Maintain weight but loose fat/gain muscle


I'm new to this forum so sorry if this has been posted about before but wanted some replies specific to me.

I'm a size 8-10 and around 64.77kg.

I currently work out 5-6 times a week, 3-4 is gym work and I mostly do weight lifting (leg day, arm day etc) then the then every other time I do HIIT training as well. I also horse ride 2-3 times and take pole fitness lessons once a week.

I've really cleaned up my diet the past 2 weeks and now eat clean 90% off the time only have one cheat meal a week. Before I wasn't really eating well but still maintained a pretty good shape.

I don't want to get any smaller but I have some stubborn fat in certain areas I want to loose (mainly stomach. Ideally I want just want to get more definition in the typical "womanly" areas (butt, waist). I feel I'm half way there but I've now hit a wall and I don't really see much change, I've noticed a difference from cleaning up my diet so will continue with this.

If anyone has any exercises or advice !?!?!


  • 4legsRbetterthan2
    4legsRbetterthan2 Posts: 19,590 MFP Moderator
    I personally have seen improvements in legs, butt, and stomach from running, it works all of that. Women who lift heavy (squats) tend to get nice bumms though, might want to start looking in that direction...
  • taimargilbert
    I do a bit of running but tbh I really don't enjoy running for tedious periods of time which is why I just do the HIIT training .. Yeah I already do squats, lunges all types of leg variations at heavy weight :)
  • Mokey41
    Mokey41 Posts: 5,769 Member
    You LOSE fat all over from eating at a calorie deficit. Eating "clean" really means nothing if you're eating too much. You can't exercise away fat from problem areas, you do that through diet.
  • taimargilbert
    I'm not overeating at all 3/4small meals a day plus snacks. I haven't calorie counted at such but I'd say I'm doing around 1400/1600. Does this sounds about right? My worry is loosing weight I don't want to get skinny as I'm really talking about minimal fat in stomach/legs, I'm being a picky if I'm honest but its defiantly covering muscles I have.
  • Mokey41
    Mokey41 Posts: 5,769 Member
    I'm not overeating at all 3/4small meals a day plus snacks. I haven't calorie counted at such but I'd say I'm doing around 1400/1600. Does this sounds about right? My worry is LOSING weight I don't want to get skinny as I'm really talking about minimal fat in stomach/legs, I'm being a picky if I'm honest but its defiantly covering muscles I have.

    How do you know what you're eating if you don't weigh, measure and log? Most people are really bad about eye balling portions. I'd suggest actually accurately tracking for a week or two just to check that your estimation is right.
  • saudade88
    saudade88 Posts: 29 Member
    Lose fat gain muscle at the same time - possible. I suggest: You should eat at your maintenance level, and create a small deficit with exercise and do heavy lifting. You'll get great results!! And also you will finally get rid of that stubborn areas. It might take a while but the results will be worth the time.

    Just for example:

    I like this chick. She did just that. You can check her progress photos and see. No need to hire a nutritionist in my opinion, just stick to it! :)
  • taimargilbert
    Probably because I'm not overweight and I'm not a "diet" for say so I haven't felt the need to log and weight what I'm eating? Thought this is something I can do? Also I I want to know the range calories wise I should be eating before I start being that strict about it I want to know I'm not doing more harm than good. I defiantly don't "eyeball" my portions as like I said I have three/four small meals per day.
    Sorry if I was unclear in my OP its really hard to explain what I want to achieve.
  • taimargilbert
    Thanks this is exactly what I mean in my OP I will take a look thank you!