Join the geek club...!

capriqueen Posts: 976 Member
edited February 6 in Chit-Chat
And I just don't mean anime/world of warcraft. I find myself being more interested in electronics/science/cars/history than shopping or getting my nails painted. Any like-minded women? Share your interests here :)


  • workout_ninja
    workout_ninja Posts: 524 Member
    I get very obsessed with whatever tv show i am watching, like doctor who and firefly and i become obsessed with movies too. However, I always have time to paint my nails!!
  • Sardauker
    Sardauker Posts: 9 Member
    Ouch. Founder of the NOW nerd open workshop, reenactor and RPG-LARPer... guilty as charged.
  • Signing in :smile:
  • sammniamii
    sammniamii Posts: 669 Member
    Did someone sound the Uber Nerd call?
  • minuz5
    minuz5 Posts: 256 Member
    Guess, that's me signing in as well :D Any web developers? :)
  • LaserOctopus
    LaserOctopus Posts: 121 Member
    Oooh, me! Me!

    I'm very much the science and math nerd. After twenty years as a technical illustrator (mostly in aerospace or commercial printing), I've re-enrolled in school to study mechanical engineering, does that count? Since it was asked, I did once do freelance web development, but back in the stone age when you had to put in alternate pages for browsers that didn't support frames (I haven't kept up, but I can do basic updates and edits if I have to).

    I do have a love of machinery and technology, and I've always had a knack for fixing things or figuring out how things work. Probably comes from a childhood being screamed at for taking everything apart to see what goes on inside...

    No anime interests, only minor comic book interests, and little time for TV and movies (I do own the entire Firefly series, though, and a handful of artsy foreign films plus Shaun of the Dead), but games and books and art and games and books and museums and games and books and gadgets and games and books and toys and games and books and and and and... And most of the standard geeky interests (my Steam partition is a partition all by itself with nothing else on it). Plus all the nerdy ones (don't even get me started). Plus my own little subset of the maker ones (I sew, and crochet, and I make all my own jewelry, et cetera)

    Or, if that's not enough I've been known to make my own game mods. But that may be divulging too much, lol. Perhaps I should keep that one to myself...
  • I'm a bit of a nerd... Book/music geek here!
  • System Admin, Gaming nerd, HEMA practitioner, reenact-er, and LARPer signing in.
  • tyediri
    tyediri Posts: 183 Member
    Signing in! :)

    I'm an engineer, absolutely love maths, drawing graphs for everything. LOVE science. Own a book called 'Professor Stewart's Hoard of Mathematical Treasures'. Crazy Potter and Stephen King fan! LOVE video games. Am crazy about the Walking Dead and the Game of Thrones, etc etc.

    However, my knowledge of cars is limited. Am more in to medical technology. :)

    PS: I do, however, get my nails painted from time to time! :P
  • echofm1
    echofm1 Posts: 471 Member
    I'm a trivia nerd, as well as just a general fan girl (several animes, Doctor Who, Supernatural, Battlestar Galactica, Sherlock, etc. THis list goes on to the point of embarrassment :laugh: ). My real passion is books though. I enjoy fantasy and sci-fi, but my true love is YA fiction. It's great stuff.
  • sccamero
    sccamero Posts: 164 Member
    I hear the sound of my people!

    I am a total geek. I watch shows like Doctor Who, Torchwood, or anything Sci-fi. I am a HUGE bookworm where I read the book before I watch the movie. I am also a Huge Gamer. :)
  • echofm1
    echofm1 Posts: 471 Member
    Right! I forgot about gaming. I'm not a big gamer myself; I only stick to a few titles that I really like, such as Kingdom Hearts. However, I'm a great gamer girlfriend! My gamer boyfriend will get to play and I get to watch the story, or knit while he's grinding. He's a little too obsessed with level grinding and looting. I understand it's like half the point of the game, but it can get super mind numbing.
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