How long should I stay at 1200 Calories ?



  • No_Finish_Line
    No_Finish_Line Posts: 3,661 Member
    till lunch
  • deksgrl
    deksgrl Posts: 7,237 Member
    till lunch

  • 2bassets
    2bassets Posts: 193 Member
    I assumed that MFP would adjust your calories as you lost weight. Am I wrong?
  • deksgrl
    deksgrl Posts: 7,237 Member
    I assumed that MFP would adjust your calories as you lost weight. Am I wrong?

    MFP simply deducts a flat amount of calories based on how many pounds per week you say you want to lose. As you lose weight, you need to readjust the amount of calories per week. You can't lose 2 pounds per week when you don't have a lot of weight to lose.
  • Confuzzled4ever
    Confuzzled4ever Posts: 2,860 Member
    i lose best around 1500-1600 calories.. you're not eating enough..
  • frozen2late
    frozen2late Posts: 13 Member
    Yes but what kind of work outs are you doing?

    I am sooo strict with how I measure. I use a scale and create my own meals.

    I also think the problem is that I eat pretty much the same thing everyday.
  • deksgrl
    deksgrl Posts: 7,237 Member
    Why would you eat only the bare minimum if you didn't have to? And I'm not talking about gluttony or enjoyment here. For your body to perform at peak, you need to fuel it.
  • dbmata
    dbmata Posts: 12,950 Member
    I am reaching 1 year of eating 1200 calories and I recently stopped eating back my workout calories because I stopped losing. I am still 10 lbs away from my goal weight.
    I know that it is common for the last ten pounds to go but any advice on what I can do differently. The scale hasn't budged in weeks.

    I am vegetarian. I work out 3-4 times a week for one hour doing Spin class or running. Any tips are appreciated!!

    1200 seems really high.
  • QuietBloom
    QuietBloom Posts: 5,413 Member
    i lose best around 1500-1600 calories.. you're not eating enough..

    It depends on how tall she is. We are not all created equal. I love how when someone posts that they have been accurately counting calories and losing weight, until they reach a plateau, they are told to EAT MORE. Uh - no. It's physics. If she is no longer losing weight by eating back all her exercise calories she has probably been over estimating her burn all this time, and has now reached homeostasis. Time to start eating back only SOME of the exercise calories to start back up the weight loss process.
  • JoJo__Fit
    JoJo__Fit Posts: 258 Member
    Start increasing those calories ASAP, Increase by 150 calories every 2 weeks, it's a process don't rush into it you have to rebuild your metabolism. Your body has adjusted to not being efficient anymore, That's why you haven't been able to drop those last 10lbs

    You need to shock your body, why don't you start lifting weights a couple times out of the week, take it easy on the spinning and running and increase your calories gradually and see what happens :)
  • QuietBloom
    QuietBloom Posts: 5,413 Member
    I'm going to give it one more go, and then I'll leave the thread as it is being taken over by broscience.

    OP has been losing steadily at 1200 cals and eating back her workout calories. Great, there is a deficit and fat is being lost.

    OP nears the last 9 or 10 lbs, and suddenly the weight loss stops. What is the most logical explanation? There is no longer being a deficit created, because OP has lost weight, and must adjust according in order to again CREATE A DEFICIT. Eating below 1200 isn't something we can recommend, so how best to create that deficit? OP had the right idea in the beginning of the thread: Stop eating back her exercise calories.

    If you are not losing weight, there is not a deficit occurring. Stop the magical thinking, and for GOD'S sake, stop telling her to eat more. She'll be back wondering why she is gaining weight again.

    Lifting is fine. Great even. Just make sure you keep that calorie deficit going.


    Over and out! My work here is DONE!
  • GingerLolita
    GingerLolita Posts: 738 Member
    Try to adjust your MFP goal to a slower weight loss. My weight loss stalled for months, so I reduced my loss to a half pound per week and I'm losing again, just slowly. It's highly unlike that 1200 calories doesn't create a deficit for you; figure out your maintenance calories and you should notice a big difference! Those last five or ten pounds just won't come off as quickly, so set MFP to lose one or a half pound per week. I hope that helps.
  • Confuzzled4ever
    Confuzzled4ever Posts: 2,860 Member
    Yes but what kind of work outs are you doing?

    I am sooo strict with how I measure. I use a scale and create my own meals.

    I also think the problem is that I eat pretty much the same thing everyday.

    I run, do combat, zumba and other classes, lift heavy and play ultimate frisbee. I eat more (or try very hard to) on the heavy exercise days. I try to never net below 1200 although I do sometimes. Ultimate frisbee days are hard.. because the burns a **** load of calories.
  • frozen2late
    frozen2late Posts: 13 Member
    Thanks for all of this feedback! It is very helpful and I have learned a lot.

    Here is what I have learned:

    Change my workout to be more strength training and less cardio driven.

    Add some extra calories or eat back SOME of my workout calories to give myself more fuel.