member
    I just started couch to 5 k again,after having taken a hiatus during pregnancy. Having my son six weeks ago has really given me new reason to get healthy so I can be active with him when he is older. I just finished week three and started week 4, kinda crazy to think I ran five whole minutes and didn't die!! Thanks for sharing, your success has been very inspiring!!!!!!! Question for you: did your feet or knees ever bother you!? If so, what did you do? Any stretches to help with that or websites you know of? Thanks and take care, jess
  • I just started this program yesterday! I definitely felt like I was going to die, and I was disappointed to see it was only 127 calories. BUT, I loved reading all the success stories and it definitely motivated me to keep with it! I just want to be able to lose weight, be able to run for longer than 5 minutes, and be able to think/pray or do anything except for feel like I am dying while running. I hope that it will bring about weight loss and just a generally healthier lifestyle.

    Thanks for the positivity & encouragement!
  • happylife2014
    happylife2014 Posts: 128 Member
    Feel free to add me! I have also started C25K, I'm on w4d1. But am doing week 3 over as I'm not ready for week 4 yet.. As I am doing a lot of other things as well, Started strength training on Monday along with my daily cardio.. :) Good luck, you'll love it!
  • Did you drink your gummi berry juice?
  • lilbearzmom
    lilbearzmom Posts: 600 Member
    Beware! C25k is like a gateway drug.

    Good description! I love it- never thought I would be a runner. I'm on W3D1, run the recommended 3 days per week, Zumba 3 days per week. Although I am still just hoping to be able to run a 5k without gasping for breath!
  • KLFouty
    KLFouty Posts: 7 Member
    I started it yesterday! Going to go for day 2 tomorrow! I downloaded the app on my Iphone and I LOVE it! When I finished, it uploaded my work out info into MFP! AWESOME!!!!!! Good luck!
  • carpaedeyum
    carpaedeyum Posts: 13 Member
    In a year i've gone from unable to walk 1/4 mile to completing four 5k's using ramping up to a 10k. Friend me if you'd like support.
  • maguariento
    maguariento Posts: 72 Member
    Beware! C25k is like a gateway drug.
    OMG this!!!! My husband finally started me run/walking in August. I HATE running. I can bicycle and ride the cross country ski machine until I'm a horrible sweaty mess, but as soon as I do anything where both feet are off the ground simultaneously, I tank. My heart and lungs just can't keep up.


    Hubbie got me run/walking super slow (like 15 minutes per mile... I could actually walk faster!). I was doing this twice a week in addition to my three cardio days, which were 30 mins on the ski machine. Well, that was taking way too much time, so I decided my "goal" was to be able to jog 30 minutes so I could replace one ski day with a jog day. Honestly, it seemed pretty impossible. I heard all the chatter about this "c25k," and when I looked into it I discovered that the runs worked up to 30 minutes... perfect!!!

    I was already run/walking for awhile by then, so I decided to jump in at week 4. I think I started on a Wednesday, replacing my M-W-F ski sessions with three c25k sessions per week. It was pretty brutal, I will admit. Still huffing and puffing and trying to remember to go slow (all the while with hubbie chatting along conversationally beside me - disgusting!!).

    Then something happened. I took a girl's vacation with my sister during week 7, but decided to stick with my jogs, if nothing else healthy was going to happen that week. I was running in 40 degree weather (being used to 70's at home), and remembering to go slow. The runs were oddly okay, even though it was 25 minutes each without stopping!!! I even had one run with an average pace less than 10 mins/mile! Clearly something to do with the cool weather, or over eating, or something.

    Nope. Got home, started week 8 with hubbie, and found every now and again I could talk while jogging. Un-freaking-believable. Started week nine on Monday... my first official 30 minute run!! Next one is after work tonight. Pace is back in the mid-10's per mile, but that wasn't my goal. Will run for my cardio this week and next, then try to get back to some skiing.

    Oh, the "gateway drug" part? Well, I just signed up for my first half marathon today :love: It's not until next September, so I have time. Hubbie wants to run a marathon, so I figure I'll do a half with him.

  • jmock87
    jmock87 Posts: 16 Member
    I have attempted to start this many times and use to get horribly stuck on week 4. I've done Week 6 Day 1 yesterday and will be doing day 2 tomorrow. Just keep going! Don't stop! If I can do it, honestly anyone can!!

    Good Luck & Enjoy it!!
  • carolinebrussels
    carolinebrussels Posts: 22 Member
    I'm starting this too. Next week. My knee is kaput this week