Is it greed or is it genetics? Why are you fat?

I've just watched the programme 'Half Ton Man' and the bloke insists that it wasn't greed that drove him to eat it was genetics. For those science geeks I know all about the hormone Leptin and it's effects of the body but I just wanted to know everyone else's opinion - why do you think you became overweight?

I am not looking to insult or pick a fight with anyone, let's have nice clean conversation.

Me personally? I want to say genetics, my mother's family have struggled with their weight. However, I largely believe it is my emotions that drive my eating, so much so that sometimes I feel I resort to eating whatever mood I am in, like I have conditioned myself to want food in times of happiness, fact all emotions apart from anger when in fact I actually just want to clean! I need to be angry more often lol. Could however this still be genetics or am I trying to blame something?


  • rosemary98
    I can't speak to everyone's situation, but my weight gain was related to over-eating and poor food choices.

    I think there are those who are predisposed to weight gain--but it isn't necessarily a life sentence to obesity.

    There are also medications and medical conditions that cause significant weight gain that may be hard to control/prevent.
  • Mokey41
    Mokey41 Posts: 5,769 Member
    99% greed if you want to put it that way. Your family are overweight because that's the way they live and you've learned their lifestyle. Unless you can show me that you live on lettuce leaves and still gain weight then it's not genetic.
  • jwdieter
    jwdieter Posts: 2,582 Member
    It's eating too much. Call it greed or whatever you like.
  • rosieknowsme
    99% greed if you want to put it that way. Your family are overweight because that's the way they live and you've learned their lifestyle. Unless you can show me that you live on lettuce leaves and still gain weight then it's not genetic.

    I mean a genetic trait that makes me want to eat. I know that eating more than you use causes weight gain, but what if my genes make me WANT to eat? I'm not looking for an answer, I'm looking for opinion.
  • Mokey41
    Mokey41 Posts: 5,769 Member
    No I don't think your genes make you want to eat. You've been taught that food fixes things. My daughter in law is obese as is her whole family on both sides. She's always blamed in on her genes but standing back and watching how they interact and how they use food it's so obvious that food is how they handle everything. It isn't wanting food it's that food is what you do when you're celebrating, what makes you feel better when you're sad, what you do when you're angry, how you reward children, show love to your spouse, etc.

    We have 3 granddaughters that I didn't want to be raised to be obese and unhealthy so we talked about her food issues when the first child was born and that the cycle had to stop there. She's been really good about not using food for rewards, having healthy choices available for snacks, and teaching the kids not to have that bad relationship with food. I have 3 thin healthy granddaughters who don't seem to have gotten the "genetic" predisposition to being obese that her family all claim as an excuse.
  • Zylahe
    Zylahe Posts: 772 Member
    I think its not that simple.
    Partly it comes down to genetics, ( slow metabolism, difficulty putting on lean muscle etc)
    Partly lack of knowledge about nutrition, fitness , cooking....
    Often it ivolves limited food options ( geographical constrains, not enough money to buy nutritious food, etc)
    Brainwashing, ( advertising, mis information about nutrition i.e eat low fat/ sugar / carbs etc)
    And then there are the physolocical issues i.e relationship with food, taste preference....
    Not to mention gut bacteria, sugar , ghrehlin, insulin levels.
    And physical constraints i.e injuries preventing exercise,
    Then theres lack of will power and greed.

    Thats my 2c. ¥
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,867 Member
    I do not believe there is an "overeating" gene. Overeating is a learned function. The reason the children of obese parents usually become obese themselves is because they are immersed from birth in a lifestyle of over indulgence of food and usually little to no exercise activity.

    I became overweight because my activity level changed drastically when I went into my 30s but I continued to eat at my previous levels of intake. I come from parents who were both obese when I was growing up...I just happened to be a pretty good athlete and very involved with sports and athletics so I burned everything off. My mom is no longer obese...she's 60 and does dad is still obese and suffers all of the ill effects of full on metabolic syndrome and also has heart issues because he never determined to change the way he was living.
  • TheFairyJester
    looking at my family i very well may have a bit of genetic predispositon, but carelessness made it happen
  • jw_lefebvre
    jw_lefebvre Posts: 12 Member
    I've just watched the programme 'Half Ton Man' and the bloke insists that it wasn't greed that drove him to eat it was genetics. For those science geeks I know all about the hormone Leptin and it's effects of the body but I just wanted to know everyone else's opinion - why do you think you became overweight?

    I am not looking to insult or pick a fight with anyone, let's have nice clean conversation.

    Me personally? I want to say genetics, my mother's family have struggled with their weight. However, I largely believe it is my emotions that drive my eating, so much so that sometimes I feel I resort to eating whatever mood I am in, like I have conditioned myself to want food in times of happiness, fact all emotions apart from anger when in fact I actually just want to clean! I need to be angry more often lol. Could however this still be genetics or am I trying to blame something?

    Of course there are individual differences in the hormones that create a desire to it is impossible for anyone to know how bad anothers cravings for food are. So yes genetics play a role in how much you crave food for sure. BUT despite this it is still possible to not give in to these cravings. As for genetics actually being directly responsible for someones obesity-->BULL**** (except in a very small portion of people with some sort of disease (VERY RARE))

    You have some who say obesity is all genetics, some who say it is all due to gluttony. Truth is it is somewhere in the middle probably closer to the gluttony side. It is possible for any normal person to be a normal healthy weight. It will be harder for some due to hormone, metabolic, etc differences but it is still possible. 99% of the people who say "I can't be skinny, my genetics wont let me" are eating above their maintenance caloric rates and would lose weight if they ate below these levels.

    Edit: I'd like to add a large component as well: Socioeconomic status- Those who have low SES have trouble eating healthy for the following reasons: They are uneducated on how they should be eating, they do not have enough money to eat healthy, they face more stress than other classes which is sometimes met with overeating as a coping method, they do not have time to cook healthy foods (working long hours in low paying jobs/usually have many kids/exhausted from physical jobs)
  • GingerLolita
    GingerLolita Posts: 738 Member
    The biggest factor was that I was uneducated about nutrition and, because I was a very picky eater, this led me to make poor food choices. I was also not very active because I'm not good at sports.
  • lainie644
    lainie644 Posts: 19 Member
    It is "physiological". Our body's need 3 major things to function properly: 1. Air, 2. Water, 3. Food.

    Since we as babies do not come with instruction manuals on proper nutrition, it is easy for us to be placed on a path to obesity.
  • rb16fitness
    rb16fitness Posts: 236 Member
    I'm an emotional eater and comfort eat when depressed. Now on new meds and therapy. Hoping once they kick in to break the cycle. Definitely not genetics in my case.
  • Mokey41
    Mokey41 Posts: 5,769 Member

    Partly it comes down to genetics, ( slow metabolism, difficulty putting on lean muscle etc)

    It's been proven that the vast majority of humans have metabolisms very close to the same. Only the odd person with some disease factor has an appreciable difference. Even the dreaded starvation mode is for the most part bunk. Saying you have a slow metabolism is another excuse for poor behaviour.
  • riquid
    riquid Posts: 10 Member
    My parents were responsible for me being overweight throughout my entire childhood (my mother was always very active and worked hard all day so she never put on any weight despite her awful eating habits. That didn't work out so well for me. We'd eat burgers and fries almost daily, absurd amounts of bread, soda as much as I wanted etc. I was left alone at home for most of the day too so I'd eat whenever and whatever I felt like.)

    Then, in my teens, I lacked the will and discipline to stick to a diet and to be honest, I was deluding myself. For some reason, I always looked "just a bit chubby" when I looked in the mirror but then I'd see myself on photographs and think to myself that it must be an especially unfortunate angle or something, no way do I look like THAT. Plus I developed hypothyroidism so that was another handy excuse despite being on medication.

    Now that I'm 24 and the fattest I've ever been it finally clicked and I'm done with looking and living like this. It wasn't my fault I got fat when I was a little kid but it sure as hell is my fault that I'm fat NOW! The "fat gene" in our family is simply not giving a damn about nutrition and spoiling the kids into obesity. Thankfully my cousin, while still being obese herself, managed to break out of the cycle and has three healthy, active and well-edcated kids.
  • mazamarie
    Well my weight took about 8 years to add on including two operations involving abdominal incisions.. I was slim till I was about 37 around 50 kg now 45 and was 82 kg at the start of my fitness campaign - beginning of April and now 69 Kg.. So I wanna loose around 18 kg..

    I've been greedy when gaining eating Doritos by the family pack 1 night a wek and drinking 1 and 1/2 bottles of wine 2 times a week - also portion sizes and rich foods and more deserts without a thought..

    What started me piling on more on more weight - passing my driving test in 2007, thyroid in 2005-2007, fibroids and then sub total hysterectomy in 2009, having a hernia and then having that repaired in 2010... And generally getting into a rut...

    Yes I think sometimes people can put on weight due to genetics - often like me perhaps it can be a combination of many factors...

    Getting into a rut seems to be a big one??
  • STC1188
    STC1188 Posts: 101 Member
    I think the people who blame genetics are honestly copping out of responsibility. Yes, people are predisposed to things, but that does not make a given outcome inevitable. For instance, I bet many people dream of committing crimes as heinous as murder, but they don't go out and start offing people.

    Sure, I will acknowledge that there are pressures to do things in society (much influenced by where you are and what you are surrounded with), but I do not think that means that any conclusion is foregone.

    My own story is I drank Pepsi from a bottle since I was two, played video games from the same age, and was fed a steady diet of fast food. I never bothered thinking I was unhealthy--I simply enjoyed what I was doing. But now I am happier and healthier and educated enough to make competent food choices. I am not the slave of genetics; rather, I like to think I am my own master.
  • mazamarie
    I mean beginning of August -.when I started to concentrate on getting fit and loosing weight - whoops
  • BusyRaeNOTBusty
    BusyRaeNOTBusty Posts: 7,166 Member
    I'm not fat. Most of my family (immediate and extended) are. I think it's culturally driven. Our culture revolves around food and we are much less active than people used to be.
  • Mouse_Potato
    Mouse_Potato Posts: 1,503 Member
    I think part of the problem is that people don't realize how calories add up. They don't realize that eating even a bit over maintenance can result in big weight gains. If I ate at maintenance and then decided to reward myself with one candy bar a day, I would put on ~26 pounds in one year! In 2-3 years I would be morbidly obese and saying "it must be my metabolism. I really don't eat that much!"
  • cenafan
    cenafan Posts: 398 Member
    greed. And growing up in a house with no focus on health or nutrition where food was used to soothe and reward. It's a hard pattern to break.