Struggling with sweets

I just began college this fall. I am normally a very healthy eater. In fact, I really enjoy healthy foods. But ever since I've gone to college, I've been eating so many bad foods - mainly sweets and chocolate - and can't seem to get a grip on self control. I used to be able to stop myself from overeating, but now I feel so helpless! One sweet becomes an entire bag. I'm very worried about the toll this is taking on my body. I've noticed already that I gained weight, and the extra fat is really bothering me. I keep telling myself that it's okay and tomorrow is another day, but that is becoming a lie. Tomorrow is just another part of the vicious cycle. I really need help - I was at a perfectly fit, healthy weight before college!


  • HeidiGrinnell92
    HeidiGrinnell92 Posts: 1 Member
    I had the same issue when I was in college! I started to strickly eat dark chocolate and did a bit of research on good sweets that make good substitutes in place of the pesky sweets. trail mix is a good choice, fresh and dried fruit as well. Best of luck! I hope my little tidbit helps
  • davert123
    davert123 Posts: 1,568 Member
    I find sweets difficult to control so I just leave them alone when possible. Sugar is addictive for some people. Don't take my word for it or the word of people who argue the opposite. Do a search on Google scholar or have a look at this site (it has references to peer reviewed papers within it :-)

    good luck
  • lebaker310
    lebaker310 Posts: 164 Member
    Try to ease yourself into cutting out sweets (as in making it a habit to eat sweets everyday, but still treating yourself every once in awhile). Maybe try to go for some fruit instead of candy or baked goods. I think that just making small adjustments like that to your everyday lifestyle can start you in the right direction. Try to remind yourself that if you're not hungry, then you don't need to eat it! It will also make you feel good for making better decisions!

    Right now I am sitting next to a tub of peach gummy candy, three german chocolate bars, and some rice crispy treats. It's taking a lot of will power to not indulge, but I know I will feel better about myself if I just avoid it and distract myself with something else. Also, I drink tend to chug some water when I get a craving for something bad.
  • padams2359
    padams2359 Posts: 1,093 Member
    Fiber One Brownies - 90 calories.
  • thehka
    thehka Posts: 74 Member
    I love me some dark chocolate covered banana. But when I have a craving for say, gummies...I can't help you there because I've yet to really come up with a substitute haha :I
  • HollisGrant
    HollisGrant Posts: 2,022 Member
    I just began college this fall. I am normally a very healthy eater. In fact, I really enjoy healthy foods. But ever since I've gone to college, I've been eating so many bad foods - mainly sweets and chocolate - and can't seem to get a grip on self control. I used to be able to stop myself from overeating, but now I feel so helpless! One sweet becomes an entire bag. I'm very worried about the toll this is taking on my body. I've noticed already that I gained weight, and the extra fat is really bothering me. I keep telling myself that it's okay and tomorrow is another day, but that is becoming a lie. Tomorrow is just another part of the vicious cycle. I really need help - I was at a perfectly fit, healthy weight before college!

    I am very addicted to sweets, too. I can't just have a little. That sets off a landslide where I eat the whole bag of whatever it is, plus then I want to eat sweets again the next day. If I can get physically away from them, then I'm fine. The problem for me is I'm around sweets at work and it's a real battle.

    These things help me:
    (1) make sure I eat all my regular meals so I'm never actually hungry
    (2) drink water -- I bought a 32 oz water bottle that I carry around. Water curbs my hunger.
    (3) have some fruit around like apples that are a healthy sweet
    (3) tell people I'm addicted to sugar and please don't put it in my office or on my desk -- I kept repeating that (nicely, even though I wanted to strangle him) with one person who is finally getting the message after being told 4 times already
    (4) If I MUST have something sweet and an apple doesn't work, then I drink a chocolate protein shake so at least I am getting some nutrition. The trick there is to only drink one shake, not 2 or 3.
    (5) remember that sweets are addictive. The more you eat, the more you will crave them.
  • nikkylyn
    nikkylyn Posts: 325 Member
    Hmmm. I eat sweets everyday. Just not a lot at one time.