
nhendri Posts: 236 Member
Ok so i have been on this journey since Augest of 2008. I started with weight watcher @215 lbs and lost 15lbs. I found mfp 1 1/2 yrs ago, since then I have gotten down to 183. I have now been in the 180's for 6 months. I had my goals set to loose 2 pds a week 1200 calories a day with 3 days of 20 min excersize (I tried eating my excersize cals and not). I know I am stuck because I have not been puting in 110%. I can always give excuses for not giving it my all like "Im a single mom working full time attending school part time and just done have the time". Blah Blah Blah my excuses are like a buttholes we all have one and they all stink!!!! I have had the same goals since I started. So I have decided that I will try to loose 1/2 lbs a week and excersize 10 min everymorning (this is a min. starting out small). I know I can do at least ten min of walking, dancing or stairs everymorning. Just wondering if anyone has had success with making such a big switch? I am nervous I will gain but know I have to do something differant and decreasing calories did not make sense!! Suggestions and comments are welcome.



  • turbojanem
    starting out small will help. if you only have 10 minutes, you need to make the best of it. there are programs (one on my web site) that are for those like yourself that want to lose but have limited time. it IS possible to lose weight with just ten minutes and healthy choices.
    i would like to challenge you to 30 days of 10 minutes with good eating programs. if you don't like the results, return the DVD that you have been doing in your home at your convenience.
    ALL of us need to be matter how much we move, how great we eat, we all can improve.
    add me as a friend and i will cheer you on!!!
    you CAN and WILL be healthier for tending to your body.
  • MissAnjy
    MissAnjy Posts: 2,480 Member
    I've made changes. I do what works for me. I'm a mother of (nearly) 2 year old twin boys who also suffer from Cystic Fibrosis. Aside from caring for them, I also work. I know your struggles! I totally hear you on those. Anything you can do to incorporate your kids into your exercise is going to be beneficial for you!! Who said exercise HAD to be going to the gym? lifting weights? running for hours on a treadmill? It doesn't!! There are MANY days where I don't have the time to run on a treadmill because I'm with my children, or I don't have time to do a workout DVD because my childrens demands are more important, however, those are the days that I take my children for walks, encourage my children to run to the park, run around the park. I push them in a stroller. If you have to go to the store with your kids (depending on ages) walk to the store, push them in a stroller to the store etc instead of driving. This is all exercise!!! OR, while your kids are playing, run up and down the stairs a few times. There are SO many things we can do to get our heart rate going and to exercise!! Do lunges while making supper for the kids. It may look ridiculous, but it's all exercise!! These are things I do/have tried/continue and I've lost 20lbs so far. I've never been to a gym. :)
  • msstonediva
    msstonediva Posts: 31 Member
    hi, congrats on your weight loss so far... since you've seem to hit a Plateau u may want to increase your exercise to 30-45 min a day and change up the routine... example doing weight training or core work. doing some form of exercise everyday is important but a friend of mine told me that if you’re going to work out u have to give it your all if you can do 20 min u may as well go 30 min because it’s not until after 20 min of working out that your body goes into fat burning mode. So work towards doing 30 consecutive min daily...

    good luck
  • girliegirl1822
    girliegirl1822 Posts: 164 Member