Hi Everybody :)

Hi everybody I'm Liz and I'm kinda new to this myfitnesspal thingy. I really really wanna lose weight. I have high blood pressure and I feel if I lose weight my blood pressure will be back on track. I would love to make new friends to support me. I can't do this alone. My sister just got me an early xmas gift and that was a gym membership to 24hr fitness. My first day was yesterday and I plan on going to the gym in a couple of hours. Just got off work and resting for a bit. I'm also eating REALLY REALLY good. Just hope I can stick with it. Just like 10min. ago my roomate asked me if I wanted anything from KFC man was tempted but I was proud of myself and said no. I'm giving myself a realistic goal and I would love to loose 20lbs. I mean of course I would like to loose more. But 20lbs. for me right now would be a good start.


  • Amarillo_NDN
    Amarillo_NDN Posts: 1,018 Member

    Welcome to MFP
  • Luv2bme
    Luv2bme Posts: 58
    Hi Liz! I wish you all the luck losing your weight! That must have been very hard to turn down KFC... It's good you are setting small goals at a time, my problem was I wanted to see results right away and if I didn't I would give up, but that changed about a year and a half ago when my cousin posted a pic of me on facebook. I knew I had gained a lot of weight, but it set in when I saw that pic, so I keep that pic in my purse as a motivation to keep going!! I have lost about 70 lbs since then and have about 25 more to go...
  • Tonyv01
    Tonyv01 Posts: 56 Member
    welcome and good luck on your journey. You will find tons of support from folks here at MFP