My weight loss plan

Okay, I just wanted peoples opinions on this, I've had a lifestyle change over the past two weeks that I didn't really think was possible. I've been vegan for a few years, veggie since I was 16. But I've always been fat.

When I was 17 I spent a summer doing nothing but eating one meal a day and going to the gym at night. I managed to go from 18 to 15 stone in about two or three months. Obviously this wasn't very healthy...but it worked. I was still overweight but I felt alot better.

Sadly women and booze took over and ended up putting all the weight back on...then at university I'd indulge and really go mad, I'd never really stop drinking. Never addicted, but I used to enjoy the nature of having sherry in the morning etc. so the weight piled on. untill I was about 300 lbs!!

Now, I've taken some time off work to write a book and want to get fit at the same time. For the past two weeks I've been reliving my 17 year old diet....but a little different

On average i have 3 tins of veg soup a day, with a Linda Mccartney sausage or two thrown in and fruit if I want a snack.

This comes to about 600-900 cal a day. I don't count my drinks cals, because it's mostly diet soda and coffee (as well as the odd vodka, but no wine or beer)

I do exercise, not much as I can't help but find it mind numbingly boring, I tend to do 30 mins of biking a day.

Over the past two weeks of my 600-900 cal diet, i've lost about 3 inches on my chest and waistgone from 295 to 281 lbs...

Has anyone else kept up a diet like this? or tried it?

I've been taking my usual multi-vits, thyroid tablets, vit c tablets and been getting my 5 a day veg count.

All the best


  • Greenrun99
    Greenrun99 Posts: 2,065 Member
    Being a bigger guy, you could still eat about 1000 more calories and still lose. Lifestyle change is your life.. not 2 months.. you going to eat soup the rest of your life?
  • stfuriada
    stfuriada Posts: 445 Member
    If you want to do a crash diet like this, go read Lyle McDonald's Rapid Fat Loss Handbook. It's a more structured version of what you seem to be doing. Also, maybe try reading his other works and see if that works better for you.
  • Mischievous_Rascal
    Mischievous_Rascal Posts: 1,791 Member
    Please read this and save yourself a lot of frustration and disappointment. (As well as start to be a healthier version of you!!!)

    Best of luck.
  • bacitracin
    bacitracin Posts: 921 Member
    Being a bigger guy, you could still eat about 1000 more calories and still lose. Lifestyle change is your life.. not 2 months.. you going to eat soup the rest of your life?

    Man, I wouldn't even call it living if you're only eating a few tins of veg soup EVERY DAY.
  • nomeejerome
    nomeejerome Posts: 2,616 Member
    It sounds like you are setting yourself up for disaster.
  • howardheilweil
    howardheilweil Posts: 604 Member
    Such a low calorie diet is not sustainable. You will lose, obviously, but it will come back when you start eating again. I suggest that you calculate an appropriate daily calorie intake and stick to that. I'd think that you should be netting at least 1800 kcals a day. Good luck!
  • pesimax
    pesimax Posts: 11
    Ha, it's really good soup. I think main problem with my old/two week ago diet would be over indulging with alcohol, which i've cut out quite a lot and i'd eat bread for nearly every meal.

    I've probably ate technically better the past two weeks than I have for years.

    I've never really been a foodie, but my family has always served out massssssssiiiivvvvvvvveeeee portions. In-fact they still do, I can smell my mother baking a cheese and onion pie that's about the size of a car tyre right now! Not vegan though. I didn't really feel happy untill I felt a little bit sick after every meal...

    Previously i've lived on veggie burgers and sausages, beans on toast and pasta. Or get fried tofu takeaway! I didn't really see any veg apart from a tomato (I know I know it's a fruit lol)!

    I guess it's a bad idea to keep a low cal diet, I think I just want to knock as much off as possible. I was hoping the two sausages I was chucking into the equation would give me enough protein per day to keep me healthy. Ha.