Need Some Advice

Hey all. I'm just beginning my weight loss journey... again. :) I had a baby via C-section about 5 weeks ago and am so ready to get in shape. My question is about MRP Shakes... I was thinking of trying Shakeology along with the T-25 workout, but its CRAZY expensive and I'm still on the fence about it . What do you guys use? I'm new to the whole protein shakes so not really sure where to start, but I'd like to try something with a better price tag. TIA!


  • Lizzy622
    Lizzy622 Posts: 3,705 Member
    Most "programs" are expensive and don't teach you how to eat after you are finished losing. I would buy some protein powder (I use an unflavored no sugar added) and look for recipes on the internet. You can use some of their advice without buying all the products. You should also log and still keep track of you calories to make sure you get enough(some of those programs are extremely low calorie). Before you start anything though get the go ahead from your doctor.
  • bethanytowell
    bethanytowell Posts: 256 Member
    My advice is to stay away from Meal Replacement Shakes unless you plan on drinking them for the rest of your life. Do not make any changes that are not lifelong sustainable. That is why i do not advocate meal replacement bars or shakes. If you cant keep it up forever, why start it now? Get in the habit of making real food. For the amount of calories in most breakfast shakes, you could have had 3 egg whites, 2 slices of whole wheat toast with some PB or a bowl of oatmeal with fresh cut strawberries and blue berries. I definitley think its a much better idea to eat real food.
  • MinnieInMaine
    MinnieInMaine Posts: 6,400 Member
    Spend your money on spoiling that baby instead of diet gimmicks. Just eat real food within your calorie goal and you'll be able to lose weight just fine.
  • Nicola0000
    Nicola0000 Posts: 531 Member
    Spend your money on spoiling that baby instead of diet gimmicks. Just eat real food within your calorie goal and you'll be able to lose weight just fine.

    ^^^ This. I only use protein shakes when Im doing serious weight training.
  • ilovescarymovies
    ilovescarymovies Posts: 202 Member
    Make your own protein shakes at home!
  • LyndaMRou
    LyndaMRou Posts: 54 Member
    My advice is to stay away from Meal Replacement Shakes unless you plan on drinking them for the rest of your life. Do not make any changes that are not lifelong sustainable. That is why i do not advocate meal replacement bars or shakes. If you cant keep it up forever, why start it now? Get in the habit of making real food. For the amount of calories in most breakfast shakes, you could have had 3 egg whites, 2 slices of whole wheat toast with some PB or a bowl of oatmeal with fresh cut strawberries and blue berries. I definitley think its a much better idea to eat real food.

    ^^^ THIS!!!!

    Yes, make the changes that you can sustain and you will!
  • blgerig
    blgerig Posts: 174 Member
    I stay away from meal replacements. I preplan my meals for the week and prep snacks/make meals that have leftovers so I have easy meals for lunches or if I don't feel like cooking dinner. I try to eat little sugar (other than fruit) and little processed food. I like Luna bars for when I am crazy on the go because most of the flavors only contain dried fruits and nuts. When my best friend had a baby she used a lot of freezer meals and made food while her baby napped - after those first couple months when all you can do is sleep when the baby sleeps ;)

    Good luck!
  • I_Will_End_You
    I_Will_End_You Posts: 4,397 Member
    Shakeology is overpriced crap, and tastes awful. They claim it's loaded with "super foods" but it doesn't even list how much of each ingredient is in the shake. How do you know there is enough to be beneficial to you? I'm sure you'll get several messages from Beachbody coaches telling you otherwise....and trying to sell it to you. Exercise and eat at a calorie deficit, that's all you need.
  • Julzanne72
    Julzanne72 Posts: 467 Member
    I think meal replacement shakes are okay, purely from a convenience standpoint, but I would not use them in abundance, I would say 1 a day and eat real food the rest of the time. As far at T25, or any of the beach body programs for that matter, yep, they have an up front expense, but the question you need yourself is whether or not your health is worth the expense. For me that was a no brainer, and the BB programs offer variety, so you don't get bored doing the same workout day after day, yet they are structured so you know what do each day with no question. I am doing Chalean Extreme right now, which I absolutely love, I also have TurboFire, P90x, Insanity, Focus T25, Turbo Jam, and Shaun T's Rockin Body. I know that I can do hybrid's to mix some of the programs together, and there are plenty of other programs I can't wait to try!!! Good luck to you on this journey!
  • Pinkranger626
    Pinkranger626 Posts: 460 Member
    I tried Shakeology. Personally I thought it tasted gross and I didn't see much of a difference. I was drinking it more to get all the vitamins and minerals it claims to have rather than for weight loss. You can get the same stuff from a multivitamin and spend an eighth of the money. If you really want to go the shake route I would go with making your own shakes.

    I make a spinach smoothie for breakfast almost every morning and it works great. 10 ounces of water, whatever fruits I feel like throwing in that morning (Mango, pineapple, and mixed berries are my favorite.), a banana, a few handfuls of spinach. If you want to have protein in the mix as well you can buy a vanilla protein powder or use liquid egg whites. Blend until smooth and enjoy. If you are using all fresh fruit you may want to throw in a couple ice cubes as well, My mango is usually frozen so I don't use ice.
  • mrsburntolive
    Spend your money on spoiling that baby instead of diet gimmicks. Just eat real food within your calorie goal and you'll be able to lose weight just fine.

    Thank you all for the great advice!!
  • cafeaulait7
    cafeaulait7 Posts: 2,459 Member
    I like regular old 'Instant Breakfast' in skim milk or soy, almond, etc milk for a convenient 'shake' that is yummy chocolate and has some protein. They have a 'No Sugar Added' version now, so it's a helpful thing to have on hand, I think. I try to add it to something with good protein, though. I have some delicious soy mix, but it only has 1 gram! (I need to find a new brand on that).

    I used to eat cheese and fruit for breakfast :( I really can't be doing all that cheese all the time, lol.

    There are lots of protein drinks with nutrients if you just enjoy the shakes like I do. I have a sweet tooth and need to eat more protein with fewer carbs, so I do include them pretty often because there are several that fit those requirements. It's better than the things I'd eat instead just to eat something (all simple carbs, pretty much).
  • Malachai76
    I disagree with most of these posts shakeo tells you what's in it all the super foods are on the packaging and the adverts for it though I agree i mainly have it for the goodness thats in it than as a meal replacement but I work out a lot and need the calories. The main thing for me it was massively taken away my cravings for chocolate and sweets. I agree it tastes crap if you drink it on it's own as do all the protein drinks i've tried do with it you a chart showing different things to add for flavour my personnel favourite is chocolate shakeo and add natural organic peanut butter and a banana. And yes i plan to drink it everyday for the rest of my life and no i'm not a beach body coach i live in the uk and coaches aren't over here yet and neither is shakeo i import every month