Does exercise ever get fun?



  • KellySue67
    KellySue67 Posts: 1,006 Member
    I think it's already been said, but find something that you like to do, or get some good tunes to listen to. Helps to pass the time! I love to walk outdoors so when the weather has been nicer it has been great, but now it is getting colder and while I don't mind the machines at the gym, they can get a bit monotonous. I sometimes try to look at it as a count down instead of how long I have been on the machine. I look forward to the halfway point, five minutes left, and so on! I also remember why it is that I am going through all of this. Hope it helps!
  • CleanEats4AppleCheeks
    Yes! I have made it point to make friends with people I admire physically at the gym. I love working out with a partner or in a group. Now that I have my circle of friends at the gym its always fun walking in. Plus it keeps me accountable. It is especially fun meeting my next goal, lifting heavier, running faster, the list goes on:) Plus whats better then the endorphins that kick in during and after your workout???
  • _DoingMe_
    I don't know that it gets "fun". I mean, not like a day at the beach fun.

    But, it will get easier and you will start to find the non weight related effects fun. It's hell trying to get myself to do it sometimes, but knowing how I'll feel afterwards is enough of a reason for me.
  • shanahz
    shanahz Posts: 261 Member
    I have never been a fan of exercising. I turn bright red, sweat a lot and I am easily out of breath. So I recently joined Curves and I love it. It is a circuit set in a circle. You go around the circle twice and you're done in 30 minutes. A little recording tells you to change stations every 30 seconds. Most days I am done exercising before I know it. I always feel uncomfortable at the gym and I never know what to do. I like Curves because it gives me the machines I need to work on. I feel comfortable going there. I am out of shape and it is the perfect starting point for me. Maybe after I get in shape I might look into other exercise avenues, but for now this is my perfect fit. I am starting off easy, not over extending myself and it isn't overwhelming.
  • leaaa92
    leaaa92 Posts: 164 Member
    Did you ever start liking exercise?
    How long before it got "easier"?
    What keeps you going back to the gym for more?

    I only "like" exercise when it's an exercise I actually enjoy. For example, like others have said, I'm not a runner. I hate running, but I absolutely love TurboKick and Kickboxing classes. When those aren't available I try changing it up, going to yoga or zumba. If I must, I stay on the elliptical for 30 to 60 minutes.

    It gets easier after you consistently do the workouts, but it shouldn't be "easy." As it feels like you're not really breaking a sweat, try upping the intensity.

    RESULTS are definitely a big part of my returning to the gym every other day. Not just on the scale, but the way my clothes are fitting too. I think once you see progress, you're going to keep pushing for more progress! :)
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    I don't know that it gets "fun". I mean, not like a day at the beach fun.

    But, it will get easier and you will start to find the non weight related effects fun. It's hell trying to get myself to do it sometimes, but knowing how I'll feel afterwards is enough of a reason for me.

    See, the 'afterwards feelings' I have yet to find and it's been 9 months. All I can feel afterwards is tired and sore... and I've tried a lot of different things!
  • cenafan
    cenafan Posts: 398 Member
    I love going to the gym now. I plan around it to make sure I get to my fav classes. Body Combat and Step are my favs (not coordinated enough for Zumba). And absolutely LOVE yoga. I tolerate treadmills and elipticals but would prefer to be outside. I have to have a movie on to make the time pass on machines.
  • star5785
    star5785 Posts: 140
    The actual exercise doesn't get easier but I love the feeling afterwards, the runner's high. That's what motivates me.
  • ramsx1991
    ramsx1991 Posts: 142 Member
    I have been exercising since the end of June... So, about 4 months or so I believe. I have just started liking it within the past month. I started out walking, then I found love for Zumba, then I found love for running. Still to this day I HATE strength training... I don't look forward to it at all. I've tried to make it fun but haven't found the way for me yet.

    You will get there! Just keep pushing.

    Oh, and I haven't stepped foot in a gym in 8 years. I work out from home!
  • megsmom2
    megsmom2 Posts: 2,362 Member
    Ive found I really enjoy my time on the elliptical, and also walking outdoors. Its a few minutes of total "me" time...I can listen to some music privately and just follow my own thoughts, and I like how I feel comfortably tired after a good sweaty walk or session. Surprised me too!
  • Siansonea
    Siansonea Posts: 917 Member
    Bleah, I hate exercise. That's why I don't do it. :bigsmile:
  • mattreadfx
    mattreadfx Posts: 50 Member
    I hate exercise but it's a sure fire way of dropping weight if managed with a well balanced healthy diet
  • PippiNe
    PippiNe Posts: 283 Member
    As everyone has said finding something you enjoy doing (not dread) is key. So is choosing the place you want to work out. I love being able to work out at home. I'm not a gym kind of person, I don't like someone watching me exercise. If I run outdoors, I usually do it at night or early morning when it's just me and nature. But some people prefer the company of others and would rather work out where other people are there for support etc. If you don't like an exercise, you will likely not stick with it very long. You have to find something you don't dread doing :o)
  • VoodooAborisha
    VoodooAborisha Posts: 147 Member
    What they said. Pick something you enjoy. So I do Samba or Bellydance DVD's. After a couple of weeks of panting and feeling like I was going to die, you start to look forward to it, even miss it if you can't do it (because you start to feel better, sleep better, be more relaxed, and less stress after you start working out for a week or two). So got inspired to go further.

    Picked a Jillian Michaels DVD (30 day shred) circuit training because it's only 20 minutes, and I know that in 3 years from now, I will still be willing to do a 20 minute DVD every day. I know that in 3 years from now I will NOT be willing to go to a gym, and certainly not do elliptical trainers or any machine like that. So I have started with things I am willing to do, either because they are fun or short enough to where the thought of it doesn't discourage me, and they have become things that I LOVE to do. So now I do more, and have tried things normally that would have really turned me off from exercise.

    I even love doing the 20 min Jillian Michaels circuit training - I can't believe I like it - that's not me! But I do!. After a couple of weeks, you'll start to NOTICE that it is getting easier, then after the 3rd or 4th week, you start to see results in your body. That got me so excited I ordered another of her DVD's.

    I have been essentially sedentary since 1996, but now I LOVE to exercise. Because I only do my quick 20 min every day, or something I love like dancing. Pick something you think you can maintain for a long time - years - then when you start to LOVE it, you will be inspired to do more/harder/longer.
  • yogasync
    Yes, I think doing exercise is great fun. Yoga is one of the most popular forms of meditation and exercise that is widely accepted across the world. If you want to learn yoga, then the most advantage way to learn yoga is to learn it online.
  • kitsiekitty
    It depends, really. I can dance for HOURS, and i mean hours cause I've had 8 hour dance training 3 days in a row before, and while i felt exhausted, I never got tired of it.

    On the other hand, when its off season for my dance team, I have to run to keep my weight in a managable range without dying of starvation at the stuff I want to eat... and I absolutely hate running. I hate it, but I do it anyway.

    So yeah, to sound like abroken record, just find something you like doing, and it'll be fun! :D
  • alisonlynn1976
    alisonlynn1976 Posts: 929 Member
    I hated going to the gym at first, and now I enjoy it. The key is to find a kind of exercise that's fun for you, and variety also helps.
  • Jenifer_Duron
    To me, exercise is always fun! I enjoy every bit of it whether it's yoga, meditation, swimming, cycling or anything else!
    It will be fun for you as well when you will start thinking like; "I want to do this" instead of "I have to do this".
  • cafeaulait7
    cafeaulait7 Posts: 2,459 Member
    Some of the weight lifting I do I don't enjoy because it's hard and hurts (not the injury kind), lol! That's where results come into it for me. I don't always get excited at the thought of doing those particular moves; that's for sure.

    Then I have things I enjoy and want to do, so I incorporate 'my routines' together that have both. I don't skip the bothersome ones, and they are over with fast enough, and that's that :) I end up enjoying the day's workout every time. I also have to add in the convenience/habit factor since last time I got in great shape I spent so much time in the gym. That stopped being possible, so now I have a home setup that means it's impossible to worry about the drive time, lol.

    I also start a lot of my workouts listening to/halfway watching shows I like on TV. It's super easy to fit into my habits with no excuses. Then I'm into it and good to go for the rest of the workout that can't be done by a TV! Hey, it works for me :D I'm one of those people who has a hard time getting started in my workouts many days but who gets into it once I'm doing it.
  • lannasster
    In my opinion, it's all mental and that is why so many people give up after a certain amount of time. I am definitely guilty of this. After I graduated high school and was no longer involved in sports and dance, I welcomed the lazy days I had. I quit exercising and gained a lot of weight.

    After the first 40 pounds or so, I tried to start workouts again but I just wasn't into it. Nothing I tried was fun to me. I hated exercising. I dreaded my workouts (no matter what it was) and would rather play bingo in a nursing home than go to the gym. I gave up after 3 months.

    Two years later, I found myself in the right mental state. I was super motivated to start up exercising again because I missed how I looked in high school. My best friend had just received her certification for personal training and was looking better than ever. I was jealous. I wanted to look amazing too. I started weight lifting and would push myself every single day to lift heavier. I surrounded myself with people who motivate me. I was constantly around college athletes and people who run multiple marathons every year, so that made me want to get active too. I want people to look at me and say, "Wow, I wish I had her body." That's what keeps me going back to the gym every day.