You want a laugh? Read the story of how I got fat! Haha



  • TwelveSticks
    TwelveSticks Posts: 288 Member
    Lol! Any single men reading this thread will be even more afraid of commitment than they already were!

    (not that this is a uniquely female phenomenon, of course...)
  • pinkxpanda
    pinkxpanda Posts: 18 Member
    Completely understand this sentiment....i have managed to go up 3 dress sized in the last year. I have never been this weight before....EVER.

    It has got to go though. Lol
  • queenbea77
    queenbea77 Posts: 404 Member
    I've got clothes that were given to me as gifts with the tags still on them because they don't fit - and "who gives away something they were given as a gift?" For me it was the "eating as much as the hubby & finishing the leftovers" that helped me get to my current weight. I've got the "workout thing down to a science" - it's the food that is giving me the problem. And what the heck is a normal portion anyways? That is why as much as I love to go out to eat - I hate it too. We go out to eat and complain we "aren't getting our money's worth" but when we do get our moneys worth it's like 2 or 3 times what a normal portion should be.
  • Kblackm
    Kblackm Posts: 6 Member
    I seriously looked at the food reports the first two weeks to figure out "what happened!?!" and it was pretty obvious (in my case just too much food going in laden with fat and sugar). I had to stop taking the seconds or that extra piece that he offered. That was pretty easy after the first couple weeks of thinking I was soooo hungry, once I knew. The harder part was when out and about, the food is loaded with fat and salt and sugar. When you want to do a date night it is easy to blow the rest of the day. My solution which seems to work pretty well: more exercise on the day of date night.
  • hottamolly00
    hottamolly00 Posts: 334 Member
    Been there...not as literally as your experience, but I totally get the "letting yourself go" phase of a new relationship. Friend request sent.
  • Kblackm
    Kblackm Posts: 6 Member
    you are on the way
  • So after reading your post, I think you just described me. I have went up 4-6 sizes since my honey and I started our relationship. Everything I have tried has been agaonizing. And I have been come so bummed out and keep gaining and gaining. But we have both already overcome so much my admitting it. We are women and we will succeed!!!
  • teamAmelia
    teamAmelia Posts: 1,247 Member
    Are you a writer? :bigsmile:
  • jkwolly
    jkwolly Posts: 3,049 Member
    This is so me. Though years of unhealthy eating and having as fast acting metabolism, I was totally fine. BUT then mixed in with being complacent and not realizing what I was eating was a BAD combo!
  • tiggerhammon
    tiggerhammon Posts: 2,211 Member
    Add me :)
    I am currently not trying to lose anymore, but hoping to keep the weight gain to a minimum. I have been on here awhile and lost 18lbs before discovering I was pregnant.
    This is a great place be and nice way to lose when you surround yourself by friends. Even though I am no longer attempting to lose, I don't want to leave cause I just absolutely love everyone here.
    I am on every day and would love to cheer you on. I will join you sometime mid next year, lol.
  • I agree...any single men reading this will now run in terror away from women because they know we will puff up and explode in layers of "comfy fat" as soon as we say "I do"! Poor guys... They can't win either way! A smart man would find a way to lovingly and delicately suggest daily exercise activities for the both of them to maintain when he sees the beginning stages of the weight gain....I think. Hmm. Idk. Hahaha like I said, they can't win either way. We just have to take it upon ourselves to form better habits and lose this unwanted baggage!

    All of your stories are making me laugh and I'm so glad I'm not in this alone. Now let's all lift our kilts and run around screaming FREEDOM!! No? Too much too soon? Okay well then we will do it when our thighs no longer scrape together with each step!!! :D
  • RCharlotteRose
    RCharlotteRose Posts: 20 Member
    while screaming "IT'S ALL YOUR FAULT".

    Serious question....
    Why is that?
    I get that a lot, and frankly it annoys me, that every time something goes wrong, I am the one blamed.....
    Even if I was not present, or had anything to do with it.....

    It's a get out of jail free card really. He has come to accept it and is quite happy just pretending to care.
    He does the exact same so it isn't a one way thing, I am completely happy to take the blame for lots of random things!
    It's a pretty good perk to being in a relationship = someone else to blame!!!
    Works for all sorts!
  • Kadoober
    Kadoober Posts: 289 Member
    I did the same thing! We met, fell in love, and began feeding each other all the things we love to make, taking each other to our favorite restaurants, and spending the weekends curled up on the couch with a plate of cheese and cured meats. The last time I was a '2' was when it had a 'T' after it, but I managed to get to the point where I was busting out of my 14's and decided it was time to put a stop to this nonsense!

    I hear you loud and clear on the 'room to grow' in the BF shirts, lol!

    (now I am really missing the plate of cheese and meats! Oy!)
  • tiggerhammon
    tiggerhammon Posts: 2,211 Member
    I agree...any single men reading this will now run in terror away from women because they know we will puff up and explode in layers of "comfy fat" as soon as we say "I do"! Poor guys... They can't win either way! A smart man would find a way to lovingly and delicately suggest daily exercise activities for the both of them to maintain when he sees the beginning stages of the weight gain....I think. Hmm. Idk. Hahaha like I said, they can't win either way. We just have to take it upon ourselves to form better habits and lose this unwanted baggage!

    All of your stories are making me laugh and I'm so glad I'm not in this alone. Now let's all lift our kilts and run around screaming FREEDOM!! No? Too much too soon? Okay well then we will do it when our thighs no longer scrape together with each step!!! :D

    My husband is a good man, a smart man. That's why he keeps his mouth shut.
    Lol, jk, but honestly, whenever I ask stupid questions like 'how much would you guess I weigh' he will say 'that is a trick question and is not fair of you to ask, I refuse to answer.'
    He says "I feel that I have no right to make comment on your weight or size. I do know that you have gained since we got married, but I can guarantee that I have gained more. Therefore, until I have done something about it myself, I am keeping my mouth shut."
  • mich608
    mich608 Posts: 9 Member
    I did the same thing... Got married in June and now I've gained tooooo much! Can't fit in my jeans either.. love that I found a guy that I can hang out in baggy sweat pants and sweatshirts and not feel "ugly", but I want to be able to put a tight pair of jeans on and not have my muffin top pop out!!! :)

    Feel free to add me! I'm on every day and comment on peoples statuses/acheivements!
  • krissielynn_87
    krissielynn_87 Posts: 59 Member
    I've been with my guy for 3 1/2 yrs. way too much weight gained on me. Trying to lose 40some pounds. I'm adding you :D
  • herzvonmir07
    herzvonmir07 Posts: 6 Member
    The same thing happened to me! When I started dating my fiance' four (going on five years ago) I was 140lbs. I don't know if it is the comfort or the constant date nights of ice cream, rich foods, cooking for more than one person to impress them, but I got up to 198 lbs! After 2 to 2 and a half years, I am finally back down to 163lbs. The weight is stubborn though! I want to be in the 150s by my wedding which is November 9.

    So, I am right there with you, girl! Feel free to add me! My dashboard is kind of dull because no one I have added posts anymore. I could use the motivation!
  • Chellody22
    Chellody22 Posts: 95 Member
    I love the way you write, you seem like a lot of fun! Sending you a FR, and anyone else can feel free to add me as well. :smile:
  • lisakay0x
    lisakay0x Posts: 46 Member
    I call this the "Jessica Simpson effect" (applies to me too! haha)

    When you're miserable, you get stick thin. When you're happy, you get voluptuous.
  • mkmitch3
    mkmitch3 Posts: 19 Member
    When I met my now husband in college, I gained 20 pounds in one year! Granted, when I met him I had just got out of a long term relationship and was very depressed. I started out below my 'normal' weight, but soon surpassed it and then some. When I looked at my thighs one day and realized how different my body had become I decided to make a change. The hard part for me was when told my now husband I had gained so much weight, he said "but there's nothing wrong with it, really. It makes me happy to know your so happy that you've put on weight! You're beautiful! I want you to be happy!". The fact that he was so body positive was super endearing, but it made it hard for me to come to terms with the fact that I was not happy with my weight. I was all "if my boyfriend likes it, who cares?'. But soon I decided that I preferred my 'normal' weight, and he's been just as supportive of that. He is now proud of me for becoming a runner, something I always disparaged as something I would only do when being chased! haha, But Yes, long story short- I cried when I couldn't button my skinny jeans, but I'm so happy that I take pride in being healthy for myself and my partner, and he does the same :) And when I was 'fat', even after I decided to make the change, I went shopping for pair of hot jeans, to feel good even in the transition.

    Sounds like a great guy.