Thinking about starting Strong Lifts 5 x 5

Yep, that's right, I'm thinking about starting strong lifts. I have a question for those of you that started after you had already been lifting for awhile......did you really start with just the bar?

I've been lifting since March and I'm wanting to change things up a bit, because I'm getting bored with my current routine.



  • Qski
    Qski Posts: 246 Member
    i think there is a group on here for 5X5 Lifters, you might want to check there if noone gets back to you. I want to as well, but I need to break myself in before I am ready and then find a trainer. Good Luck, from everything I have read and seen on here, it's definitely an excellent choice to make to start with.
  • chu604
    chu604 Posts: 353 Member
    I did it for awhile but I did not start with the bar weight for a working set.
  • ChrisLindsay9
    ChrisLindsay9 Posts: 837 Member
    Since you've done some lifting, then you probably can start with a little bit more than just a bar. Basically, go with whatever you can do that makes you put in some effort, but still able to do it with good form.

    Here's the group that Qski mentioned:

    Good luck to you! Hope you find it fun and beneficial! Take progress pics along the way, as they can be very self-motivating! And then bust them out when you're ready to show them to your friends and fellow MFPers! :)
  • michaelmadonna
    michaelmadonna Posts: 105 Member
    I started stronglifts in July after lifting for a few years with a strength training personal trainer doing mostly split routines. I didn't start with just the bar but did start wtih a very light weight for me and worked up from there. There were even a few sessions early were I increased more than the 5 lbs because it was still too light. I do love the program though and made tremendous strength gains with it. I'm at the point now where I'm maxing out on most of the lifts and deloaded already on a couple.
  • KB5711
    KB5711 Posts: 21
    I'm thinking about starting SL too. I've been doing NROLFW for the last month or so but this is the second time around after taking a break and I think I need to try something new!