
October 24, 2013 10:22 am
So I currently live in Taiwan, a country where everything is covered in oil and msg....I spend a lot of money of healthier foods so I can maintain my weight loss. When I first moved to Asia it seemed so easy to loose weight. But reflecting I know that this was mostly water weight and body shock. Going from a mostly sedentary day to a much more active day. I also stopped drinking soft drinks. I have changed a majority of my habits in the past 2 1/2 years and have lost 55 pounds. The issue is that for the past year I have hovered around the same weight. Gain a pound, lose a pound.

Who has plateaued and managed to break through that wall? What did you do?

I have changed up exercises on a regular basis and try to eat a variety of healthier foods. I feel great which is the most important thing, but still carrying around a gut that makes most believe there is no way this girl is an athlete.

Just confused about where to go from here.

I eat right, I don't always post it because on the weekends especially I am not on my computer a ton. But I generally eat about the same portions. I also measure and weigh my foods for the most part.

What else should I be doing???? My diary is open, but don't look at the exercise because its soooo inaccurate I don't put it on here too much.


  • Ninkyou
    Ninkyou Posts: 6,666 Member
    Log consistently and accurately. Every day. Also,, and I don't know if this is from lack of consistency or if you're really not eating, but you need to eat more. Some days you're not even meeting you 1200 calorie goal. That's not healthy. You should be eating 1200 calories consistently, everyday, if not more. If you're exercising, then you should be eating at least a portion of those calories back.

    Work on that and you should see some change.
  • Stage14
    Stage14 Posts: 1,046 Member
    If you haven't lost weight in a year, it sounds like you're eating at maintenance. Since your calorie count in your diary is too low to likely be maintenance, I get the feeling you are eating more than you think you are. If you weigh food, check the calibrations on your scale. Log everything you eat or drink, every day even on the weekends. The first step is making sure you know how much you are really eating. Then you can make changes from there.
  • wannehunter85
    I actually am just getting into the swing of tracking.....I tend to forget to add in my dinner because that is when I am prepping my meals for the next day.

    Yeah, a trainer friend of mine told me I wasn't eating enough....I can't stand plain white rice (living in Asia this is a problem) so I tend to lack on carbs a bit since its hard to find other substitutes. I did go to America and bring some things back with me. But its almost gone. So I eat a ton of veg and nicely proportioned proteins, but possibly not enough carbs.

    Its hard to find time to snack but its what I've been forcing myself to do. I bring a bag of different munchies for the day and run back and forth to eat them since I am not really supposed to eat in front of my students which where I am for about 10 hours out of the day.

    What is the general opinion. I usually get up in the mornings and run. Some people say eat before you workout (at least something small) some say eat protein directly after followed by carbs about 30 minutes after. Not sure what most people in my situation have had more success with.
  • Stage14
    Stage14 Posts: 1,046 Member
    Why do you think you aren't getting enough carbs? From what I can see in your diary, you're getting PLENTY (at least on the days you log). Even on days you eat under your 1200 mark, you get 70-100g of carbs.
  • wannehunter85
    This is mainly because I have pushing to find more things to eat with carbs such as whole wheat cous cous. But these are things I have brought back with me from the states. The supply is running low. I am very accurate on the days I post what I eat. But I know once I use up my supply it will be hard for me to maintain those carb levels. Whole wheat products are rare to find here unless you pay for whole wheat flour and bake it yourself. But most kitchens, like mine, have no baking is out.
  • wannehunter85
    for example today....this is literally what I ate today. I felt like I was eating all day to make it to 1227......I could up my calorie count by eating more Taiwanese food, but I really don't care for the cuisine. Mostly pork, fatty (like chunks of fat in broth), and oil heavy. Any suggestions on eating more good calories?
  • MistyMtnMan
    MistyMtnMan Posts: 527 Member
    Use this. It totally changed my life and i was stuck for over a year!
  • firstsip
    firstsip Posts: 8,399 Member
    This is mainly because I have pushing to find more things to eat with carbs such as whole wheat cous cous. But these are things I have brought back with me from the states. The supply is running low. I am very accurate on the days I post what I eat. But I know once I use up my supply it will be hard for me to maintain those carb levels. Whole wheat products are rare to find here unless you pay for whole wheat flour and bake it yourself. But most kitchens, like mine, have no baking is out.

    Are you very accurate? Are you weighing your food?

    In regards to your question about eating before/after workouts--it's really dependent on you. Some people have more energy, and thus are able to work harder, at their workouts eating 30 minutes before. Others find working out fasted is best for them.

    There's no need to over-complicate things with timing. If you're stuck, it's time to focus on generally what's the main culprit for weight: calories.
  • wannehunter85
    I actually found this it accurate to say you should eat 1 gram of protein per pound? Is this goal weight or current weight? Because I don't know if even with protein powders I drink I could eat 171 grams of protein a day.
  • ilovescarymovies
    ilovescarymovies Posts: 202 Member
    try for bigger portions of the healthy vegetables. good luck :)
  • wannehunter85
    This is mainly because I have pushing to find more things to eat with carbs such as whole wheat cous cous. But these are things I have brought back with me from the states. The supply is running low. I am very accurate on the days I post what I eat. But I know once I use up my supply it will be hard for me to maintain those carb levels. Whole wheat products are rare to find here unless you pay for whole wheat flour and bake it yourself. But most kitchens, like mine, have no baking is out.

    Are you very accurate? Are you weighing your food?

    In regards to your question about eating before/after workouts--it's really dependent on you. Some people have more energy, and thus are able to work harder, at their workouts eating 30 minutes before. Others find working out fasted is best for them.

    There's no need to over-complicate things with timing. If you're stuck, it's time to focus on generally what's the main culprit for weight: calories.

    Honestly the timing for me isn't a big big issue. I have to wake up about 5am to work out before I go to work and still have time for shower and meal packing. So if I wake up late then breakfast just comes after.

    Yes, I have a scale that is accurate and calibrated and I weigh everything before I pack it up so I know how much I am eating. I have been steaming everything for the past couple of weeks with the exception of chicken. But with the amount I'm eating I feel pretty satisfied on the hunger scale....don't know how much more I COULD eat.
  • MistyMtnMan
    MistyMtnMan Posts: 527 Member
    Well you need to go through the whole calculator 5to get your macros. If you did that and it's saying you need 171 grams of protein a day than that's what I'd shoot for. I would just make sure you are getting the majority of your calories from protein and fat first, then get in your carbs. Let me know if you have any questions.
  • wannehunter85
    thanks......I will give it a try. eggs and nuts are fairly easy to get around here. I will try adding in more eggs to the diet. :)
  • Stage14
    Stage14 Posts: 1,046 Member
    Yes, but specifically why are you trying to maintain a high carb diet? There's nothing wrong with it, but unless you are an endurance athlete, it's not really needed. And many people find high carb diets to be harder to lose weight on. So, if weight loss is your goal, why the stress to try and eat so many carbs?
  • wannehunter85
    I don't know really. I don't think its I want high-card....I wouldn't burn them off as quickly as I eat them. But they do tend to be higher in calories than lean fish and whole grains are pretty good source of fiber which is also something i try to think about. I'm still new to the idea of really planning meals since I just moved a few months back and have a kitchen. Just trying to get all my ducks in a row. :)

    ohhh its late here thanks for the advice, keep anything coming that has been successful. Bed time for me gotta an early morning run session.