Anybody else here with social anxiety?



  • Dougf90
    Dougf90 Posts: 95 Member
    Yes, losing the weight helped a little but it still freaks me out being around people. I can workout for 90 minutes and still have more energy than I do after being around people for just 30 minutes... it's draining.

    Not sure if it will honestly get better without professional help, xanax has helped me in the past.
  • dakotababy
    dakotababy Posts: 2,406 Member
    You know...I made the connection like maybe 2 years ago that I have undiagnosed anxiety. I link it back to a **** ton of childhood drama and harsh criticisms from my parents. I later thought I had developed social anxiety...I hated going anywhere...and being in crowded areas caused me to go into minor panic attacks.

    Today, still undiagnosed...I get major panic attacks for no linked reasons, but I have contributed my social anxiety to my self esteem and poor body image. This is one reason why I want to look HOT so I don't feel so insecure around a group of people. :)

    I hope all the best on your journey. Start making your connections to what specifically triggers the panic when it happens and hopefully you will learn from it :)
  • AnnaMolly17
    AnnaMolly17 Posts: 91 Member
    I think facing your fears is the best way to get over something that makes you anxious. The more social situations you try and face, the more you will realize that it really isn't too big a deal, and feel more comfortable with situations. It's like the weight room for me. At first I felt really awkward and out of place, but the more I went, the more comfortable I felt.

    Best of luck to you!
  • CynthiasChoice
    CynthiasChoice Posts: 1,047 Member
  • Cait_Sidhe
    Cait_Sidhe Posts: 3,150 Member
    Necropost, but yes. I've been struggling with this my entire life. Online I talk and I'm interactive. In real life, unless I know you really well, I don't talk.
  • paulperryman
    paulperryman Posts: 839 Member
    You are not alone, tho i can socialise with people on the internet and people who socialise with me, i find it almost impossible to approach people and definately not start a conversation most of the time (occasionaly like a split personality i have no issues) but the majority of the time my mouth clams up and my brain thinks of nothing to say other then negative thoughts.

    So i've spent most of my life avoiding close group parties and if i do i'll sit quietly in a corner.

    Alot of that could come from physical birth defects that made me a target for bullies most of my 40year life and even taken advantage of by so called best friends so i don't trust anyone. However if i know you well enough i'd get comfortable and open up it jsut takes alot to get there and easy to revert is the slightest thing goes ary.
  • EngineerPrincess
    EngineerPrincess Posts: 306 Member
    Me. I used to have such extreme anxiety, I was home-schooled and rarely hung out with anyone or did anything where I had to interact with people. Then, I went WAY out of my comfort zone in college, joined all the clubs, forced myself to meet everyone on my floor, went up for jobs that forced me to interact with people...was I uncomfortable? HECK yes. But it eventually got better. MUCH better. And now I love people, and the anxiety comes less and less. It really is just practice. But sometimes I still do just need to hide in my room with my laptop and my cat, which is okay too. Because now I know when I have to be social it's not so anxiety causing as it used to be.
  • Alexfit12
    Alexfit12 Posts: 54
    I've had the same problem for many years, and sometimes still do. What helped me was a bunch of audioprograms about getting of shyness and social anxiety. I kept listening to them, till eventually I got addicted to audiobooks and slowly graduated to NLP, personal development and other types of those books.

    Now I'm doing pretty well and I'm working as a business negotiation trainer of all things. I still have moments when I go to the toilet just to have a moment of quiet to myself and on days I have to do group work from 9am to 10pm I feel overwhelmed. But considering how scared I used to be of any social gathering, I know I've made huge improvements.

    You may think this is bull****, but hypnosis recordings have also helped me. And hypnosis doesn't work as you might think or see on tv. If a pleasant voice is whispering in your ear every night that you're great and you can do this, eventually you start to believe it!

    You can add me if you need some advice or want me to suggest some audiobooks that might helps. You just put your headphones in and listen. And most of the time you feel better about yourself and what you're going through, because you learn to understand it, to accept it, and eventually to conquer it.
  • grrrlface
    grrrlface Posts: 1,204 Member
    I was really bad with social anxiety for years. I'm getting better but sometimes some situations are overwhelming, I blush a lot when I talk to new people, sometimes I can't handle being at college because I become nervous for no reason.

    I found what helped me was when I started losing weight. Exercise helps so much, its unbelievable. Uses excess energy and gives you self confidence! I find that if I don't exercise one day I start over thinking and worry more.
  • CactusF1ower
    CactusF1ower Posts: 174 Member
    Bumping for a loved one that suffers from this took
  • shaunap3
    shaunap3 Posts: 206 Member
    I used to be like that a long time ago. Looking back I think a combination of situations and just life in general pushed me to "get over" my social anxiety. Don't get me wrong, I still get EXTREMELY tense and emotional in a lot of situations. But I've found that if I psych myself up before hand and try to get excited about something it gets easier, or I bring a buddy. Also, I've been working in the food industry for the past 9 years. When I first started I wanted to quit every shift because I felt so stupid and scared all of the time. But repetition and eventually getting to a "I just don't CARE" point helped. You could also try talking with a doctor about trying medication. I was on Celexa and some other 'use as needed' med for panic attacks. They work...kind of. But after 2 years I decided to pretend they were my training wheels and got off of them, and thankfully in my case it worked out that way. Once off of them I felt more confident in most situations and better understood how my body could function in stressful situations. I wish you luck. It's a tough road, but don't ever feel alone or stupid. MOST people get anxious in social settings, some just play it off better than others. <3
  • pixish
    pixish Posts: 79 Member
    School was the worst time for me. There aren't many teachers who seemed to understand at all, and I feel that the education system undervalues introverts.

    I have improved somewhat as I have gotten older, small things definitely helped my confidence. Getting my licence, getting a job, etc, however I still have panic attacks sometimes and I don't go to many places on my own. I have in the last year managed to go to the corner shop by myself which is a great achievement for me! I also, for whatever reason, seem to do better in crisis situations - when I need to help someone else.

    From everything that I have read from other sufferers though, it's always going to be a very individual journey and you're going to have to try and experiment with what works best for you. Breathing exercises sometimes help me to control the panic, however therapy was not my 'thing' - I didn't respond well at all. I also don't find a lot of self help stuff very helpful, but many others have achieved a lot of success!

    One suggestion I saw, was to LOOK at yourself in the mirror and talk to yourself every day. Look around until you find a solution that you're comfortable with - maybe even go to see your doctor :) Good luck!
  • leotardbanshee
    leotardbanshee Posts: 92 Member
    I have it. And let me tell you…. Using alcohol is not the way to self medicate. My therapist taught me some breathing techniques that help. There are positive coping methods out there :)
  • leotardbanshee
    leotardbanshee Posts: 92 Member
    I generally get anxiety at stores or Airports the dmv etc. One exercise my therapist told me about is sensory. Bringing your thoughts to the present moment by observing with all 5 senses. What do I taste touch hear feel see. Realizing you are in the present forgetting worries about past and future. Eckhart tolle writes a lot about living in the present moment and his work is uplifting :)
  • lil_pulp
    lil_pulp Posts: 701 Member
    Yep. Therapy--started for other issues--has helped amazingly. But I feel like I wasted years (and, obviously, so much money) with a bunch of previous therapists, sometimes because they weren't able to guide me to what we needed to talk about and sometimes because I was not willing to do the work necessary to discover and discuss the roots of my anxiety. I still struggle with it, but am making progress and feel very hopeful that anxiety won't be such a presence in my future as it has been in my past.
  • h9dlb
    h9dlb Posts: 243 Member
    I've had it since a child (I'm in my mid 40's now) and it sucks.

    I hate social situations, cancel at the last minute, cancel on the few friends I have. In fact I really don't have any friends. I never had many friends as a child and people generally think I'm ignorant - but I'm not - just crushingly shy! Also lost my wife (and child) because of it.

    Counseling was a waste of time and Mirtazapine hasn't helped,so I just muddle on.
  • mank32
    mank32 Posts: 1,323 Member
    my social anxiety was never crippling (i.e. prevented me me from critical life functions) but it just made life hell. I was a painfully shy child and teen, and only started really learning how to talk to ppl comfortably as a late teen/young adult.

    regular exercise and the physical/mental/emotion wellness that comes along with it has been the most effective treatment for everything that's ailed me, including depression and anxiety. i think just feeling better about myself in general is what dialed back the SA. i still have my moments, and i'm still an introvert and occasional wallflower, but i'm not getting pegged as 'the shy girl' anymore, which is cool.

    also there is this herb i know about that they say works incredibly well for SA, but it's not FDA approved...
  • Shan790
    Shan790 Posts: 280 Member
    Yes I suffer from it. I've been taking medication and it has helped I haven't had a true panic attack for a while but really I still avoid situations out of fear of having a panic attack and messing up my "good" run of time. It's hard people really don't understand it. I also suffer from Ménière's disease and too often I can easily escape situations by blaming the Ménière's for not feeling well etc. it has made it all to easy to avoid going out.
  • chelseascounter
    chelseascounter Posts: 1,283 Member
    I hate my anxiety. I'm able to look calm and collected on the outside but the inside I feel soooo awkward.
  • Smiling_Sara
    Smiling_Sara Posts: 203 Member
    bump for later reading. I have debilitating social anxiety. And I"m looking for any kind of ideas to help me escape this prison.
  • bethanytowell
    bethanytowell Posts: 256 Member
    A majority of you don’t know me in real life. But for those that do probably don’t know this. I suffer from anxiety. It makes it really hard to talk to and be around people. Lately, it’s been getting worse and I can’t spend full weeks at school without getting anxious and having to skip class and not even go on some days .
    Being around people is a lot or for a long time is really exhausting and takes a lot out of me. Most people I physically cannot talk to or hold a conversation with....
    I start blushing uncontrollably when I get anxious. I hate being in a classroom or a setting where there is a lot of light, and people. I do not like being recognized, and love sitting all the way in the back away from people that like to participate a lot and from the fear of being called on..
    Anybody else going through similar stuff? Any remedies?

    I spent many years this way without even realizing it. I made up my mind one day when i started a new job that i would "fake it till i made it". And it has worked. I still repeat that to myself in situations to this day. Its been 5 years and i am so much better than i ever was before. Your mind will believe whatever you tell it. Just remember "Fake it 'till ya make it!" I faked confidence. I faked comfortablilty. I faked it all. And now, I HAVE IT ALL! woo hoo!
  • Wpatart
    Wpatart Posts: 18 Member
    Unfortunately I can totally relate, I have not left the house in 3 months (no joke).
    I can tell you from experience that if you give in to it it will take over your life and become more difficult to overcome.
    I'm so sorry you are going through this but I must say I feel a little better knowing that I am not the only one out there.
    Best of luck to you, don't give up!
  • chilicoco
    chilicoco Posts: 22 Member
    bump to read later