Irregular weight gain on Bulk

So hi guys, I am now bulking but I don't seem to be able to find my maintanance though.
I had been maintaining at 1700 for 5-6 weeks, gained some water and food weight then I stabilized at 111-112 pounds for 2-3 weeks.
Decided to raise my kcal to 1900 to have a 200 kcal surplus and I found out a strange thing, yesterday my weight was 115,6 lbs, today it's 116,8.
Changes like this one keep happening overnight.
For example last week I stayed at 113,8-114,2 for 3-4 days, then in 1 night I jumped to 115 lbs, and It stayed there.
I don' really understand it though, does this happen to anybody?
I weigh myself every day after using the bathroom and before eating or drinking.

I calculated my TDEE on this site:

I workout 3/w doing this program: ICF 5x5

Workout A
Squat 5x5
Bench Press 5x5
Barbell Row 5x5
Barbell Shrug 3x8
Skullcrusher 3x8
Striaght BB Curl 3x8
Good Morning 2x10
Weighted Decline Crunches 3x20

Workout B
Squat 5x5
Deadlift 1x5
Standing Press 5x5
Barbell Row 5x5 -10%
Weighted Dips 3x5-8
Weighted Chins 3x5-8
Weighted Decline Crunches 3x20

I takes me 1.5-2h to finish it.
On my rest days (4/w) I do some stationary bike at 12-15 mph for 20 minutes.
Rest of the day is spent sitting,cooking,studying.
I Put sedentary just to be conservative, could anybody help me out on this?
Thank you

Here are my stats:
Height:5'3" (160 cm)
Weight:115,6 lbs (52 kg)


  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    eat more!

    weight fluctuates, but as long as over a few weeks the trend is going upwards you're alright... if not, you need more calories!
  • splikie
    Weight is going up. but not steadily and I can't seem to get to 0,5 lbs/w, sometimes it's less than 0,5 sometimes more than 1 lb, with the same Kcal intake.
    How do people track they're weight gain?
    Also I have to say this is my first bulk after more than 1 year cutting at 800-1200 kcal/day while lifting 3-4/w and running 2-3/w, so I don't really know if I am doing something wrong or what.
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    There is always a "plus or minus" aspect to weight gain/loss/maintenance. IF you are weighing consistently- you should see a general trend line upwards (for bulking)

    but the individual numbers themselves are almost completely irrelevant. They are a piece of the whole picture.
  • ohh_danielson
    Whats your diet like?

    I know you are having a calorie surplus which is obv needed for growth, what kind of food are you eating?
    Are you getting a lot of protein, some carbs etc?
  • NRBreit
    NRBreit Posts: 319 Member
    It's normal fluctuations. As has been said you have to look at average weight trends over the week. I usuually weigh every Monday morning before breakfast, but if the number seems a little high or low, I may check the next day or two to see how it averages out.
  • splikie
    I eat 130 g of protein,50g of fat, what remains is carbs.
    My diet is IIFYM.
  • mustgetmuscles1
    mustgetmuscles1 Posts: 3,346 Member
    Normal daily fluctuations. Weight gain or loss is never linear. Put the scale away for a couple weeks then see where your weight is. If you are constantly chasing the latest daily scale number you will never find where you are supposed to be.