Story of my life :D

Well, I was looking at some other posts by the new people and everyone is saying they either quit smoking or they gained weight becoz of pregnancy.
My problem wasnt any of them. Im a graphic designer and I work at least 9 hours a day stuck to my computer, no chance of doing any exercise on the week days and when Im done with work, my brain is exhousted I dont want to move a cell.
I'd love to exercise and be active coz I know my body will start geting in shape pretty fast if I exercise or at least "move" more.. but siiiiiigh! I wake up around 5:30am, go to work around 6:30am. Theres no way Im going to wake up earlier than 5:30 to exercise before I go to work. No way of exercising on mu lunch hour coz its only 1 hour and it cant be extended. and when I come home I dont even want to look at the tredmill......!
Or these are just my excuses :laugh:
So yeah I need motivation :bigsmile:


  • beethedreamer
    beethedreamer Posts: 465 Member
    you don't necessarily have to go on your treadmill when you get home from work. what about investing in a few work out dvd's and see how you like those. there has to be at least one you enjoy and there are some great ones for around $10, such as Jillian Michael's 30 Day Shred. its all about finding what works for you and doing what you enjoy, otherwise it wont stick.
  • daryls
    daryls Posts: 260
    I get it - I am out of the house (between work and commuting) around 12 hours a day. When I get home around 8 or 8:30 pm I don't want to exercise, but I do. Even if it's just 20 minutes, I feel better after. The endorphins help my mood and get me motivated!

    It's hard but you can do it!!!
  • Mahooka
    Mahooka Posts: 21 Member
    Yep, those are excuses. If you want it bad enough, you'll find the time to work-out. And then eventually the enthusiasm and the drive to continue to work-out.

    Just commit and start.

    Good Luck!
  • 00trayn
    00trayn Posts: 1,849 Member
    I'm stuck at a desk 9 hrs a day too. And I come home and workout the second I walk in the door (after changing of course). It's something that I had to adjust to, but you really need to make it non-negotiable. Instead of dreading it, find something you enjoy. I'm a huge fan of my Turbo Fire and Chalean Extreme workouts and I happily do them every day. I started out using my Wii EA Sports Active game, then the 30 Day Shred. Workouts DVDs work best for me. I also use the free office gym twice a week or go for a walk/run outside at my apartment complex. Working out doesn't have to be a chore. I'm exhausted too, but I feel more energized once I'm done working out, and I feel much better for doing it. It just takes some getting used to. After 8 months of doing it, I'm completely content with my schedule.
  • Fatoshie
    Fatoshie Posts: 47 Member
    lol I know I know these are just excuses. I know working out is great and I know I'll be feeling a lot better when I start working out.
    I just keep going on and off on my work out plan. My decission is to get on the tredmill as soon as I arrive home so I dont get lazy, walk for at least 30 or 40 mins. Play video games or watch some TV shows while walking so I dont "think" about forcing myself to stay on the tredmill...
    Hopefully this site will keep me motivated for the begining :)
  • daniraebug
    daniraebug Posts: 16 Member
    Some other thoughts.. in your 9 hour day do you get any breaks at all? Even 5 or 10 minutes you could get up and take a walk. And maybe try walking a bit at lunch time. I get an hour and that is usually way to much time for me so I will go walk around just to get moving so I don't fall asleep at my desk. if you do it in small chunks it will add up through out the day and before you know it you have 30 minutes in!
  • Mahooka
    Mahooka Posts: 21 Member
    Some other thoughts.. in your 9 hour day do you get any breaks at all? Even 5 or 10 minutes you could get up and take a walk. And maybe try walking a bit at lunch time. I get an hour and that is usually way to much time for me so I will go walk around just to get moving so I don't fall asleep at my desk. if you do it in small chunks it will add up through out the day and before you know it you have 30 minutes in!

    I like that, I used to have stairs nearby and spent 1/2 my lunch working out on them.
  • Fatoshie
    Fatoshie Posts: 47 Member
    I dont get breakfast. I wake up around 5:30 and catch the bus (provided by the employer) at 6:30 and arrive to work at 7:30 :)
  • MiloBloom83
    MiloBloom83 Posts: 2,724 Member
    Get moving! When you get home from work, put on your exercise clothes and do something. Go for a walk, a run, put in a work out video. You have to make exercise a priority. Be selfish about it. I used to feel guilty about putting my needs first, but it turns out that my kids like that their Dad has energy to do things with them now that i never had before, because I committed to an exercise habit. Do it. Before long, you will find yourself looking forward to "your workout time" and nothing will stop you from doing it.:bigsmile: